Intercession Experiences

Hey folks. Wanted to share some interesting experiences I had using different intercession audios.

Angelic Intercession

Messed up and used a Sapien Med field in a way we are not supposed to. Stomach and gullet started to feel weird. Esp. stomach felt upset.
Was worried and played the angelic intercession, to ask for help.

For the first time I felt a presence reaching into me and clearing the mess I created. In a bit more than a minute everything was back to normal and I felt save and secure.

Stomach was completely fine the next day!

Alien Intercession

First experience:

Leg muscles felt sore and I asked them, if they could help me with it. In seconds the soreness was gone and my legs felt fresh and rested.

Next I asked them, if they could improve my ability to communicate with them and other entities.
They started working on my brain. Felt similar to Animal Empathy/Telepathy, but targeted some other areas as well.

Second experience:

Had trouble with my teeth and gum, so asked for their support. Gum and lips started to feel a bit numb and energy was moving around all over my teeth and gums. When they were done everything felt really clean.

At the end I thanked them and asked them to visit me in my dreams, so I can learn more about them. Sensed, that this made them really happy. Had some weird dreams the following night, but nothing to do with aliens.

Devic Intercession

Asked them too, if they could improve my communication ability.

They stimulate my Sacral, Solar Plexus and Heart chakra. Chakras felt like balls of energy, which were floating above my body.

Then the devic spirits were energizing minor chakras. Mainly the ones around Sacral and Solar Plexus. After 15 minutes they were done.

Was a beautiful experience.


What worked for me is ask them to help you get familiar with their energies faster. The faster your energy body can acclimatize to their vibrational frequency (or at least close to) then the more likely you will be able to perceive them in your dreams.

You see our primal brain, once it encounters a being that is unknown or unfamiliar to us, it immediately triggers the fight or flight response. Thus the benevolent ETs respect the distancing and only approach when it is safe to do so for you.


Great suggestion! Gonna try this. Will report here, when it worked out.


So, I played it for loop. Felt a sensation that the wall between this world and the other one suddenly lifted. And only a thin veil remained. Big beautiful stars filled with weird alien things floating. All this felt like a dream ofcourse. Even though it was noon and I was wide awake. I still felt like I was in a dream. I could just sense big weird other wordly beings. (You know how they are) . Big beautiful but also unsettling. Soft and tender yet undefined features. Delicate and floating like a feather. Still not quite as cute as humans lol. I could feel them. So close. Like at an arms length. But there was a veil preventing the crossover. It was beautiful. Do share your experiences too


Dont forget to play Shen Yang before intercessions… :eyes:


Would you guys recommend giving the Michael mandala to a female family member…?

She is a christian, but she is the “happy” and high vibrational kind.

As we all know a lot of cockroaches tend to see it as a weakness and take advantage of people like that.

Unfortunately I can’t go around and kill every one of those rats with a battleaxe (this timeline sucks).

So I was thinking maybe if she had Michael’s energy, people would think twice before trying to take advantage?

Anyone who works with angels here, any tips?

@angelblessings Do you have experience with Michael? Does he demand respect or is he also fluffy like the other angels?


Not sure. Right now I’m living in the countryside, with little social interaction. The few times I went to larger social events I didn’t use St. Michael.

Man I’m trying to remember if I noticed a shift in people around me, when I first used it. Can’t remember. Definitely not on the level of the Thor mandala or the authority sigil.

Unfortunately I only wore the authority sigil the last weeks and it made enough, deep changes. I’m much more dominant, even when I put the item away. I’m the wrong guy to test this out right now. Sorry…

What I know is, that St. Michael offers strong automated psychic defense. He can protect her from parasitic entities. If ones thoughts attract some low vibration entity, he automatically applies the Exorcism Rite to get rid of it.


I’ll give it a shot.

My only fear is that Michael doesnt seem all that intimidating either.

His whole “i kill evil spirits” act is cute and all but I need him to kill “evil” humans too ;D


True, he’s not the evil human killer type, but rest assured he’s intimidating enough.
He’s the type to throw them across a room and pin them to the wall until they truly promise to knock it off.

IOW, he’s just fine for your friend.


Hello. I think you should give the st Michael mandala to her. He is strong and a powerful protection. I myself gave my “sword of st Michael “ t shirt to my mother when she went to a place that needed protection. It all went well.


Thanks man, she is a woman, im assuming its no problem, right? Since Michael is a bit more masculine.

I dont work with angels but she is a christian, not the “go to hell” type, but the “love, not violence” type, I think Mike will like and protect her.

Thanks, I’ll do that then.


lol :wink: Funny, i was going to put “he” in quotes in my original post because he’s not very “masculine” at all.
I mean “he” can be when it comes to protection/fighting but his energy most people would perceive as “feminine” if he was sitting across from you.
It’s that male/female balanced blend.


Thats weird, I did talk with him long ago, he always seemed masculine and even sounded like Yeshua, as in very dissappointed in christians etc.

He had that “warrior” vibe, but I guess Mike will manifest differently for everyone.

He also kept calling me “boy” in the voice of Kratos in the latest god of war game lol.

Maybe hes just being funny.


I thought the movie “Constantine” did an excellent job of depicting that male/female energy signature common among many of the “archangels”




Naaah thats not the Mike I know lol.

Looks more like gabriel tbh.

Ah well, as long as “he” can protect my family member I guess it doesnt matter lol.


My emphasis was on the energy vibe, not the visual depiction.
But yes, Gabby and others. (believe it was Gabby in the movie)

heh, they would consider themselves soul brothers. Nice pick up.


Yeah, REALLY familiar.

Yeshua told me to become vegetarian and meditate more. He also hates the name jesus for some reason lol.

Michael was more like “you’re a guest here, be a good guest, alien, and dont work with those idiots again”

Idiots being “fallen angels” etc, during my edgy black magician days I had a thing with them.


Yeah, the thing with mandala tho is that its not just intercession, but she would actually get the power and energy from Mike, so in a sense “become Michael”.

Just wanted to make sure hes not some “turn the other cheek” or “forgive them, they dont know better” type.



Exactly what I wanted, thanks :wink: