What do Sapien Medicine forum members like to read about the most?
…about muscles
Here are the current top all time most read Sapien Medicine forum threads (only counting views from registered forum users):
Discussing other similar channels on YouTube
People requesting fields and stuff from Dream
Discussing “The Blueprint of Life”, one of the most mysterious fields ever created
People sharing their results with fields and stacks
Discussing the all-purpose healing field with the field name that sounds like crazy alien tech from a Sci-Fi movie: “Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach”
Buying and Selling NFTs
Discussing the Plasma Protocol healing fields
Getting bulked with Muscles Beyond Limits
Ojas – the free version
Vibration of Creation – the first field in the Vibration series
Again, getting bulked, this time with the blessings of Saint Biceps
General Discussion, like this one here
Discussing the DNA Repair System