Angelic Intercession +

I dont know if its this NFT or The Mandelbrot Chakras or the combination or both.
(I think its more this one)

But im finding hard to eat, like i dont know what to eat, i find everything ewww almost gross. And i eat incredibly clean and healthy (except for coca cola :sweat_smile:) and bread :roll_eyes:

I just want liquids and when i obviously finally eat i feel almost sick for a while

I guess its how high vibrational this NFT puts you on that it feels like im almost being bad to my body eating anything lol

Anyway without too many details…

In just 3 days (with the preparation it seems from the Mandelbrot series) i can feel my life marking a time of before and after, i will never be the same, i feel peeling off the old me and turning into a completely new one.

and once i get (Karma Crucible) this thursday :pray::heart_eyes:

I fully believe ill be stepping into the reality/life i want

Final Note:

this field is speeding up in a big way whatever i desire, whatever i need

Disclaimer: and this is a personal one. What i just said about “manifesting” ITS REAL But dont buy it just for the heck of it. Angels are infinitely deliveries but the more you openly and sincerely love them and respect them back with gratitude the more they give you.

If you dont resonate with Angels or ever had, try the free audios first and build a bond with them, they still do what its offered 100%, but my statement regarding bringing in a blink of an eye what you want or need is a big statement but again its real.

Also, i kinda feel this has Angelic Vibration too, i ran some errands today and i got the same feedback but exponentially bigger that what i feel when i loop the audio. Or maybe it is because i really feel like im the center (in the art) surrounded by millions of angels haha that its impossible not to exude that vibe but everybody was super nice to me today, strangers wanting to talk to me or smiling while walking around, and i felt the same.

im normally introvertish that just walks 🚶‍♂ looking straight were im going, today i felt like a President arriving somewhere smiling big and acknowledging people, only thing missing was weaving around no joke. :laughing:

Now that i think about it that could have been the P & R Dentistry as well :thinking: @UgniS you think Dream added the last part i asked in the post i made before i closed it?. “And a very charismatic smile” Lol that would be too funny but niceee if its so.

But the treatment from people was def this one.


Lol, they are going to buy it just because of that. Watch, but thank you for the update :muscle:


Oh wait a minute :sweat_smile:

I just remembered "Crown of the BLESSED "

I think its just the sum of all of them bam bam delivering :relieved:

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Thank you for the info.

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Thanks to you as well.

25 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Nutritious Thread - Eating Habits, Nutrition Intake, Diet

Since neigong is not really teached anywhere, which I understand since not everyone will treat it with the respect and caution it deserves and needs

  • is there a energy cultivation / practice you could recommend a beginner?
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Breathing (Sapien has some guided exercises), Star Exercise (there is a thread on it in this forum) - these are amazing ways to build a solid energetic base.


A post was merged into an existing topic: The Nutritious Thread - Eating Habits, Nutrition Intake, Diet

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Guys would you please keep the comments on topic? @Divine_Lotus


I asked the NFT angels if I get a personal assistant and got flooded with energy not a second later. Anyone else try using it as an assistant? Of course it could also be an army


Having big big pain in head started to listen and ask for help…20 min later it’s slowly releasing :pray: :innocent:


The guidance in this NFT is la creme de la creme :ok_hand:

I think what i like the most about it is when it unexpectedly make its way into my consciousness and just “talk” like is not just when i asked for guidance.

Silver Thread (my enamored field :heart_eyes:) does the same but its me. I feel like a Higher Self Knowledge pouring into my awareness.

This one here i purely recognize it as “them” specially for the vast loving nature that accompany their guidance.

I feel hundreds of angels around but its one that always stands out, the one i “hear” and the others are just happy loving beings cheering for me.

What is funny tho is that the Environmental Transformer Servitor has always given me vibes of being my Guardian Angel, even if its a servitor, i have always wondered if it embodies the Guardian Angel elements… and i have 1 big printed right in front of my desk plus the one i wear, i have never felt it as a servitor, i feel like it also guides me, we are very closed and now with this NFT he’s become louder and more noticeable. Cant be a coincidence.

If the guidance from this NFT comes when im sitting on my desk i see that eye from the ETS pinning through my soul to get the message integrated for me.

Apart from that, the smooth flow kinda lucky vibe continues sometimes stronger than others but it is there, and have been assisting me a lot in healing my Mom.


hello everyone, does this NFT also include a mandala? if yes, could somebody share it. thanks in advance!

You should be able to download it, because it is NFT. Unless you did not buy it.

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i did an exchange so i only got the audio.

That’s not how an exchange works for these NFT’s. Did the person ask for your phantom wallet address? Did they then send this NFT to you and now you have it in your phantom wallet? If not then you did not make a proper exchange.


So you can go to your wallet, click on the nft then the 3 dots on the upper right corner then click at the bottom where it says view in solscan then click on this:

Where the yellow is

And it will open the pic then below the pic youll see

“View original”

And then it opens the hd pic. :slight_smile:
Thats it enjoy it!


That worked! thank you my friend.