Thank you for this post :) but don’t hope too much for me though because for example, my main reason to create a servitor is to give some support to my parents… and not really to me :p But I agree that it’s a shift: instead of trying to explain to them the benefits of morphic fields, I’ve decided to change my approach (I have notified them beforehand though).
I still don’t (and probably will never) believe in uniformity. Like those love and oneness speeches for which I unfortunately don’t see the reflections in many people’s actions: refusing to listen to a person until the end and then speaking about universal love, or things like that? No thanks, not for me.
I’ll give you an example: after age 15, I’ve stopped attending many classes at school (my grades remained good though… because = learning on my own). The English teacher making us recite “this is an orange” for the 125th time? No thanks. But the English teacher asking each student’s own opinion about Dolly the sheep? That guy, I had never missed his classes. And (not) strangely, he’s the one that I still remember with much respect and one of the people from whom I have learned the most in my life.
I think you see what I mean. This has always been what I tried to explain on this forum as well. Once again, I don’t agree 100% even with Dreamweaver, Sammy nor the Arcturians :) But if the door remains open from both sides (instead of one side trying to close it), then things/battles become a little smoother.
PS (you can verify it on the web): as I write these lines, Izmir (my city) has been shaken off with a huge earthquake. My television has fallen down. People are screaming in the streets, while I remain seated… Pray for us…