Unconditional androstenol results

Thanks I probably won’t be using it

Don’t let me dissuade you. You might have better experiences with it. At most you risk having an uncomfortable few hours. You can always tell your servitor to make it stop.

But, yes, your decision of course.

Try it on a date instead of a male inundated work place and you might have a great time.


You had Matchmaker on at the same time though, right? Surely that neutralised them being douches?

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No I did not.

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There is far too much of a very bad, darker thinking people attracted to that video.
then they go and ruin the rest of channel.
and are not responsible at all.


I didn’t like androstenol anyways

Just listen to testosterone


Yes you are right sir, I am glad you remove that video from YouTube, even if I use that field now from patreon, but there were nasty guys who in comments literally speaking about seducing and using so many girls, women, even married women…no, I am not jelaous but that’s too much… comments were full of guys who saw females as meat, and really they deserved removial of that field… I just hated how they with proud preached how they used tons of females and at the end breaking their hearts etc




I just hated how they with proud preached how they used tons of females and at the end breaking their hearts etc

I fail to understand why these guys think breaking women’s hearts is a huge accomplishment. I have broken hearts to myself but understand this, this wasn’t intentional nor did I even know about any frequencies or subliminals back in those days. Their hearts broke when they saw me get mad (didn’t even try) but anyways. Even though I never actually tried to break their hearts, when it happened, I wasn’t exactly a proud man like these other guys are.

These kind of comments I would expect to see in Quadible’s attract women video…not Sapien’s video. I don’t even know anymore. I am just overall amazed that people can stoop this low. Instead of using androstenol to be taken a bit more seriously they use this audio just to get laid and break hearts? These guys are honestly in for a bad time in the near future. I can assure you this.


It could also have remained as I don’t really believe that because of that video they were able to do what they wrote and it may be pure invention. In the specific case it didn’t even seem very powerful, while currently on youtube there are videos that are much more effective than that, which, however, could be helpful for those men with low self-esteem and not able to establish romantic relationships. Sure that those with bad intentions can do damage, but this happens to whatever exists.

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Many people make up testimonials to look interesting.

I have personally used original Androstenol many times and had no success with women, NEVER.

If it helped me in other ways. But everything they say about success with women seems to me a fantasy, a false story.


Were you on nofap while using it?


You will get more success in that aspect by listening to attract women subliminal

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My guess is that those people were hurt themselves by women or the lack of success with females, so now they use it as a way to get revenge and an ego boost.

And I have read the comments made from people on youtube, regarding sapien med deleting the original androstenol audio, and how now his channel will go downhill and so on and all I can say is, I become even more grateful that Dreamweaver is dealing with this and still continues to release quality stuff for free.

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I hear a lot of guys in this forum say that the old androstenol is better than unconditional androstenol. Is that true? I used the old androstenol for a couple of weeks and I quit using it after the new one was released. Instead I started listening to that one. But the thing is I haven’t been to college in 8 months. I have been stuck at home so I didn’t realise the results from any of them.

I have never used the old androstenol, but I did use the new one right after it came up and it was really strong, I didn’t really like it much, but because the alpha problems it gave. I can’t imagine how people managed to do with the original one, well, some of them did not lol.

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Was there female attraction?? Dream released so many new and interesting fields in this quarantine. But as luck has it I haven’t been able to realise results from any of them because of this covid shit.

Haha, I feel you. Honestly I wouldn’t use it for female attraction unless you only want to get laid. I would go with something more fulfilling. (Confidence, charisma and attract love fields for example).

But if you want to go the getting laid only route, I think it will definitely help, just be careful with guys if you use it/use a shielding method.

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