Ancestral Knowledge

How do I search?

Theres search in upper right corner.

Ah. How come I didn’t see that? :smirk: Stupid me.

This is what I found:

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With advanced search.

No need. I’ll talk to my ancestors about it.


No need, as you say, you’re right. Here it is anyways.


Hey bro! Just listen to repel negative energy before listening to tap into the collective consciousness and you’ll be all good! :smiley:


Ah interesting! I have never tried this field but I am not surprised.

My first thought after I saw the title went to the current Coronavirus situation… I think even without the field we can feel a weight coming from this, I didn’t want to risk a field amplifying it.

I’m looking forward to trying the ancestral one, though probably only next year as I don’t want to introduce too many videos now.

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Oh I think he will need more than repel negative energy for a collective consciousness

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Still having nightmares after one week of use in April.


kinda want to use it now


I think it’s safer now as the covid is not as much “famous” anymore,left a scar with the measurements and probably will come back sooner or later.I guess it’s a good time to use it.


one day someone will drop his 50cent


anything new? nothing new for me

not really something new

Are yah meditating on the audio?

I didn’t pick up anything from ‘tap into collective,’ but the moment I listened to it, I felt a massive pulse in my brain area, felt like a massage.

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We were talking about ancestral knowledge, but about the collective audio my experience was without meditation. At the time I listened to it I was having some questions in mind (not consious of them I was curious by default) and I got the answers. The answers I got started popping in my mind out of nowhere and the answers was from a lot of point of views which was bad as I got more questions popping in me.Also a lot of point of views were so shallow,it was interesting to see the view of others not wanting to answer any question but move on from the situation (even though they do that by nature not their fault they thinking like that) but it was not my thing. As always people being stuborn people thinking they found the answer but so did another one with the opposite exact answer and so on. It was confusing to say the least because you ego is getting crushed (collective consiousness = new ego desollution? )as so much opinions about one thing makes you see how insignificant your opinion is and how much it matters to some people and of course how much it shouldn’t matter for you.


yeah think Im gonna drop it, didnt get anything out of it as far as I can tell

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I was given a very very strong push by my Higher Self to dedicate myself to this field. I guess some ancestors have some knowledge they want to pass on.