The Requests and Fields

And if you add Heart Coherence to the list of _OM…
and work with that field consciously for three to five days…

that’s the dessert that people look forward to when they come to an expensive restaurant.


A humble request for your kind consideration :blush:

So this is the idea , All the concepts and energetic elements of the following 3 fields ;

  1. Tower of power
  2. Minor Blueprint of power
  3. DNA repair system

encompassed into one drink ware/ stainless steel tumblr

Naming it as COPA Vita

COPA means Cup (Spanish/Latin) , but also can be seen as an Acronym ( C.O.P.A -
Cup . Of. Powerful. Alchemical )

Vita means life/ vital force ( Latin)

Thus the name COPA Vita , and the simplified literal meaning Cup of Life

And The detailed implied interpretation wld be
Cup Of Powerful Alchemical Life

That’ld be Amazing :star_struck:


yea man follow _Om’s recommendations believe me. New perspectives is OG.


how is it going?

A field to access genetic memory

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This might be what you’re looking for



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A field that makes your voice sound like venom.

yell as much as you can and you’ll be able to do it on your own :wink:

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While listening to vocal range strengthener lol


A field that aligns someone with their Higher Purpose
This is the most important thing in a man’s life. His purpose

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Imaginarium Divine

A combination of these three along with conceptual realizations is what youre looking for bro


(Cerebrum Album: Bonus Combo with Semax, etc. )


PRL-8-53 is a synthetic research chemical that has intrigued the nootropic community for decades. There has been only one small human study, funded by the patent holder, on the compound in over 40 years, but the results suggested that a single dose of PRL-8-53 could improve short-term memory by more than 200%.

Simply, a superhuman IQ & short-term memory/working memory is achieved with the use of the PRL-8-53.

This basically underpins everything one can be intellectually capable of:


This leads to IQ/intelligence Quotient, Eidetic Memory/Photographic Memory enhancement, verbal fluency/word recall/linguistic retention, mathematical ability, cholinergic uptake with synesthetic onset of sensory perception through dopaminergic neurons etc. anything of being a NZT-48 nootropic.

Effects were best gauged at 5mg/ a dose.

*Note anecdata has shown greater effects through higher dosages - with next to no side effects.

Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 11.48.07 PM

Perfect when paired with:

@Captain_Nemo keep me posted if you decide this to be an addition to the Sapien Medicine Nootropic stack(s). Willing as always to provide more information and references, etc.


is it bad to connect with ur higher self if u have no clue what ur doing or u just new to spirituality

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damm we need more of theres language series
imagaine if over a long peroid of time u could talk mutiple languages it will impress a lot of employees


No not at all man, in fact, its probably the best thing you can do right now

Doing so will ensure you make all the right moves and are on the right path to learn the right things at the right time and over all you just avoid a lot of unnecessary stuff… Don’t worry, you’ll be in good hands :)


I might take on another language next year beacuse am really bussy at the moment with school

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Sort of an odd request but hear me out: a way to form a deep connection with something as if it was part of your childhood. So for example to move to a new country and feel as at home there as if you’d been born there. Or to be able to read a book and take it really deep into your mind as if you’d loved it as a child. I guess I’m asking for some sort of Childhood Tinkering


Childlike wonder :smirk:
Youth recapture
Imaginarium Divine

To be new someplace:

The navigator of awe


Regain Your Innocence could be a useful field as well.