
maybe that is why I can use it for hours

i dont mind cause it has no music so it is very loop friendly


Thank you very much for confirmation :pray: :partying_face:

This field is quite important for social and dating health.
It is of course not the usual spiritual stuff that we find on Dream Seeds, but this field has been actually the reason how I discovered Sapien Medicine 1.5 years ago and learned to trust it because of the instant results that it gave :grin:


for people who doubt his stuff works:
loop androstenol
or loop vocal strengthening

(dont tell me you dont feel any change !! :) )


Today’s combo
NOL × 4
JING × 2
OJAS x2 ( it makes me really hungry whenever I listen to it but I love the energy it gives, I can stay up all the night and wake up early with full energy. ) Last Saturday I had to travel to another city for a job task, I drove 500km during the night, I slept in the car for 30min and woke up with full energy, I finished my mission and hang out the whole day discovering the city walking, I didn’t sleep again till 4h30pm for only 1h30 before driving back home.
Shen x 1
TESTOSTERONE x 2 (it makes me feel pumped
DHT × 2 (I will never forget it’s effect in that middle of the night 3 months ago the first time I discovered Sapiens…)

Results very energetic, very confident, guys were checking me out at the restaurant with some icy stares since they were with their ladies… some girls acted shyly while passing by me and checking me out with caution).


Go to the club, and approach some women


My advice for you dear fellow friends. Don’t rush to get the results. Just treat the fields as if you are going to the gym. You can’t build muscles in one session, some people start to see the results after one month, others after more… so train your mind to be patient. Patience is the key to reap the results.


I don’t do this to get the ladies. I can approach them with my inner self-confidence. What I love about these gems is the energy, strength, and the super abilities you feel. It’s like feels like if you are taking the pill from limitless movie.


I respect it


I read in previous posts people talking about a legend field named “Masculine Energy” and that it enhances the hormones powerfully and in harmony which leads to superb effects. I wish if Sapien could reshare this field again on patreon or gumroad. I would be the best gift of the end of the year. :heart:


That would be so awesome :pray:t4:

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discipline and perseverance :100::muscle:t4:


I remember the first time I listened to the YT version, I was in the campus library when I found it and man !! it was a surreal experience. When I went my way to class every woman was staring and smiling at me. I started laughing of nervousness because I couldn’t believe it

After that one time I never really reached that level of reactions again idk why! from time to time I listen to it just for fun


listen to charisma and glamour and it will come back

how would that help

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The problem here is too much androstenol you start having the ghosting effect. Where in which too much pheromone overload the olfactory system of the individuals around you.
So you’d be ignored because this too much data can’t be processed.

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I am sure it would take A LOT of molecules to actually overload someone’s olfactory system… your own body probably can’t even produce that much pheromones in the first place.

Or do you have some data on your claim?

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I’ve done experiment with synthetic pheromones.
But if you can force your body to produce tons of pheromone. I don’t see why this won’t happen If you listen too many times to the Androstenol field daily.
You have to take also in mind on how the field works out does it imprint on body so the body produces the androstenol the whole day. Because if you take a shower 2 times a day and scrub your body as much with soap to lessen the effect i don’t see why the audio won’t work the next day.

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Not really. It’s a common occurrence with even small amounts of commerical pheromones.

And there are other variables involved than just number of molecules, such as your history with the other person, the setting and context, etc. We humans are really good a living up these subtle messages but we often don’t know what to do when the messages stop being subtle.

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I agree with this.

For ex. If you start listening to androstenol and you think people you already know will take the effect from first sight, well sorry it won’t happen from first day. You have to have the effect on them everyday so first idea that it was imprinted on their mind need time to be believed by them and get convinced.
You can try this on someone firstly met, sure you will see results from first day.
But someone you already know. Sorry bud convince me that you’ve changed
Convincing needs time to have imprint effect.

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Or “yeah, nah, bud, what you playing at? Why you being so weird?” :rofl:

(The people around us have huge stakes in us staying the same as we’ve been before. It’s a big impediment to the changes people want to make for themselves, even with fields.)

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