Androgenic Receptor Direct Stimulation (The Blessings of Saint Biceps)

i can’t listen to it more than 2 times and i feel already exhausted, needs lot of sugar to process it

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Hi everybody!!! This field must be so good, so sad it cost so much. I’m looking forward to buy it in the next few months to see how it compare to Binaural Nutrition’s one. I’m curious how does the music sounds like? Also does it dry you up and how would you compare it to BN’s one? Thanks a lot

Damn…eating for this field is going to get expensive (and time consuming). Oh well.

Hey man welcome to the forums!

The musics beautiful and relaxing man, it’s like you’re laying on the shores of a beach with waves gently running up the sides of your body while some one gently strokes the strings of a harp a few feet behind you

I’ve tried stuff from binaural nutrition for like a week or so a loooong time ago, gave it up, didn’t like it. Nothing compares bro. Sapien is miles— galaxies ahead from the rest… it’s worth every penny and much more man

You got everything you need here bro :)


Thanks a lot man, yeah I stoped all BN’s stuff a long time ago too, except is AR file. Agree that Sapien is miles ahead, the best field maker hands down!!!


How is everyone progress coming along with this?

I’ve been out the gym for the most part for over a week now got sick so still fighting that off.


Feel better bro! Plasma it up

I’ve been real happy with my progress :) I’ll be posting progress pics this weekend, since it’s the 1 month mark

Edit: NVM i just got a bouncing job again for tags won’t be taking pics this week lol gonna be working


I stopped using for a week but started again. Just become extremely lean.


Thanks bro, woke up about 90% better today.

Going to the gym today or tomorrow, got a lot of work today.


Haven’t noticed size yet, but can see muscular density and vascularity. But maybe the size is impeded by using the furnace & fat oxidizer. Maybe I should split them into bulk/loss phases


Or eat more?

I think what the field makes with muscles is, use the nutritiens for muscle on your body and use it for your muscles to make them stronger and healthier, and after a certain time your muscle will grow and continue to get stronger

I hope its understandable what I mean


Bro have you used this? How was your experience?

Hi bro i need help to understand about this audio can you help me please?

Little update.

This field is really working full effect now, I think my body is used to it now. The receptor regeneration is something i am noticing especially on my traps. Im getting bulkier funny enough and in actuality my general body composition is very thin/lean.

If you listen to this properly and train well. The gains will be ‘supernatural’ i am going combine with the new fat field too because I don’t actually mind little muscle loss. The ratio this attains muscle against a possible muscle loss is literally not a concern, i will update!


The Swords of Adipose Annihilation actually helps put on muscle too bro


We’re also getting an updated version of after work out recovery cause of this one field right here. :love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture:


Hmmm i thought so man. I was thinking lol wtf is going on, gained lot of lean muscle this week. Like gains are on fire!


:pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4: Blessings


Will it help muscular dystrophy patient?