
Jake Blake’s had the most views/listens right? Reasons why it’s stronger…

The unconditional version has 5.9k views on YT which isn’t a lot compared to Jake Blake’s.

You need to approach these women that are staring otherwise your losing opportunity on lays.

Not true, unconditional androstenol has 139,000 views on youtube.

Unconditional Androstenol - YouTube 139


Sorry… I was looking at some other channel that uploaded it. Here a lot of people on YT are like uploading his content/work or did they get permission? Otherwise I think he seriously needs to get on the phone to a solicitor lol


This means it works

If you felt uncomfortable it means you need to work in other areas. Androstenol is like a turbo, but the engine must be fine


You got any “lusty stares” when using unconditional androstenol ?


Not really… got plenty of ‘knock out stares’ though from all alpha males and bad boy types. It comes across like a jealousy vibe, I honestly don’t know.

I like them both, the ‘Unconditional’ and original version because it gives you a lot of social confidence but in a different way unlike the Extreme Confidence audio on YT. It’s like a masculine/dominant aura and the beta males/men in general are really nice to you or on some occasions, treat you like some kind of team leader in a group. Even nightclub/bar bouncer’s behave prudent around you or watch their words carefully when telling you off in a “I don’t want any kind of trouble” kind of way.

To be honest I don’t think pheromones really help in getting girl’s anyways because it’s all about appearance/looks that catches a woman’s interest or ignites her desire for her to consider having sex with you. I would say that both Androstenol fields made the women I approached feel more submissive/intimidated and the rejections I received were soft/gentle/nice which was good, unlike before on a night out when women use to tell me to fuck off. By the end of Friday/Saturday night coming back home I must of heard fuck off in 20 different languages from all the women I encountered. Honestly it was very soul destroying that no Soul Core Restoration or BOL field could ever fix.

All I’m saying is you’re better off going to your local joke or fancy dress shop and picking up a Ryan Reynolds or Zac Efron mask. Also buy some height lifting shoes if you can because if you’re under 6ft, those girl’s (especially the Instagram model lookalikes) can be quite ruthless. If you follow them guidelines, you might get some ‘lusty’ stares.


I personally find this bit intriguing to know that girls were able to resist and put down even the temptation, sexual tension & dominance produced by androstenol… & Alpha males truly very rare these days. But Wah are those women are that strong mentally ? This is the first testimonial I see that a man got rejected even after using androstenol. I have never seen a rejection testimonial under OG androstenol which was once on sapien’s YouTube. Hmm intresting strong girls out there… hmm (?)


@666 I think the difference from most users is that @TheAmbiguousSoldier approached women. I assume most other members did not. I myself used this audio and got the stares that I liked, however my poor social skills didn’t get me to approach girls, so using this field was a waste of time. I do not use it anymore as I rather focus on improving social skills.


But OG androstenol was true rockstar alpha vibes, chick magnet bro. Ladies of all age could not resist it’s power

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I’m actually referring to the OG one, I used it back in 2019 for about half a year

Why I stopped using it was because of the smell, the famous goat smell xD
Also I got angry very quickly a lot of times for stupid reasons or no reason at all which is what I found very unpleasant.


Bro you could have approached girls but you missed it. And also i noticed guys in my class used to treat me like a boss / leader which was insane power boost

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Yes they treated me like a boss too, but like I mentioned poor social skills hindered me. Talking to people I knew, I felt REALLY comfortable, but not with strangers


And listening too often made me really weak in the gym, I don’t understand why


Yah yah Androstenol consumes most of available testosterone for it to get made. And Also i found that the repeated listening on same day, audio exhaust our nerves and make them bit weak. I often had experience of shaking/pulsating nerves. I think it over stimulates the nerves and as a result + consumption of testosterone we may feel bit exhausted


Oh yeah I remember feeling that aswell😂
My hands were kinda twitchy sometimes and I thought it’s some anxiety


But I remember the most horny testimonials coming from women saying that they are very happy now that their husbands and BFs are very wild and like animalistic beast in bed with them etc… OG had Lots of appreciation from women under comments section.


Too bad for them it got taken down haha


Hahaha exactly man… Ladies would be definitely cursing sapien for Taking down. Sure sure… they would definitely be loosing all their minds Woah !!!


I kind of miss it now :joy: but I know I shouldn’t use it no more because I can’t be intimidating in my job, even unconditional is too much


The triple effect of the OG Androstenol after three listening

Really nothing can come across that field, it’s a master piece. Whenever I comeback to it - mind, soul, body changes…

Gratitude to our @El_Capitan_Nemo

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