Androgenic Receptor Direct Stimulation (The Blessings of Saint Biceps)

I see it clearer in the delts actually

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Nice one. How much would you say your food requirements and food costs have gone up?

Yep more separation. I’m going to get this field/blessing soon, but I just wanted to share a couple of playlists that have been working for me

Post workout (I’m adding the new recovery once I DL it)

pre workout


So… I use this fields only before weight training and only 1-2 times each day and I’m a girl - but my experience is that I’m not (much) more hungry. Tired, yes.


Alright, that’s reassuring. If I don’t have to keep spending a lot of money after I buy this expensive field that would be great. Thanks!

Have you noticed any physical changes?

Gyms have only been open for a week here so I don’t know :joy:
Before I used it before bike rides but i think that’s different.

My trainer said on our last training as I started lat pulldown “wow you’re strong today” lol
But maybe he just expected less after a ~5-6 months break :D
Also I feel like my legs (quads) are more defined, I noticed that while stretching today.

My routine is weights 3x a week (about an hour, I don’t really have splits, I do full body workouts with a bit more focus on upper/lower body/etc. Each time),
Cardio (jogging) 2x a week, not much, ~6k
And one (or 2, or 0 lol) day long bike ride or hike, or nothing, depends on the weather.

Also i notice losing the “covid weight” fast on my clothes. It’s nice progress, it’s not remarkably fast if you look at it as an outsider, I know it’s about double speed Vs it would be otherwise because I eat “clean” and make an effort but I’m never hungry.


Actually, I think I’ve been eating less so I’m losing a lot of potential gains, running 3-4 miles a day doesn’t help either.

Goes to show despite my lack of calorie intake I’m still increasing in terms of size and strength.


Guys, what is your stack to this field ? Im currently using biceps, HGH, diabetes, mstate indium iridium and myostatin every week.

Would biceps field potentialy benefit from testosteron or sarms (lgd 4033) ?


100 %

Testosterone binding to androgen receptors causes muscle growth

So listening to testosterone along with this field would super charge your results (so would extreme muscle growth)

Listening to sarms can help too bro, i personally listen to YK11 and Cardarine along with this


you can even add on extreme muscle growth after your workout. Really helps!



So best is biceps, than test after…

Not sarm topic, but would you add lgd or yk for bulk to this stack?

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YK11 is toughest on your body bro in my experience, but works the best out of all sarms in terms of putting on muscle, it helps if you got plasma protocol to negate the side effects

I’ve personally never tried lgd 4044 just lgd 3033


I was wondering if I should use sarms again… Have eternity tag and plasma protocol to negate sides.

Me. Huge gains.


The number 1 reason why women have difficulty in growing muscles is because they have a very high natural level of Myostatin. The Myostatin field audio will help your reduce that Myostatin in your body so that your muscles can grow.


Thanks I can add it - however I think the “number 1 reason” would rather be the much lower levels of testosterone :sweat_smile:


Their hormone makeup is much different


Nope, Myostatin’s effect on muscle growth is 4x stronger than that of Testosterone. Watch this:


Sure it’s 4x stronger

But women have 10 times to 20 times less testosterone than men