Androstenol video deleted?

Reason why I started to use it + bravery, fearlessness, confidence, bold attitude and much more.
I simply love it, but it’s too long like 12 minutes


Sounds like it mimics the Lion and Thor mandalas together. Feeling sad I missed it. :slightly_frowning_face:


Whole this time I avoided this field and even hated it somehow. And It’s usually thing with me. Usually things which could/can help me drastically I avoid or even abhour in beginning until I see valueness of it.

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Just listen to testosterone 2.5 and Shen Yang plus get the lion mandala

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How much did you pay for the field again?


Does Sapien Medicine OWE you something, friend?!

The sense of entitlement here is beyond ungrateful. :roll_eyes:

The video attracted a certain type of people (ahem) that aren’t in alignment with Sapien Medicine’s core values.

Prove him wrong by acting like one of those people who would be grateful and honorable?

Otherwise, IMO, he should sell it for $100 and spend those people’s money in a more useful manner than they probably would…


not a bout owing nor entitlement if i may say so, its just not a legit argument, that all the sudden it must be taken away due to ‘’ certain type of people’’ . nor is it about being ungrateful, because one can be grateful and say this is this and that is that, without being lectured with pseudo morality

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bruh just use testosterone and shen

always did

Nobody’s lecturing you.
You are choosing to get pissed because you can’t control someone else.
Not a good look BRO!

lol are you Sapien Medicine? (I already know you are NOT)

It’s his channel and he can do whatever he wants with it
Who are you to tell him how he should run his channel??

What world do you live in where you get to dictate someone else’s actions, ever?
Lemme guess, you’re a “boss” right? :roll_eyes:
Clueless. completely clueless,

And your response shows exactly why he took it down…

Pay the $5 for the patreon version if your live depended on it so much

But please, please, please, stop complaining. :sob:
Be a :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: man!

(I am not a member of Sapien Medicine and all views expressed are my own)


im not pissed nor do i care for controlling some1 else lol, if your not lecturing what you call it then, you are holy and angel and oh so grateful, but we for saying that we dont agree with some actions are immediatly ungrateful? come on… who is dictating xD haha get a grip my friend, its not about the money and i am a patreon myself , so you find arguments complaints? you are complaining in my opinion

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Yep ok. Then you’re done then?

No more post about this right?

Good! Now we can move on.




so move on somewhere else if this hurts you so much my friend

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Just chill, guys. We are in no position to challenge on how and what Dream is gonna do with his field. It’s his own creation and can do however he pleases.

And he is more than benevolent to create Unconditional Androstenol as a replacement.


who is telling him what he should do and not do? are people not able to give opinions about actions and arguments? too much estrogen in water these days or what

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yes and you could also …

Estrogen? Seriously? Now, don’t get me started, please.

Voicing opinion and questioning someone else’s work with some entitlement has some differences and I believe, you have sufficient knowledge to distinguish between them.

No more reply from me. Have a wonderful day.


ofc estrogen what else, who is questioning any1s work? what work you speak of…

And now you go bye bye…

Thanks for playing.

Better luck next time.