Ancestral Knowledge

This is a bit complicated but what it is programmed to do, is try to bring all knowledge, genetic and ancestral to the forefront of your being. It uses your genetic connection to connect with all ancestors with knowledge to pass on, creates the concepts of it and place this in your subconscious. Any possible genetic knowledge or information itself encoded or ‘hidden’ in your genes, it will also attempt to do the same.

What happens is that you will find that you have more ideas and intuitive ways to do things.
You may find some things or ideas you ‘just know’. Some may even experience profound things or even direct communication with some ancestors. (In a protected way of course)

I thought this is a very very interesting audio as it has effects on body as well.What is says also is that you can speak with the dead (in my understanding) ancestors and so on. Anyone tried or willing to try?I will start my journey today with this and see how it goes.


how much do you want to listen I might jump in, the thing is I dont think my ancestors did something that will benefit me tho

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if anything, I guess the audio will tell you the things that can’t benefit you so you can find the things that will.

I will start daily 3 times till I get something, might be a month might be 3


aight lets see what will happen, lets update on the 25.10


alright, we going into it bro


tell me if you have roots with some important figures in history haha


I do actually, not famous kind but priests who helped the greek orthodox church. Will see how that goes.


hope I don’t get smited for listening to the audio :stuck_out_tongue:


uh church revelations, haha nah man, you good to go :D


do you have any root with important figures?

don’t think so, I just really care if I have some ancestors who have spiritual knowledge etc


I really care for that part only also


and man I would recommed to listen to brain hemisphere sync, feel like it helps a lot with spirituallity etc


got you, will play it before ancestral audio!

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3 times brain hemisphere or 2, up to you

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Will you join too?

Guys i know for a fact that we had this thread already maybe it got erased who knows.

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@anon96557306 @anon48416969

You guys should listen to ego dissolution right before along with third eye and crown and shen yang! And you guys should try meditating while listening to ancestral knowledge as well! :smiley: the deeper state will help you absorb the knowledge!

Also, super human genius right before will help cement the knowledge you’ve gained during ancestral knowledge


Thanks man

I might say this for everybody but I am pretty sure the better your brain works the better connection you have with spirituallity, higher self, chakras etc.

The thing is I think everyone should have a brain stack on a daily basis or at least for half a year, like in article about morphic fields Samuel states that if the brain is fully in snych the deeper your state is, the thing is even if your brain is fully connected, left and right, you are probably more able to have better understanding about everything. So yeah, I recommend everybody to work on their Brain first because it is the base for further spiritual work.

I use the following stack, if you have something to be added for a better brain function I would gladly add it


Is brain regeneration first and super human genius last in this playlist ?

If yes then swap those two.