Androgenic Receptor Direct Stimulation (The Blessings of Saint Biceps)

@Zen carried this whole threard :clap:

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How about x2 saint biceps instead of the spread out follistatin listens? Wouldn’t hurt to bump that one up to two listens… (Preferrably keep follistatin and just up the saint biceps listens)

Also the order of your stack can be optimized

Automated upper body
Core strengthening
Automated leg day
Butt enlargement
and Hip flexors at the end

Personally, id recommend splitting the work outs into two days

First day being upper body, second day being lower body

This way you can have more listens and more focus on a particular muscle group while also allowing it to rest on every second day

So day 1 would look like:

Automated Upper Body Workout 4x
Core Strengthening 2x
Hip flexors 2x

Day 2 would look like:

Automated Leg Day 4x
Core strengthening 2x
Butt Enlargement 2x
Hip Flexors 2x

Also, remember to listen to saint biceps before the automated work outs because the androgen receptors are sensitized and when the testosterone from the automated work outs bind to them you’ll have an enhanced effect compared to listening to saint biceps after the automated work out

But yeah if you want to save time invest in hardcore like @SirChiropractixalot suggested


And i carried the zenified gains thread :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Haha only kidding lol


hardcore if one wants to increase strength right? but to build muscle overall is muscle beyond limits better than hardcore?

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They’re both going to build muscle and strength really, but perhaps muscle beyond limits should be bought first and then hardcore, so you start building a greater foundation to build muscle and strength on in the long run


gotcha bro, also, does saint of biceps really help mbl or hardcore at all? if i recall correctly mbl has nothing to do with androgens and hormones to build the muscle

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They go hand in hand by working on two different aspects of building muscle

They work entirely different but work coherently

In short, one builds more muscle fibers so your body will have more room to create muscle cells

And the other makes your androgen receptors more sensitive so you can build muscke faster

(Of course they do many more things as well)

They both accelerate muscle growth but in a different manner

Personally, i like them both pretty much equally, i like playing muscle beyond limits before saint biceps so i create the muscle fibers first, and then i sensitize the androgen receptors in the new fibers from MBL

Hard core is the third aspect of muscle growth, which is working out lol if you muscle fibers are enhanced from saint biceps and MBL, you’ll reap more results from your work outs/hardcore


Thanks man, so you would recommend something like this?

Saint of biceps 2x
MBL 2x
Hardcore 2x

(Maybe workout or workout audios)

Extreme Muscle Growth Simulation 1x


I want to gain strength, a little bit of muscle but still be flexible to do my yogic practices.
So more fitness than big time bodybuilding.

So Hardcore will be good for me if I’m correct?

  • Hardcore 2x
  • Induced Follistatin to Muscle 2x

MBL first

And you don’t need other work out audios if you have hardcore bro


You are correct my friend :)

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I’m a little confused! :upside_down_face:

I do this stack:

  • Hardcore 2x
  • Induced Follistatin to Muscle 2x

Not this one:

  • Saint of biceps 2x
  • MBL 2x
  • Hardcore 2x


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Oh no the last one is better lol

I thought you where asking me what you should prioritize for this:

Definitely listen to all of the audios man, they will all help you a bunch

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What is best order of listening?

Saint biceps, muscle beyond limits, and hardcore?
I want bulk, gain and strength

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Muscle beyond limits → saint biceps → hardcore


Do you think a break between this 3 fields are necessary?

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I don’t have any breaks between saint biceps and MBL

But sometimes i like putting major blueprint in between them to enhance them

I usually listen to other audios after saint biceps so i guess you could consider that a break lol… but nah man, no need


What about a break between Hardcore and the 2?


If that way works best for you man, it’s not really important i don’t think


That’s a lot of money I have to spend and secondly my stack will again be 40-50 min. x2 times each day. When I move to India next year spending my life in an ashram I have no time to listen hours a day along with my older fields. So my stacks have to be very compact. So is this an option? What do you think? It’s just that I want to stay in shape

  • Hardcore 2x
  • Induced Follistatin to Muscle 2x
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