An Alternative or a New Approach to Fields

Due to us getting so many fields, so many options, I’ve been thinking:

Maybe it isn’t a bad idea to listen to fields according to our inner guidance, and I mean on a daily basis.

Yes, stacks might not be/become obsolete, ever, but if we want to try something new, sometimes we have to make space for it, to put it kindly lol.

So, day 1 you listen to gentle brain Regeneration, day 2 you try the older brain Regeneration field, also one day you listen to one hair field, the second to another, one day you pick skin Regeneration, another day you pick a facelift field, etc.

This mostly applies to fields which target the same organ or target the same issue, but maybe by a different approach.

Also, only you can decide what’s best for you And I’ve tried stacks since July (or maybe August, not sure) of 2022 and they do work, but I wonder if there is an absolute need for commitment to the same fields/stacks, when you can try something new - just saying.

Don’t shoot the messenger lol, I’m just sharing some HERETICAL ideas.

Edit: I’m most probably not the first to share such thoughts around here anyway.


Don’t fields work better when there is momentum though? (From listening every day)

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They probably do, but it all depends on how receptive someone is to fields.

For me, since I’m quite receptive to them, I don’t (usually) feel that much of a difference if I listen for the first day or the 50th consecutive day.

Also, just like meds, maybe sometimes You want to change them, to see what effects does the other field brings (which targets the same area or issue or need, etc.).

Yes, if it works and you dont want to try newer fields, no problems, but if someone has huge stacks, Idk when one will try new fields.

Maybe if someone has 70-90% of listening time occupied with older stacks, that person can allow 10-30% of the listening time to be occupied with newer ones (?) - Just an idea.

Anyway, I’m not against older stacks, as I use them too lol.

the tip you are looking for is: use whatever is needed, whenever is needed no strings attached. not be rigid. always begin your day first asking yourself what do you really need. every day is different, your needs are different. One day you may need one type of brain healing, other day other. One day you may need more protection, the other more love. When you allow yourself to explore your deep personal needs and fulfill them using fields with flexibility, slowly the real issues that require constant same field work daily, will emerge.

nice topic @SoulStar33


That’s a GREAT Tip (or Rather: Those are Great Tips).

Thank You.

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I think stacks of no more than 5 are great, after that it becomes difficult to get all of the fields in and makes it hard to get the result you want because of inconsistency. Unless you make it your life, you won’t have time to listen to that every day unless you are very committed. Smaller stacks, or chunks, that you can be consistent with every day works better in the long term, and you won’t get burned out from the commitment. A small core that could be good for everything, something with some kind of plasma, torsion, blockage clearing, charging could work with a lot of different things and get you results.

I’m experimenting (and experimenting and engaging with the fields is key) with pranic swirls, torsion, ruby, mana circuits and plasmatron to start the day, doesn’t take more than 30 mins and I can do it while stretching, meditating or whatever else before I really start the day, which makes me consistent. Kinetic Quasi sometimes, too. Everything gets flowing, the results for everything including fields happens faster and stronger, and I feel good, too. No stressing over it.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I don’t think you can “field stack” your way to success in life, you have to be consistent, figure out how to best use the tools, and not overwhelm yourself that you end up skipping days. A little at a time, build up your energy and everything just works better. If you commit to a small core of fields, you then have liberty to experiment with other things and perhaps have a happy accident instead of beating yourself over with fields trying to change. If something isn’t working after a month or two, switch it up and try something else.

Constantly ask yourself, do I need this? Is it helping me? Can I make it simpler? What do I really want? If you have hours and hours of stacks to listen to every day, you probably aren’t clear on a lot of things, including what you actually want to accomplish. Don’t make it more complicated than necessary, better to engage with a small number of fields than to barely register too many.


Yep, that’s me :sweat_smile:, except that I know what i want to accomplish, but I want too many things (at once) lol.

Thank You for the Reply - its Amazing.


I’m glad you think so, you’re welcome. Sometimes I get lucky and write something helpful.

This is a journey. There is no perfect stack, it will change as all things in this place do. Change with the seasons and be open to new directions you’ve never ventured in before!

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This is how Ive always done it. I try to stick with the same fields for the most part for a consistent period of time but add and remove as I’m so guided to. I randomly play fields in the middle of a planned stack when I’m guided.

I even sometimes don’t plan at all. Ill just play whatever. I was actually a bit confused when I came to this forum that people actually planned stacks and stuck strictly to that stack.

Maybe I’m the wrong one, but I even play a bunch of fields in a row that I want the separate benefits from of each one but no specific coherent goal that unifies all the fields in the stack. Seems to work just fine for me. I think maybe it’s due to how fast fields integrate into me. Pretty much immediate on good days.


Me too.

After reading Your comment, I guess that I should play them as I’m guided.

Since I’ve seen good or great results from some fields, those I shall listen on a daily basis, others more like every second day/two days, and I shall leave room for whatever fields I’ll be inspired to listen, besides my usual ones.

Thank You.

Edit: this way, I’ll combine different approaches and not only stick with either rigidity or daily guidance.

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Exactly. Not every field necessarily needs to be used everyday for the results.


I relate to Sarumann33 and Gnosticmedic27’s posts here.

Part of it is the sensitivity, integration, and guidance. In becoming more sensitive it is easier to notice where and how the energy flows, and where it doesn’t. Can learn to tell what to work on. This could lead to better integration and faster results. When seeing where something starts and ends, there’s more of an interaction, and even play. And then asking for, connecting with guidance, can also point you in the right direction as well. Potentially a lot more I could say but that’s a good start.