An Invitation into the 5th Dimension

Hi Brothers and Sisters,

I sure miss being a part of this forum! I’ve still been following the threads and I am so impressed with how much growth is happening here for so many people. Much gratitude for the Captin and Team!

Today is an exciting milestone for us living on Earth/Gaia at this time. Why? Well, Gaia is giving birth to a new baby, and Jupiter and Saturn are here to deliver :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: . The Great Conjunction reflects our choice for a grounded consciousness expansion. The Gateways of Heaven are open and are sending us high vibrational energies to assist us in making the transition into the new Era of Human Evolution. What is the shift? It is a dimensional shift into the 5th Dimension.

Of all the higher dimensions, the 5th dimension is the last one of pure light and unconditional radiant love, as source energy makes its way down, before descending into the realms of limitations and duality.

This is the dimension beyond linear time, which means that many different timelines/realities are available to access. Physical existence is still possible on this plane, although the body is lighter and of a different cellular structure - more silica-based, less carbon-based. When the physical body is fully transformed into this structure, there is no pain. Furthermore, there is no fear. It is the plane of unconditional love and abundance, manifest in the physical. Our higher divine self has been fully integrated into our physical body and has taken over the guidance. We become more like an avatar. This feels very different from just channeling the higher self. The first time your higher self moves into the physical body fully is quite overwhelming. It is an intense energetic flow of unconditional love and everything feels light and at ease. Before the higher self can be fully anchored into the physical body, the healing of all bodies (the mental, the emotional and the physical) has to be completed. Therefore, your higher self will slip in and out for a while until it can move in permanently. You will know when your higher self is integrated when you do not question the universal flow and simply trust your journey. You do not feel the need to interfere or control that flow anymore. In the 5th dimension, all of our actions are based on love. It is the plane of oneness, where we feel the connection to everyone and everything around us, including the holy source energy.

In the fifth dimension, we live in unity consciousness, but still recognize ourselves as individuals as part of the whole. Unity consciousness is something often misinterpreted. We do not feel that we get information from guides, angels or star family through channeling anymore. Now it comes much more intuitively and subtle from within as we have become ONE with all that is. Snippets of conversation confirming something we are thinking about, whatever we focus on becoming more and more pronounced, prophetic dreams, drifting between worlds to receive guidance, be deprogrammed from old beliefs and behaviours, the symbolic language of dreams becoming the language of our lives, even the elementals showing us the way. In the beginning it feels as if we were disconnected until we get used to this new way of being connected. On this plane, we remember who we truly are and are aware of our eternal soul. We become free of entanglement to lower denser realities, we become absolutely free of doubt, free of fear, even death has no fear for us anymore. Manifestation is easy and graceful and the life of our dreams is our reality. In 5D everything comes without an effort as we have rediscovered that the universal energetic flow always guides us perfectly. There are no limits. We are limitless beings. We live in complete freedom and authenticity. As there is no fear, there is no aging and no illnesses. Indeed, we look younger and feel younger, we shine our light, but have also learned the value of camouflage when it is necessary. We live as long as we want, until we decide to leave the body. This happens smoothly and without any pain.

In the fifth dimension, our sexual desires change as we have reached our internal balance between the masculine and feminine energies. We have become androgynous energetically. Sexual energies can be experienced without physical contact with others. They can be created by the individual. Therefore, sex does not happen out of neediness or lust anymore, but becomes a sharing between two whole people that resonate on the same energetic level. It is normal for beings existing in 5D to come together with what so many are calling their “twin flames”, their pure divine counterparts. Or it is experienced alone and is just as beautiful, we are not attached, that is the key. In addition, there is a third energy, the divine energy, that is part of this experience and sexuality becomes the holy trinity in perfect equilibrium. It is the most powerful energy of creation. Therefore, it is not surprising, that sex in 3D was defined to be something shameful and sinful. To keep people from discovering their true creative power. And actually, “to sin” means “to not act from the heart”, its meaning has just been mangled through translation and cultural appropriations.

Once someone has raised the own frequency up to a 5D level, the return to the lower dimensions is not possible anymore, unless the soul chooses it consciously. This was the choice a lot of star seeds and angelic beings took to help humanity ascend. People in 5D are immune to low frequencies as there is no resonance. They do not attract any darkness and live in the light exclusively. A being living permanently in 5D and above cannot be seen by people in 3D if they have not already started their own ascension process and are open to the higher frequencies. That is when duality and linear time are dissolving and all there is left is a life in the NOW. Those ascending into 5D experience a profoundly transformational passage of embodiment, a unique experience where one witnesses and feels oneself merging into the higher divine self, while simultaneously maintaining a lifestream of a fading lower or smaller self (I’m not sure that I like that terminology but for now it’s all we’ve got)…truly brilliant. All experiences are embraced with gratitude, as the soul knows that everything has its purpose for the growth and expansion of our consciousness. Contact with beings of higher dimensions, extraterrestrials, star family and angelic beings becomes easy and is integrated in the daily experience. It becomes ‘normal’ shall I say. We receive information directly from spirit and telepathy, teleportation and telekinesis become possible. The fifth dimension is the dimension of deep trust and an inner knowing that everything is happening perfectly. A deep peace and serenity that goes far beyond the idea of happiness that is so cherished in 3D. On this plane, we have learned to go with the flow, or rather go with our flow, and let source work through us to create miracles - we become ure conduits for source. There is no need to be right in 5D, as there is no ego. Our ego has transcended into a free spirit and is working hand in hand with body and soul. In the fifth dimension, we do not take anything personally anymore from people who have not reached that plane yet. We find ourselves thinking “forgive them for they know not what they do”. We know about their own baggage and journey and do not judge them or blame them but love them unconditionally, as we know they are part of the whole. We know that there is no danger, so we know that there is no need for protection. We know that our light shines so bright, that it absorbs the darkness automatically.

In 5D we live according to the universal energetic laws, knowing that we create what we think. There are no manmade rules or laws, because people fully trust the energetic flow and where it takes and guides them to. There is no need for possessions or status, as there is no competition and nothing to compare. Everything becomes a sharing. We just are. We love ourselves and appreciate our individuality as part of the whole. We know that our needs are always met and we are always taken care of. Gratitude is always present. When we live in 5D permanently we have reached a state of enlightenment. No wonder that it is referred to as heaven on earth.


Long time no see!:smile:


Hey, @Nabs101! It’s been a while you’re away. Hope, everything’s going awesome for you.


How do we ascend to 5th dimension?


Hi @Destinus thank you it’s been an internal adventure to dive deep into my subconscious programming and customize my preferred functioning. I have also been working on my energy body anchoring it in the 5th dimension while priming my Merkaba whenever the time comes for a full physical transition into 5D.

Most of you are already doing the work to ascend into 5d. Basically, what you would really need to do is match the 5d vibrational frequency. This means, building a stronger connection to your higher self, dissolve subconscious limitations, become more compassionate. It’s really much of what Captain Dreamweaver has already provided us with. The tools are already here, it just comes down to being honest with our selves and making that choice. Also, it’s totally fine for those who are just not ready for 5D there is no judgment in that as there will always be another opportunity to ascend. You are eternal, you got all the time in the Universe.


Bumping around losing balance here and there but ill get there :muscle:t3:



What’s more exciting than reaching a destination is the journey to get there! Especially if you chose to have a very eventful one :wink:


Thank you Nabs.


Thanks for the great write up about 5th dimension, @Nabs101! I’m ready for it. :sunglasses:


We all already access the 5th Dimension sometimes. Like remember the moment when you were in the flow and was able to do your best piece of work? Felt like time was malleable, creativity was pouring out from you, along with a strong feeling of connectedness? Well that was you in 5D - can you imagine the impact and positive change we can all do to our world when we are all in 5D all the time? Endless possibilities!


I remember a couple of moments like that. But blockages have gotten in the way so that has been the work. Remove blockages so that I CAN access 5th dimension flow easily and frequently.

EDIT - btw good to hear from you again! You’ve come back with some great insights and gems. :slightly_smiling_face:


Honestly that new Plasma Light field is next level and would dissolve blockages in the energy body. I listened to it once before bed and my entire body was buzzing while sleeping then dreamed about a scenario how my procrastination was affecting me. Another great field is the Well of Creativity which has helped me come up with ideas for my work.

I am happy to be a participant again and share my experiences with the audios as I actually haven’t stopped using them but just needed the seclusion to reflect inwards for a much needed dialog.


yo welcome back and thanks for sharing your thoughts or better to say insights you made along the way and I have 2 questions
When is the deadline for this life to ascend
and the second question would be
wanna tell me which star system I am from ? :D

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Hey thanks @anon48416969!

The harvest is sometime in 2023

You the physical human being is from Earth but your Soul has connections to the Sirius star system.


damn thanks


Just joking, thank you so much for the post.


Sounds like an ego death.


I’ll say I’m being greedy but please can you tell about mine?
And thanks a lot for this post :)


How is it that you can know which star system people belong to? :blush:


You also have Sirius connections