Alien Intercession

Some theorized hitler ran away to antártica after the world war…


I have saw movie and documentary about living advanced beings and whole new world deep inside of earth… maybe it’s not just a myth


From what I was told, there are many all over the world, but one of the main ones is Antarctica.


Rightly said, kudos.

That’s because everyone following Hinduism has one Gotra associated to their family name which is lineage kind of thing and Hinduism believes that everyone came from one of the Rishi. Most of the gothras are the Rishi names if you see .(starting from brahma —> Manus ---- > Rishis -----> progenies are humans). That’s the reason they call our fathers/forefathers as Rishi and Deva in the shraddha , but not directly related to ascended Rishis.

They don’t much talk on rituals or karma kanda and mostly focus on self.

Ascension is possible to a limit (limited time stay in Deva loka) and it also depends on who is doing the rituals.

Out of the 18 puranas, Garuda Purana gives all the details of the life after death. But its hard to get the right text of this purana :slight_smile:


There seem to be too many corrupt versions. This one is one of the cleaner versions I have come across.


Fascinating. I have always looked “up” and never “down” :smiley: Time for new beginnings! Talking to folks on this forum sure has opened up so many new and exciting avenues :smiley:

@_OM can we boost the aliens as well? Just kidding haha


Good to see someone who has knowledge on these topics :slight_smile: , catch up later, early morning here .

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Lot of likes on this thread, sorry guys, out of likes!! @SammyG is killing me with too few likes lol



The whole Anu, Enki/Enlil story while mostly accurate is/was a psy-op campaign by the “powers that be” to assert their “right to dominance” aka the “divine right of kings” b.s. they been pulling for millennium.


This thread is most intriguing as always


Always love the synchronicities and connections.
Been working on an Agartha portal since morning.
Should be up in an hour or two (energetic alchemy)
making the ‘music video’ now



Now, some of you are going to have some real fun!
And perhaps a few eye openers that make you question everything you’ve been taught.


I had a sort of Freudian slip for a few seconds and I read Agatha, without the R :mag::woman_facepalming:t2: and thought “ok, I must really have serious problems about making connection between things”.

Time to have some sleep.


Hey Agatha Christie faked her own death once…so…she probably knew something… she knew… :wink: :rofl:


Well its literally
taking a spoon, dipping it into the ocean, then looking at your spoon of salt water and saying ahh, sharks do not exist! I do not see any in the spoon.
Yet the ocean is vast and teeming with life.


@Philip_Weiss this is from @_OM’s teacher Daniel:

“Using Earth as a model, we find that there are four realms to each living planet, two in the material half (3D space, clock time) and two in the cosmic half (3D time, clock space). The interface between these realms appears as a inner, central sun in both realms that acts more like a barrier or “guarded portal” between. Each of the realms has an atmosphere, surface and subterranean region. The Earth (body) realm has an atmosphere extending into the coordinate space around the planet, the Agarthan (soul) realm has an atmosphere extending into the coordinate time around the planet. Both have surfaces with salt water oceans and continents, covered in living organisms. The inner realms are similar, just flipped around, with the atmospheres extending towards the inner, central sun, with a surface composed of continents and fresh water oceans, and a subterranean realm. The inner surfaces are covered in living organisms, as well.”

“Those on the surface of Earth swear they are on the outside, and
Agartha is on the inside, while those in Agartha swear they are on the
outside, and the Earthers are the ones on the inside.”

“A “technology” does exist here but it is one based on natural consequences of harmony, sympathy and discord—a type of vibratory physics that has been relegated to the realm of magic and witchcraft by the scientific minds of men. But this is the “science” here, where human, electronic technology is acting as
the “black magic” of this realm.”


Thanks. Was pretty sure Agartha was talked about in the pdfs I’ve posted.
But wasn’t sure if i’d posted that one yet.

lol, i studied with him.
I wouldn’t call him my teacher. That’s reserved for some other people.
No need to edit it tho.


After Agartha started popping up in my meditations, I went back and read yesterday, all the papers you posted!