
It supposed to be a secret. Let them use the old ones, the “more effective" one.

I presume you mean the goat scent. If so I had great results with it. Always match with self love though, to project self confidence along with pheromone

will other men be agressive?

Ive not really noticed much aggression. Its coupled with quantum love so maybe thats why

I wonder if anyone else had same experience as me where listening to this seems to turn girls off or not react to you. I know it works because the musky scent and the confidence it gives is unmistakable but reaction from women is a bit weird.
I used to listen to this field in the past and never had any bad reactions but ever since starting again the experience have become different. I listen to it 1 time and sometimes 1.5

I used it when I was a teenager. I was 17 years old. I had a shy personality, I had a lot of social difficulties.
My group of ‘friends’ in high school was small, they weren’t really my ‘friends’ but I related to them, talked to them, had some trust with them, etc.
In my group of ‘friends’ there were 2 girls. I used the old Androstenol for 3-4 weeks. They started to look at me differently. I still felt like a wimp and acted awkward socially. There were times when I acted like an ‘alpha’, it was a strange feeling: I was acting like an alpha but inside I felt a lot of fear and anxiety. I didn’t use self-esteem or confidence fields, I hadn’t healed my traumas.


-My first kiss was when I was 17, thanks to the old Androstenol camp. My first kiss was with one of these girls, one of my 2 ‘friends’ (although these girls were not my ‘friends’). I also kissed the other girl. In short, I kissed the two girls who were in my ‘friends’ group.

-IMPULSIVE AND “”'PSYCHOPATHIC""" behavior: Sometimes I didn’t think about my actions, I just acted without measuring the consequences. Some high school classmates were afraid of me or felt uncomfortable in my presence.

-Other 2 Girls I NEVER talked to started talking to me and showing interest in me, I believe it was because of Androstenol, as my personality was very boring and I was a coward. I couldn’t accomplish anything with these girls, I was excited because they had never approached me in years, my weird personality scared them away from me.

I did not use the Androstenol audio for a long time, I even BELIEVE that the 2 girls I mentioned at the end I scared them away because the Androstenol effect was no longer as strong because after the 2 weeks of listening to it I started listening to it less and less until I gave it up.


can this cause hair loss ¿

I consider this field advanced in the sense that it is very powerful, and if you don’t have good self-mastery, it can cause more harm than good. The main advantage is that it gives you a confidence boost and predisposes you to be more dominant in almost every situation. But the question is: are you ready to handle all of this?

If you are an insecure person or lack confidence in yourself and your abilities, if you don’t have good emotional management, avoid using this field. Instead, try Goat or Unconditional Androstenol.

The learning curve to effectively manage this field is steep if you don’t already have certain integrated characteristics, such as confidence, leadership, self-love, love for others, emotional management, and mental discipline. I suggest using tools like Amygdala Healing, Become Whole, Extreme Self Confidence, Knight Mindset, Unconditional You, and Attract Love (a kindness field is also excellent, I don’t remember its name right now) for a period, and only then incorporate Androstenol into the playlist.

I occasionally use it standalone three or four times before going out, but first, I had to learn to manage myself when I had this energy on me. It was challenging but at the same time instructive. Keep in mind that everyone will react differently. Some will challenge you, some will submit, and some will feel in awe. For each reaction, you need to be ready and adequately prepared; otherwise, you may cause harm.

Use it responsibly and don’t believe that it will immediately help with women; first, you need to build a solid foundation. This is my personal experience. I hope I’ve been helpful and provided you with information on what to expect and how to maximize the use of this field.


What is the difference between this and Moon Trine Venus - Psychic University in terms of attraction, and I also heard knight mindset, has a respect attribute from others, is that correct? Then so which one has a more primary stronger effect for attraction etc.

This field should be named androsteNONE. It has all the characteristics of androstenone. Maybe Dream made a mistake and made androstenone instead of androstenol, or is androstenol when slusa is repeatedly converted into androstenone hmm I don’t know

2 x = androstenol
3 or more x = androstenone

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As I mentioned in another comment, I used this field when I was 17 years old. I remembered another experience.
I said I was very shy and socially awkward.
I was sitting, wandering in my thoughts. I was not listening to what was going on around me.
I had exam in a computer class, the teacher was a woman, the teacher was handing out the exam sheets, behind me 2 classmates were planning to cheat on the exam, apparently my 2 classmates had sheets with possible answers. The teacher observed them and told them that she was going to subtract points on the exam. Previously the teacher approached each student in the classroom to sign the test sheets. Then she also approached my 2 classmates who were planning to cheat, The teacher signed their test sheets as normal AND ALSO wrote them some SPECIFIC messages to differentiate their sheets since they were planning to cheat, this way she could identify them when she is doing the corrections of all the tests.
As I said I was not paying attention, I only noticed when the teacher caught my 2 classmates copying and I observed her approaching to write something on their exams, I did NOT observe that previously she had also been signing normally the exams of all the other classmates.
So when she approached to sign my exam I said to her almost aggressively:

“Why are you signing my sheet??? I’m not cheating!!!”

She then told me that she just signed my exam in the normal way as she had done with all my classmates exams EXCEPT for my 2 classmates who were cheating.
Then what she said to me was something like: “I know you are not cheating, I am just signing your exam in the normal way, don’t worry”.
When she finished signing my exam I replied with the James Bond tone of voice:

“That’s the way I like it.”

All my classmates laughed. The teacher laughed too and continued signing other exams normally.


This is interesting. I said it in a low tone of voice, I didn’t even think about it, it was like an unconscious comment. At the time I thought NO ONE would hear me, it was a comment I THOUGHT I had said internally but I DIDN’T, I said it out loud and only realized I had said it out loud when I heard everyone laugh. I said it in a high, relaxed tone of voice, like an automatic response. It felt like it was someone else speaking. Another me.

In all my years of school, that was the only time I said a comment out loud that provoked laughter from all my classmates, and also from the teacher. It is very strange. If I hadn’t been wearing Androstenol I would NEVER have said that to a teacher, even to this day I’m SURPRISED that the teacher didn’t think it was a rude comment.

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I boosted the androstenol 3 times with the field booster, I hope it worked


Did it worked and also I don’t think andrestonal needs any boosting at all like its a hormone field meaning that more doesn’t mean better.

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More is okay if you keep estrogens reasonable.

LoL you guys are just going too far, I used to listen once and reaped incredible benefits from it, just use the Quasi Crystal field before it to hold energy from leaking and you are good to go.

Malleable ego changed my sensitivity to this, so yea, you are right, but the more you loop, the more you get this mindset and willpower aspect. But all in all, the og androstenol is still very good. I don’t know why people claim it to be shut off. It is perfectly fine.

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if it was off, it wouldn’t be on Patreon

My Strange relationship with this field that I would like to share, so my results with this field is always different I have never used this field constantly I only use it before going on a special occasion and after using it I get ignored like people don’t feel my existence or they are just too afraid to talk to me, I also feel confident and idgaf attitude with this field but at the same time I feel a bit lonely the women get really shy and they don’t even make eye contact so can you guys recommend me something which will make me more approachable I don’t want to use unconditional androstenol do you guys think I should keep listening this go with these results cause maybe its changing my personality and after using it for longtime I will get the good results?