Alchemical Revision and Pre-potential Revision of Sexual Trauma

I’m wondering if this would help with our own self sexual “abuse” as well. Like from porn and masturbation, etc.


I believe so. Plus the pre-potential aspect, so many use cases here.


Man that’s so great.


Thank you Dreamweaver.

I’ve been thinking about the Alchemical Revision series the past several days, and even went through 2 of them the last two days. I was going to do the alchemical revision of trauma today, specifically for root/sacral areas, and then this. Amazing


I’ve found crucible of stored trauma to help with the physical (pain) abuse.

Just after one play, this alchemical revision feels more wholesome and deeply rooted.


You can try sending intent to your ancestral line via Honored Ancestors

I’m warning you though… it might be intense

Things like this may be applied through the other alchemicals as well


I´ve thought mainly about what happened to me and my siblings, but great idea.:+1:

Any kind of serious healing seems to affect my family in one way or another.

This could make a 180 turn for all of us.

It would be amazing to clear it for good…


Is this also for bad sexual memories, energies and bad sexual experiences in general?

I’m asking since bad sexual experiences ,depending on the severity , can inflict something like a traumatic memory themself.




i adore your work @Captain_Nemo ! thank you for your efford, your time and thank you that you care!


It’s still there though. Not removed. It’s because of imposed limits on Patreon i believe


Yes more of this please🙏🏾


Dream kept working despite all.

Big boss :mechanical_arm:


Thank you eternally @Captain_Nemo


This came at a perfect time I was actually thinking last night while meditating about how things like porn really affected my life from a early childhood and distorted my view on love & relationships. I think I was maybe 8 or 9 when I first was exposed to that stuff & I remember me and my cousin was watching caliou on the pbs kids channel and when it ended we scrolled through our channel list and by mistake found the adult channel and saw things I didn’t understand yet I felt like I was put in a trance while I saw naked women and men doing the nasty and was feeling energized sexually even though I don’t think I had hit puberty yet. As I got older I felt like porn defined what love and relationships were and one day my parents walked in on me watching the korn on my computer and felt paralyzed with fear lol. They told me if I ever went on that site again that I would go to hell and that really haunted me and I kinda feel that’s when I began to suppress my own sexual desires and would feel guilty for being attracted to girls at my school. I have since never been in a relationship and felt content being single but I feel this field will change my perspective on that. Thank you dream for this creation I have always felt weird talking about things like sexual desires but I feel this will resolve my beliefs around that. I pray everyone have a blessed day :heart:


For the longest time I had felt like I was in the dark regarding sexuality and it’s due to wrong choices back when I was just too young to even know what I was doing, it was always with me growing up and I felt like I had no voice or support with me and that’s why I was so excited to see this released🤗


Besides Blueprint of Life and (Alchemical) Blueprint of the Past, this is singularly one of the most influential (audio) fields in my personal experience. It’s been pivotal in restoration of my life. Even after such a short amount of time.

Generations of repression and suppression can be harmful. I didn’t even know (or wasn’t that aware of) until I left my family/hometown and came back nearly a decade later. I could see/feel the disharmony and imbalances. And I felt that I had done so much in those years and the present, but understood that there was still what I had been born into and grew up with. Caladrius, Alchemical Revision and Pre-potential Revision…and new (restored) life.

Thank you so much :heavy_heart_exclamation:


not having a voice or support, I could relate a lot to that. My voice would be “off” most of the time growing up. I’m glad we, and more will continue to find this field.


We’ve all been there man.

Hopefully the collective can heal from this altogether.

A unison in growth.


Is it still up? If so I’ll see about joining the premium tier.

If I’m to be perfectly blunt, for me sexuality has always felt more than anything like a big ugly growth that appears at puberty and that I can’t ever get rid of (yes, I know perfectly well that I’m the result of my parents’ sexualities - I don’t care about others’, it’s mine that I have a problem with). I feel genuine dread when I’m flirted with. As far as I can remember I’ve never had any sexual abuse or anything like that (in fact, I’ve never had any sexual experiences at all with another person), and I wasn’t raised religiously, but I’ve always had a very troubled relationship with sexuality.