Angelic Intercession +

Wow this is powerful! I just purchased this last night and I feel so refreshed by listening to this. I definitely feel protected and loved :)

This is my first NFT, but I do not see it in my Phantom wallet. Is it supposed to appear in there? I might have possible made a mistake by sending it to the wrong wallet… When I purchased I made a Phantom wallet for the first time and then when collecting it, it seemed to autogenerate from the new wallet I created. Now when I click the link from my email to check out the explorer, I see none of the wallets match my phantom Solana wallet. I am a bit confused :sweat_smile:

Anyway I have the mandala and the audio so no real harm is done if it is the case :)

EDIT: LOL TO ME, I already had a NFT wallet made previously which connected automatically. So all good!! :P


& as a further review on this, after reflecting some more lol

I fell asleep and it was looping for a while when I was sleeping. My dreams were much more vivid and I was more aware of being in the dream and while being in the dream state, I recognized I have “been here” multiple times before, but every time I got stuck at the same point! There seemed to be an obstacle which I could not surpass.

But this time, while my dream state me recognized I was reliving the same scene, something shifted and I could proceed. It seemed like I knew exactly what to do, a greater awareness and power inside of me had opened up and everything moved swiftly. Not only that, everything also seemed to fall into place according to natural order. Like I knew it was supposed to be a certain way and the other people/characters in my dream also seemed to help me out and work with me fluently. It seems like some resistance has been dissolved effortlessly.

This is one of my most interesting dreams that I can remember having so far. & not only that, I also woke up to a message that I will receive some extra bonuses on my investments. Things shifted rapidly overnight!

Thank you!


This is a beautiful outplaying of removal of an obstacle. Gratz!



Would listening to this audio on minimal volume (i.e. barely detectable, if at all, by the ear) still be effective?

Is it like a porthole/gateway? Or do we need to hear the music in order for it to be effective?

I listened to it at night twice, once i seen flickering lights as indrifted, and im sure i experienced something else as well which ive forgot, the other i had beneficial dreams BUT it isnt exactly white noise is it… so it disturbed my sleep and i cant keep that up.



Yes barely hearing it would still be effective.

I’m not 100 percent certain but I believe Dreamweaver once said, as long as you can hear it somewhat

And to me somewhat means barely and maybe in a patchy way


Here is what I do. I adjust the volume to be minimal so that if I stop all sounds in the room, I can hear the audio playing. I put the playing device in my pocket so that the energy beamed out of the speakers can reach my aura easily. And then I go about my normal chores - laundry, TV playing, Skype calls, etc., where I am not really hearing the audio at all. That said, if I still all sounds in the room, and focus on it - I am still able to hear the audio, so it is playing…

I do however suggest that every day, at least till one is able to “tune” into the fields, meditate to the audio actively. Does not need to be complicated - just play the audio, do not multi-task, place gentle awareness on the audio while focusing on the in and out breath. That’s it! Takes the effects of the fields to the next level!


I know, small things-

But they helped make a bathroom line shorter for

And played van morrisons “sweet thing” while I was holding my Austin powers pee so thanks to them

It was serious I was jumpin’


Hahaha :partying_face:


螢幕擷取畫面 (7889)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) yay ~
finally got it


I looped this as i slept last night… very interesting indeed

I was ill, coming down with a sickness bug which they healed almost instantly as i asked… i felt the ilness stop and then move uo, so i asked them to heal that new place, they done so… in the end, i was fine.

There was lights and weird things going on around me…

I eventually fell asleep and had a dream about the “toughest” lad from my primary (2 to 11 year old) school…

He is a drug addict (maybe recovering) like me
He was abused as a child… which i think i was
He just stands for a lot in my subconcious mind

In the dream i said… well, i wint explain it all

Basically he ended up angry and chasing me with some crack cocaine (one of my former troubles) and i ran upstairs onto a roof to fight him… inwas scared

When i got there, the roof was filled with angels who didnt attack him as auch, but smothered him

The dream was basically saying…

“if you have the angels with you, you are protected” but in way that helps me accept myself i guess :slight_smile:
How cool


Guys… more proof

I have stated this before, but my therapist always gives appointments on the hour

My angel number is 212…

Ive asked for them to sort out 3 appointments for me on shirt notice… every one of them has been at 2.10

Obviously the therapist wont ever have 2.12 available but this is as close as possible

The other day i asked them to prove that theyre angels im communicating with, give me a sign…

I looked down as there was 212 on my dash board haha

Honestly, theyre amazing…


Bro, maybe ask them To Send Telepathic message?And see how It works.
For example Ask them to give you business ideas @Kindfulness1

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I will,

Although my life is pretty cluttered right now…so my ability to receive messages has diminished somewhat.

Inwill get there and report back


Hey,Bro Did you try?You got any messages from angels?

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Just want to say that a $ issue in regards to a family member owing me a recut check has finally been resolved.
(no malicious intent or greed on this persons part, “just” memory problems!)

Its been going on for about 1 1/2 years.

It took only 2 sessions (one daily) with connecting to this NFT while audio played to be resolved.
So yesterday and today morning.
Explained the situation to the angels.
This afternoon this person called me and wanted to know if I wanted the check mailed to me!

Thanks Dream for creating this.

Thanks to the angels for helping me

UPDATE: I received the check about 10 days later.




Thanks Rose.

It (the situation) was hanging over my head.


and now it is a garland around your shoulders
angel good-morning-beautiful


I have to say, i honestly think this field has saved my little girls life…

My angek number is 212… i wont go into details on here but it is so intrinsically tied into my heart, it literally guided me all the way to meeting myself deeply, in my own heart

The other day my little girl went into my bedroom alone, i felt inclined to turn around and see how she was as i was heading downstairs…

I went into the room and she was almost leaning out of a big open window, within a short distance of falling out… she is tiny, she would have died

I asked my angels if that was them helping… i told my friend i had asked them, i looked down… 212 was right infront of me…

They saved my girls life… and for many reasons, i think i even know it was saint anthony (yes saints are angels, or most are)

I think this field was worth the money dont you?



I am so happy that your little one is safe!
Angel resting