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I recommend this stack if you do not feel to meditate:

  • The Silent Mind
  • The Centered Mind
  • Navapashanam Elixir
  • Millionaire Mind Setting
  • The Hum of the Universe



This forum is well worth the investment​:laughing::muscle:


Well said :mechanical_arm:


Thank you for always giving us, and I hope you have a lot of rest @Dreamweaver :muscle:


I like doing candle magick rituals during appropriate times (new moon, etc) or when really needed, coupled with Captain’s

  • Divine Intercession candle series

  • 2 devices playing at the same time : Essence of Faith and Prayers and Angelic Intercession (old and new)

I have been saved from harm, turn around of events to my favour and recently some 460$ was returned smoothly. Eternally grateful to your service and tools @Dreamweaver :heartpulse:


I printed 2 Energetic Mandalas a week ago.
Abundance & Prosperity in my wallet and Draw Luck under my phone cover.
I was selling some unwanted items lying around for cash, buyers were unusually eager to buy them off me. Even some old listings were sold, this can’t be a coincidence!

I’m archiving these happenings (money gushing into my account) under a sapienmiracle tag on Day One app for my abundance and gratitude journey.


This is a pre workout stack you should try if you wanna train like a fucking animal (like you’re supposed to).

1-2x Testosterone boost
3x enhanced blood circulation
3x alchemical jing charged blood
3x plasma charged mitochondria

Enhance your blood circulation and let that sweet negentropic jing fill your muscles for a crazy pump… on top of that, plasma charged mitochondria for the energy boost and the mental stamina, focusing on feeling the energy grow inside every cell of your body. Hydrate a lot and you’re pretty much set for an insane workout. Enjoy!


Great Results!
Congrats! :pray:


:relieved: thank you bro @SoulStar33

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I had to catch a connecting train just now.
Normally I have 9 minutes, and the train had a 10 minute delay…

So I played angelic intercession to stall the second train.

I’m now on the second train


Edit: I can see in the train app that the second train had to wait for another train on the same tracks to go first, which gave me those needed 2-3 minutes extra


The guy who will be late for his meeting :cry:

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Not today

While I’m at it…

I banged my head by accident.
My fault, was looking at my phone.

I immediately requested caladrius to heal the area in the most gentle way.

Now when I touch it, I don’t even feel any pressure pain to the touch.


I think I accidentally created a magic beauty mirror.

About a year ago I had printed out the Inner Beauty Reflected Outward image and taped it to one side of my dressing table mirror. Kind of forgot about it tbh, because I see it everyday, so over time it kind of just blended into the background of my vision.

Recently I’ve been battling with body weight changes, like old clothes not fitting. But the odd thing was I’d look in the mirror and think, my clothes tag says a different size, but I don’t know. I feel kind of fine? Maybe I could even say, I still look bomb?

I don’t really use the weighing scale anymore so I had to drag it out of a dusty corner, and sure enough there was a definite increase. In the past I’d obsess about it, but now it’s kind of just, eh, I guess I should cut back a little now and then, no big deal.

There are days when the Big Sad comes to visit (a history of depression and anxiety), and the dark circles seem more prominent, the face looks more fallen and glum.

But still, not as bad as before, when I was going through issues of body dysmorphia, disordered eating, etc. I still have bad days, not gonna lie. But overall I can say that I care much less about how my body looks, and learning (it’s an ongoing process) to focus more on being proud of what it can do.

So maybe try the mandala, as they’re often overlooked. I hope it helps someone here see their inner grace and beauty too.


My mom had a blood glucose concentration of 313 mg/dl this morning; she took one pill for diabetes which (at the most and that is If it happens) lowers her blood glucose up to 100 mg/dl; at the same time she listened to Pancreas Reloaded, for 3 or 4 times, Idk for sure; later, (a couple hours later) I tested her glucose and it was 175, which was way lower than expected, then later (1+ hour later) it was 103 mg/dl; without taking additional pills, we practically tested the power of Pancreas Reloaded (she listened again, for 3 times) and it lowered her glucose from 175 to 103 - in an hour (without meds, her blood glucose does not get lower, especially to such levels)!!!

Now, (just) once, in the past, the same field barely lowered her blood sugar, and she took multiple pills - it was when she found out that her leg could not be saved…
Stress seems to block or minimize results from this field, possible from others as well, Idk for sure.
This and previous fields for diabetes seem to work quite well and they are very strong, the very reason she got scared of using them in the first place - they lowered her blood sugar way too low/to way lower levels than expected (compared to medication/medicine).

Now, listening to fields does Not guarantee (100%) success, but it improves the chances and someone’s health (condition) and life significantly.

I am Amazed how powerful these fields are.
Thank You Dreamweaver. :pray:


Was frustrated bc I´ve seemed unable to loose bellyfat, despite regular strength and cardio training.
Only Muscles hungry for fat seemed to help a bit.

But since listening to the diabetes audio an hour a day, (currently at day 5) my face and belly are looking more and more ripped.
Somebody who didn´t knew about me using the fields, told me at the second day that my face looks way less chubby.

Also way less desire for eating in general.


That’s Great.


I haven’t bought The Manly Man yet, but so far with the little workouts I do at home, I am seeing nice consistent gains. Workout stack wise, my stack looks like this:

Each one I listen 3-6 times. After that follow some male related audios (Hence I am looking forward getting the manly man soon)

Edit: I should really review Aether Snake…