Amygdala healing (+ fear release)

Ego Dissolution + This + Fearlessness tag = unstoppable


Not quite the case for me but it gets close

I had a really interesting experience with this audio. I listened to it twice with my sister, and both of us kinda got thrown for a loop and had to separate for some quiet, alone time.

I could feel the buried fears within being brought to my awareness, and that I had a choice to hide or confront what I was afraid of. I decided that enough was enough, and it’s time to stand tall and face it.

I played it a third time, and I felt a big fear being addressed and released. Afterwards, I felt better, and half sought higher guidance, half it sought me, on proceeding with the audio. I was told I needed to listen to it 5 times.

Fourth time listening I started working on fears from past lives, this time another stabbing (there’s been sooo many stabbings, ugh). Worked through that, then started to feel myself move into the next topic as the track was finishing.

Last listen was all about the final topic, and that was my fear that these cycles of trauma associated with the past lives will all keep happening, and that’s what I have to look forward to. But, that got released as well with the knowledge that Gaia is ascending, and mankind with it, and the old cycles are falling away.


P.S. This all happened yesterday. I asked today, right before writing this post, if I should listen to it again, and got a strong “NO, you need a week to recover”. LOL


All in all, I’d say @SammyG’s advice was good, stick to three listens as a generally safe guideline. If you wanna probe the depths of your akash and mine for fears to release, you could keep going, but don’t push too far or your poor brain might mutiny…


how many times should I listen to this?
it would be great if Sabine made one for the pineal gland.

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3 in the morning 3 at night.

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Do you mean like this or something else?

I mean a track like this just for pineal gland so I can see :blush:

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There is an audio for 3rd Eye Growth with Pineal Decalcification, I don’t know if it’s offered anymore & if it’s the same one on Gumroad. If anyone wants to check, the length of this audio is 12:40.

P.S. I see now the one on Gumroad is 10 minutes, so it’s not the same. I don’t remember how or when I got it, but I assume it’s not offered anymore. @SammyG can perhaps clarify.

P.P.S. On the other hand, the description of the Gumroad audio on Enlightened States’ website mentions Pineal Decalcification, but not on the actual Gumroad page.



Think I can stop listening to the whole mental health album and just replace it with this 3x morning and night? I mean other then self love and acceptance.

No, I don’t think so. I would use them together.


I’ve got the current 10-minute version. I feel the pineal decalcification subfield, so the Gumroad title and description may simply not have been updated from the previous version, which may not have contained the subfield, but let’s wait for @SammyG to clarify and confirm. :slightly_smiling_face:


I have that audio too. I bought it many years ago from gumroad. The file name is ‘3rd eye’


When I play it, I feel the sides of my head tingling and I get very calm. Sometimes I notice little outbursts of fear from my body. For example, when I walk around outside and this happens I get a little bit paranoid, then I remember it is the field clearing up the energy and after it is finished I will have much less fear left inside my system.


I’m enthused about this one. I feel like it’s gonna help knock out a lot of things that contribute to my anxiety and things I deal with being an empath. If we remain calm we remain in our power and being that the times we live in, it’s where the “good hearted” finally rise and we may get to see the old world fall to pieces. Some say that’s what’s really going on in our world behind the scenes right now.

I just wanted to express my gratitude. I truly think this is going to benefit many people and our world at large. Thank you. I love you. I wish you happiness. I wish you peace. I wish you your heart’s deepest desires. Thank you.


Yes, @Drayzee, that’s the one I have too. And the description tag of the file says “3rd Eye Growth with Decalcification.”

Also, thanks @uial for confirming, you are most likely right.


Wonderful, @ABC333!

I agree.

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Somebody in this thread was wondering if this field could help with social anxiety, I found something very interesting and promising in youtube comments section:

Sunflower Amygdala


I’ve been using this every day.

Today I have insane mental clarity and a general sense of happiness.

I don’t know if it’s caused by this audio, another audio, or something else. Too early to say!

I also used the DMT and Schumann audios in the morning.


Ha! Exactly how I feel too. Feel like I’m the queen of the OR! Amazing how the release of old fears can give so much energy. This audio is a true game changer.