Angelic intercession Question

Great, I am so glad it worked!
I am doing great thank you :smiley:

Right now Iā€™m just able to understand my servitors, not yet able to understand angels.

This article by SammyG on energy sensitivity, says, that itā€™s the foundation for for communicating with beings:

Being able to perceive energy will be like uncovering a whole new world for the first time.

Examples being:

  • Feel when people are thinking or talking about you
  • Communicate with entities
  • Communicate with animals

The article explains, that a good way to become more energy sensitive, is to do a present moment meditation after listening to one of the Chakra audios.

As supplement Sammy recommends the alpha or theta brainwave audio from the gumroad shop.

The new Course is mainly designed to make you energy sensitive so it would help too.


Do you know the difference between those chakra audios and the dream seedā€™s chakra audio?


Additionally Conceptual Thinking is important. From Psychic Development 101:

In fact, some psychics are said to be able to see and communicate with entities from other realms. This is possible and it is important to understand that seeing is also a form of identifying information. But such information will not even be made available to the conscious mind unless a part of their brain has the proper neuron connections.

The Animal Empathy/ Telepathy video creates these connections in your brain.

Then you have to practice the exercises described in this article and try to figure out conceptual thinking. This article gives some more information on it:


These articles are older than the Energy Blockage Removal. So practicing with this video could work as well.

The gumroad audios are most likely stronger. Additionally the Dream Seed video doesnā€™t decalcify your Pineal Gland, while one of the Chakra mp3s on gumroad does:


Purchased them and starting to listen daily,thank you


Agree, music is very serene and calming too!


The chakra audios are permanent? If I grow them they with stay like that?

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Hello again guys, can I listen tow alien intercession after the angelic one? Do those two contradict?

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Depends on what you want from them.
Yes, you could ask both for help or support in any manner. But I would ask only one of them at a time to build a connection with you.

I tested the method from @Samurai yesterday. Put all items with fields etc. away. Listened only once to alien intercession and ask them to establish a connection. Waited over 2 hours before I listened to anything again. Felt like they were building a lot of new connections in my right hemisphere. Gonna write more about my experience later.

@Nabs101 wrote in another post, that our energy body needs to:

acclimatize to their vibrational frequency

This probably means that listening to Angelic VIbrations (ver 2.0) will make connecting to angels easier! Dream wrote in the description:

This vibrates your entire body and being and entire energy system with the base vibration of an Angelic being (the same type as in the angelic intercession)

So listen to Angelic Vibrations a few times and then try Angelic Intercession!


if you have mastered conceptual thinking you dont really need an intercession pendant to ask for help. just broadcast a conceptual message energetically, send ithat information out of your mind/body asking for what you need help with. the more conceptual and energy rich the message is, the better


I have a similar experienceā€“more like I can feel the angels more present with meā€“when I play it. I play this as I do my ā€œangel work.ā€ It really helps me with that.

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The field summons Angel spirits right, as well as for Dragon and alien intercession.

Very awesome. :+1:


The other day my mom messaged me that my brother has not arrived home yet, and it was late in the evening. She was really worried because she could not contact him. I tried to contact him as well with no results. His phone was probably switched off. Then, I played this audio. I asked the angel to keep my bother safe and to ask him to reply to my momā€™s message. The next day my mom told me that my brother replied, and it was around the time I finished playing Angelic Intercession :innocent:



This is a very powerful audio for me as well. Itā€™s an instant connection!
Thanks for sharing.


When i do distance healing i seem to have no problem requesting from them help to make the healing smoother, and actually i admit it still boggles my mind to some extent, but Iā€™m very grateful either way


Yes, the music chosen is also excellent
I donā€™t remember if I had already written it, anyway; a few weeks ago I was returning from a grueling journey, grueling traffic, stress, nothing seemed to work, so I remembered this track, I looped it at least 3 times and in the end I felt much better, relaxed

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Yes, I completely feel you. I loose the count to all the times I cried listening to this. Because it comforts, it reassuresā€¦ and so much more. And the music is divine indeed.

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I tried to get rid of bugs in my apartment. I couldnā€™t identify what they were, and whatever I tried to keep them away didnā€™t seem to work. After asking the angel to help, I saw a gecko, and the next day the bugs disappeared. The first time that this happened, I didnā€™t make the connection with Angelic Intercession field. I thought that the gecko came out of nowhere. The second time I played Angelic Intercession to expel bugs, the gecko appeared again, so this convinced me that it was angelā€™s way to help.

Someone said in a different thread that he/she likes to use this field as an environmental field. I never thought of using it this way until last week. I had been feeling heaviness when interacting with other people. Plasma Node Connector and Nullifying Planetary Effects didnā€™t help that much for me not to feel that other people were trying to be mean (people were kind, didnā€™t know why I felt this way). After looping this field, I felt warm again, and I could see the kindness of others.


Environmental Transformer Servant
if you are registered on patreon, stick it everywhere at home and put one on you, for me it works
I asked him for a mosquito-free environment, for the moment it works, I havenā€™t been bitten anymore
Iā€™m going to put some to work, so that people become nicer, because when Iā€™m away, they only make me miserable
and Iā€™m going to play the intercession of the angels, because I too want people to be nice to me
good luck man

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