Angelic Intercession +

yup, the allowed thread :smiley:

Yup, but I didn’t know it, I thought that would be ok if I ask at here. :upside_down_face:


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Thanks to @anon73693188, I tooked a leaph of faith and decided to acquire this incredible NFT.

I Would like to share with you guys about something that let me a bit emotional on today’s.

It’s mandatory at Saturday that me and my father goes for a social work, at the streets of my hometown, it’s a tough spot, poorness and misery everywhere.

Today was a such wierd day, I don’t even know how I was able to get it done, was feeling heavy, couldn’t even keep the focus and the patience.

On the way to the place that usually we stop to start the giveaway food, the car literally stopped at the middle of road, aleast 4 times, I was fearing for our lives, anytime there was a chance to be hit by another car or become a easy target to be robbed at day light, so… we drove to the side of the road, something was whispering at my ear, like… - Hey, don’t forget about us, we are here!, Immediately I remember that I was with my cellphone, and go for the Angelic Intercession + Audio, dudeeeeeee, less than 1 min, guess WHATTTTTT, out of nowhere, it just back to WORK!, OH MY GOSHHH!, I was shock!

The car remain intact, no more problem, nothing… was driving smooth until the final destination.

Anyways, not only this… they also keept us on a protection bublle, we both was felling very safe and got a tremendous energy to keep up with the work.

One and the last and greatest thing that also happened, an elderly man approach us to ask for a prayer, that never happened before, immediately I mentally asked the angels to help him, again… less than 1 minute, our elite squad, came and embrace this guy!, I could feel at his eyes, he felt an strong presence, that was priceless.

@Dreamweaver, from the bottom of my heart, thanks for everything, not only for this, but for all you work, there’s a alotttt of ppl that are getting benefits with it!.

@Kindfulness1 for sharing your thoughts about on how to connect with them, properly


Are you sure Its because of angels.Maybe Its a coincidence. Can you try to ask angels for any specific which couldn’t be coincidence.I mean An you ask angels for making big things happen.For example Asking for new Job,Asking For Healing etc.
I want to buy this but I haven’t seen any miraculous results with this nft.Only Small results.

Awesome! Thanks for sharing.


I think it’s subjective. What may seem a small result to you, might be big deal to them, such as protection, a dispute sorted, etc. Like what I shared Share your results! - #1509 by ecaiii

And I don’t believe in coincidences when you have thought of your intention or asked for guidance for what is appropriate for a certain situation. Also, there’s the free Angelic Intercession which works amazingly as well.

A clairvoyant once said one of my worst nightmares is about to happen and something related to a person from the past within a timeframe, so I prayed incessantly, and dodged it.
I guess being saved from harm, which is basically your life is a small insignificant thing to someone. shrugs

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What Im saying is that Why don’t people ask angels to help them get rich or Help them live their best life.Instead They for small insignificant things.And Feel very Happy when they happen.Why don’t they even try to ask for things that could change their life.

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Brother, by being a “sensitive” for over 25 years of my life, there’s no doubts, no coincidence.

I advice you to focus on the connection with them, not only on the solving problems thing.

The thing with the car was something that deeply shock me, I felt them, they guide us until the last minute of our work.

Sounds like a fairy tell BS, right? :joy:, But nah my friend, give yourself a try, meditate with it, create a bond, develop a synergy with them, SM NFT ain’t something silly.

PS: don’t limit yourself or them, they are above our physical mind, like someone said at the thread, there’s no limits.


A win is a win.

Have a blessed day!


Exactly.Have You asked for any other big help.?Did angels help you in that case?

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there is an expression: coincidence is another name of God


They also help me with my noisy neighbors, seems that they got a little bit of consciousness over they actions.

  1. You don’t know that they haven’t, and I’m guessing there is proof if you look for it. Perhaps you mean only on this forum?
  2. Energy is energy; therefore there is no big or small. The concept that you think is big is no different in angelic consciousness from something you deem as small.
  3. What changes a person’s life differs from person to person.

I’m just going to speak from personal experience I don’t have this nft yet but I do want it and will probably get it soon

But I think with goals and manifestation it’s a collective experience because you ask but then you also are required as far as I’ve experienced to focus and be guided to the thing or the chain of events to lead you to the thing.

This often requires orchestration even for the littlest things.

For instance I’m looking for a particular weed lol. I’ve been asking for guidance to help me find the weed but it turns out it’s really not in so many places around. So it may take a specific chain to get me to the place where it is growing.

This is going to require that I get a new idea, I go to a new place, and also that I ease up on the intense desire for the weed. I believe that once I let go a little the guidance will be easier to get to me. Or one day I’ll just be sitting at brunch and it will be growing behind my head.

But my point is that I think it’s more of a team effort than we realize and we are a part of that team. So maybe people are asking and maybe they’re not because they don’t believe it’s possible,

But either way then they have to be kind of tuned in yet somewhat detached. It’s a balance that for some comes really naturally and for some takes a long time. I don’t think the angels will do everything for you exactly. Maybe if it’s an emergency. But I believe they want your active participation.

I could be wrong definitely not ruling that out ever, always reserve the right to be wrong :) but that’s my understanding this far from my own impressions of angels and manifestations in general.


couldn’t help but posting this earlier while I was making lunch probably around 15 mins when you posted the above @Jen , I was reading thru this thread and saw your response and I just got this NFT 2 days ago and it has been such a blessing to have…

before I get offtrack I was playing with this angel deck card and got this card which made me chuckle and appreciate the synchronicity of it along with your post. =)


Awwww :green_heart: love it

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This is true…

I am under a bit of financial stress, the diminished money makes me trying to create a better life harder… so ive asked for some money… not millions, but enough to get me out of the pickle so i can then allow myself to spend money on myself

The feeling i get is… if i start to trust and allow myself to spend, then the money will come…

But i must at least do my role and start letting go of the fear of having nothing


And the fear of having something



