
As I mentioned in another comment, I used this field when I was 17 years old. I remembered another experience.
I said I was very shy and socially awkward.
I was sitting, wandering in my thoughts. I was not listening to what was going on around me.
I had exam in a computer class, the teacher was a woman, the teacher was handing out the exam sheets, behind me 2 classmates were planning to cheat on the exam, apparently my 2 classmates had sheets with possible answers. The teacher observed them and told them that she was going to subtract points on the exam. Previously the teacher approached each student in the classroom to sign the test sheets. Then she also approached my 2 classmates who were planning to cheat, The teacher signed their test sheets as normal AND ALSO wrote them some SPECIFIC messages to differentiate their sheets since they were planning to cheat, this way she could identify them when she is doing the corrections of all the tests.
As I said I was not paying attention, I only noticed when the teacher caught my 2 classmates copying and I observed her approaching to write something on their exams, I did NOT observe that previously she had also been signing normally the exams of all the other classmates.
So when she approached to sign my exam I said to her almost aggressively:

“Why are you signing my sheet??? I’m not cheating!!!”

She then told me that she just signed my exam in the normal way as she had done with all my classmates exams EXCEPT for my 2 classmates who were cheating.
Then what she said to me was something like: “I know you are not cheating, I am just signing your exam in the normal way, don’t worry”.
When she finished signing my exam I replied with the James Bond tone of voice:

“That’s the way I like it.”

All my classmates laughed. The teacher laughed too and continued signing other exams normally.


This is interesting. I said it in a low tone of voice, I didn’t even think about it, it was like an unconscious comment. At the time I thought NO ONE would hear me, it was a comment I THOUGHT I had said internally but I DIDN’T, I said it out loud and only realized I had said it out loud when I heard everyone laugh. I said it in a high, relaxed tone of voice, like an automatic response. It felt like it was someone else speaking. Another me.

In all my years of school, that was the only time I said a comment out loud that provoked laughter from all my classmates, and also from the teacher. It is very strange. If I hadn’t been wearing Androstenol I would NEVER have said that to a teacher, even to this day I’m SURPRISED that the teacher didn’t think it was a rude comment.

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