Angelic code

Hi does anyone have experience this codes

For example:


I will share my experience… I just used 2221568
And I feel it makes me happy more free :heartpulse:…
I feel we can use this codes to speed up results. Or improve our life…

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How did you use it?

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Just repeat it 40 times

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Yes, but how?
Written, read, spoken, sung, visualized?

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Just say it like this order 22 21 568

For problematic thoughts: 76 33 121

So it’s Grabovoi’s technique, so they should be visualized.

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Can we also write it down on page, stick on the water and drink it in the morning? Will that work?

I don’t know

Yo, I just tried out some of these… This is insane lol. This stuff works from what I tried. I tried one for experiencing the energy of the seashore when one is landlocked, felt like I was at the seashore. Bruhhhh.


Thanks to share your experience :sweat_smile::sunny::ocean:
It’s working for me too but I am too greedy I want everything and life is short :pensive::pensive:


I feel you lol


25 39 579
for bipolar disorder, mania

I feel I want to throw up …


A lot of energy released & pressure relief from my head & third eye area …
I begin to read numbers more slowly… in more relaxed manner…
I start to return to my normal self …


Are these from Grabovoi?

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Any updates on these codes from anyone who used/uses them?
Same questions as @akkar 's: are these from Grabovoi?

I have used them extensively, although it was a few years ago. I got special pens from amazon (washable ink) and wrote them on my arms and hands. One person saw one while I was on a bus and said “prison tat”. I nearly laughed myself silly. I also got some leather wrist bands and wrote the numbers there and snapped them on. I probably did that for years.

I showed them to my “boss” at work and she wrote one on her hand. I don’t remember exactly what it was for (she might have misplaced something), but it worked so fast she could hardly believe it. Her mom is a witch so it’s not like she was closed-minded, lol.

At any rate, they work wonderfully well and there are so many categories, from physical to spiritual. Yes there are some done by Grigory Grabovoi. The ones I used most were from two groups that I can no longer find online. When I find them I will come back and post here.


Thank You so much, Rosechalice, for confirming that they work. :pray:


I always found the concept of focusing on nrs totally alien but I guess I get it better now, after I learned something about radionics.

Anyway…I read an old book by Grabovoi and he had these “contemplations” that are what I did and they were great :ok_hand:

This stuff never works for me probably cause of my close-mindedness but welp…I wonder if people used these combined with other stuff cause that is popular in youtube.

This+switchwords+hopponoppono+programming statements/energy psychology.