Alcohol Addiction Help

The energetic programming in Alcohol Addiction removes your desire to drink and creates a strong adverse reaction when you are around it.

Quitting alcohol is one of the most difficult things to do because of how widely accepted it is in society. And being an alcoholic can do tremendous damage to you physically, mentally and spiritually… and also negatively affect those around you. And as is with any other drug, alcoholics are dependent on alcohol and can’t help but want to drink all the time. This field works on removing this built in desire to drink. It makes the idea of drinking distasteful. Not only that, but being around alcohol also will generate a distasteful reaction. The general effect of this field is make you not want to drink alcohol. Over time, it should cure your addiction.


@SammyG @El_Capitan_Nemo Can we please get this on Patreon?
Also, who should I tag going forward for such asks?


Can we please get this on Patreon?

I would like to see it on Patreon or on

It’s there Alcohol Addiction Help

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Is it possible to get it on Patreon ??