Automated sigil created from an intent.
Thanks. Have You tested it? How effective they were compared to “hand-crafted” sigils?
didn’t test but its still feasible it depends on how much emotion will invest in your intent.
Thats true, but some symbols are tied with certain energies, as a result of centuries of practice behind them,and creating sigil using them is a surefire method to give your sigils boost of power. One can only have so much of an energy so after long practice depending only on one’s own energy will drain that individual.
Meanwhile symbols such as runes, yantras, mantras, glyphs etc are more build into collective conscious or lets say they are archetypal morphic fields because of years of practice behind them.
Of course I could be wrong but I highly doubt im wrong in this particular case.
I believe Sigils deserve their own therad, will come up with something once Im back at home
Very interesting website. I think I will stick with handmade just because I enjoy the process and I think it can help put more belief into it. Also I dont really trust the symbols it makes, it could be have different energy attached to it.
I have checked this webside and it seems to use Witchs Sigil Wheel as an engine. Its kinda popular way to create sigils, and its automated process, so It might be an efective way, and there is nothing to fear about that of course depending upon Your intention.
Here is also a good website for automated sigils.
It have several ways of creating them along with some customization options.
I use it sometimes mostly for Kamea Sigils, or The Planetary Squares Sigils.
The Website that @Psimindset shared with us hits more into my personal aesthetics tho.
Also The Q/A section of this website got me
''5. How do I charge my sigil?
Coming soon. ‘’
i have created hand crafted sigils in the past, worked like a charm, i spend a whole day with all process for only two sigils from drawing to charging and releasing after a week or so i got what i wanted but im made an effort so it could fall into place. the way you create sigil doesn’t matter to your subconscious, releasing the intent and effort after like applying for jobs… i think matters most
Your right again, this doesn’t matter to your subconscious.
But if its Your subconscious, ‘‘only’’ Your, then 90% of time You are main energy source for that sigil.
If its ‘‘Collective’’ Subconscious, then a lot of things already are charged and are charged daily be people practicing.
If You have personal goals then Your subconscious and Your energy will be sufficient.
If Your working on something ‘‘outside’’ of You, or just want bigger energy to work upon Your intent, its a good idea to look upon already existing ‘‘sigils’’
Lets say ‘‘attraction’’ of things
Be it love, money or whatever you wish.
You could create a sigil for attraction, charge it and observe results. Probably more specified sigils are somehow easier to create that way ie. ‘‘I attract XYZ’’
That way You have sigil charged by one person, You, and it depends solely upon Your energy and believe if this sigil manifests.
Now, for the aim being ‘‘attraction’’ You could also use, lets say ‘‘Kleem’’ mantra
which has years of practice behind it.
Thousands of people were using this mantra for an ‘‘attraction’’ goal, so its already build upon collective, and have energy charged into it right from beggining.
So to attract XYZ You could use the orginal ‘‘Sanskrit’’ alphabet of kleem. Then on that ‘‘Kleem’’ You have you could for example write your name and XYZ your wanting to attract, or You could use photos.
Just something that signifies You and what You want to attract.
Then stare at it and chant ‘‘Kleem’’ or ‘‘Om Kleem’’
That way You have part of collective and energetic charge of thousands of people working upon Your intention.
Use the Intention Repeater to charge it.
good idea
you could use a word that signify you already had what you want, i dont suggest you to put down an intent as ‘‘i attract’’ or ‘‘i want’’ those words play in doubt it may or it may not. i think this the same sigil of abundance works, believe you already have what you want, project that energy
as an abundance life and abundant belief will bring abundance.
Okay, here’s a test I ran, let me know what you think. First, I used the Sigil Engine with an intention of “Optimal Healing”. Here’s the sigil it made:
Then I charged a copy of the sigil with the Intention Repeater for 5 minutes at 32PHz, using the same “Optimal Healing” intention. Here’s that one:
Notice any differences ?
or add one “o” letter to the answer
Which one is a better statement
- Every sigil that I created till now and has effect on my life is nullified forever
2)Every sigil that I casted till now is nullified
3)Every sigil that I casted till now stops
or is there a better statement?
Want to create a sigil to use it to stop every sigil’s energy I casted a year ago.They all are coming live now and they are things that I don’t want in my life from the sigils I casted and want them to stop working for good.
oh and of course will the curse/spell removal remove and sigil even those that are are casted on another one?
@Maoshan_Wanderer @_OM any experience with sigils to guide me?
I would go for 4) Nullify ‘‘Theofilos’’ past sigils
or 5) Undo Magick
in my personal experience the more ‘‘general’’ the statement the better
and If you avoid the ‘‘ego statements’’ such as ‘‘I’’ or ‘‘My’’ You can draw sigil elsewhere or put them as an avatar or something and have other ppl charge it with you
For example: ''All past /Theofilos(name here)/ sigils are nullified/reversed/undone
or, instead of statement : ‘‘I am a happy person’’ I would go for: ''Mleirbag(name here) is a happy person
Then I would charge it myself then I would get many people to see sigil, as a part of art, for example
second would be an avatar or graffiti, you know what I mean
Thats part of the reason of why I avoid pop-culture, and choose my entertainment methods carefuly and consciously
Apart from possibility of subliminal messages, I dont want to spent my time charging other people’s sigils, neither I want to put something of unknow source into my subconscious.
The point being, If your statements are in 3rd person, as if you were ‘‘not you’’ in a sense, they seems to have more potential and flexibility in them