Alchemy of Love

Lol. Yes, I have a weird logic sometimes.

Divine or Love are probably not things to be dissected and categorized in A, B, C, etc. On the other hand, our limited humanish perception mostly functions like this, it seems. In order to make it easier… (or harder, depends).

Plus, the official descriptions of these fields say: “various concepts”.

So with Attract Love, I attract a random guy’s love for example. Even if my Higher-whatever knows that the guy is also a part of the Divine… (1)

… I don’t go to this guy when I want to have an experience of the Divine. Instead, I go to a temple or try to connect with Arcturians, etc. You see what I mean? (2)

Then, I am supercharged with love. So I send it back to the Universe or whatever, because it’s not a unilateral process. (3)

And finally, as a human, I say “let’s spare some for myself hehe”. (4)

But at the end of the day, the 4 tracks are probably not dissociable.


I really… love… your explanation :)

I’ve always though of the unconditional love one as been toward myself AND the reality around me

I tend to think this too, probably with the only exception of the 1st (to me it seems included/side effect of the other 3)


Your interpretation suits better the essence of love, I think :) All interconnected.

Because despite what I wrote above, I can also have a divine experience looking at that guy’s eyes or an ant walking on the grass… anything.

So I change sometimes the order of the tracks or focus specifically on only 1 or 2 of them, in order not to be too mathematical lol.


That poor guy has been vaporized though :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Some have been, indeed… oops! :joy::joy::joy:


I will poorly imitate Uial and copy here a conversation from the previous forum. The tip given by @SorcerySupreme can be useful for those like me who get sometimes overwhelmed by the audios on Alchemy of Love and therefore hesitate to buy VoDL.

More generally, this tip can make things easier for other fields as well (in addition to those like Jing, Pranic Swirls, etc. already suggested in the past).


What’s your experiences I noticed healing

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today’s the first day i bring back this album into my life!

where i live, covid has separated me from many i’ve grown used to having in my life. i found a community i grew to enjoy and love and over the months i started to see more and more differences that made me feel like an outcast.

i have more appreciation to those souls who do accept me and keep me in their hearts and mind.

with this album, i know i’ll find new connections for the next chapters of my life.

another reason why i’m reviving this thread is because i truly believe in the growing power of morphic fields as time passes.

a great analogy for this would be aging wine or compounding interest

there’s also the power of those connecting together via mutual interests. the more people that talk about their favourite things such as songs and hobbies, the more energy these concepts receive. these concepts can then use the energy they receive to advance itself and bring that energy back out into the universe.


Por cuanto tiempo puedo escuchar el álbum completo??

Claro, depende de tu sistema de energía individual. Algunas personas no necesitan escucharlo mucho, mientras que otras tienen muchas inseguridades y pueden necesitar más tiempo. Independientemente de cuánto tiempo creas que necesitas escuchar, pregúntate cuánto tiempo es demasiado tiempo para escuchar “Atraer amor”, “Amor divino”, “Gravitación” o “Ser tú mismo sin condiciones”.

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