What’s the deal with this?
And now how to get laid? LOL
Hello Patreon is calling… you already forgot?
I already know LOL.
I still can’t find anything to ATTRACT WOMEN.
I can’t believe he actually deleted it!! I’ve watched this so much and its so powerful. Are you guys saying it might be on his patreon?
Yes it is. Here is a link to the old androstenol version:
On Patreon they are both. The old and the new Androstenol.
I feel that the old
is MORE POWERFUL but you have to know how to control him …
from my personal experience the patreon one does’t works as good as the youtube one did i am really sad and disheartened that he took it down :( also when he took down the male enhancement one i felt the same but this one crushes my dreams :(
may be @SammyG can help
no it dont work, Sapien deactivated the field
That’s great and sad at the same time.
It’s like some random fuked up guys committed crime and whole group got punished.
As I’m new, I never could give it a try. I have it downloaded from the Patreon, but as it’s deactivated, it’s useless now.
how do you know it is deactivated? The patreon ones are remade when posted on patreon, nothing to do directly with youtube. That is what i’ve come to understand, i might be wrong. I think removing fields from patreon posts is not very cool , especially if done without saying anything, i wouldn’t want to listen for months to an audio downloaded after giving my subscrition payment, only to know that i have been listening to “nothing” and wasted my time. If its removed i and i imagine lots of other would at least like a warning to stop listening to a given audio.
I listen to the unconditional one anyway, but my point is that removing fields from patreon might not be so nice, especially for long term subscribers, because if it happens with 1 audio it can happen with other ones
troll level over 9000 xD
I suspect he deactivated it from patreon, else it would be already removed there, right
And some ppl reported they still feel field when using it including me
He just deleted it from YouTube, I think because of nasty comments etc
ah good to hear, so you still get the musky odor?
No, I don’t usually sweat, so I don’t get this odor you all talking about, and I use it 3× btw,
But sometimes I so sense this field , so I must easy it with others love fields after etc
That feeling then usually substitute and deacrease after these fields
You’re right friend, that morph field “EVIL” has been used for 8 years.
And “recently” they conclude that it is better to remove it?
Why affect EVERYONE?
With that field I was NEVER successful with women. BUT IT GAVE ME INCREDIBLE SECURITY AND FOCUS ON MY GOALS.