The Nutritious Thread - Eating Habits, Nutrition Intake, Diet

Discuss anything pertaining to ways of eating, food preferences, food industries, nutrition, personal experiences with food, anything generally about food that isn’t about cooking.

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what about infusing your food with those energies?

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I do that (using the food enhancer)

But that was more like settling up the new high vibrations

It has always happened to me

Every time there is a level up i dont want to eat i just want to feel light as a feather and fly away with the higher beings i guess :laughing:

Joke apart we know food keeps us anchored here thats why

But thank you for the advice!


I think it is a natural consequence of increasing vibration. For decades now, I have not needed much food or sleep. My parents freaked out and eventually accepted it. I just eat (rather drink smoothies with protein) at regular intervals to keep the body going, and for social purposes - but my body does not really need much sleep or food as Neigong seems to take care of the body’s energetic needs. In my case, I had experiences as a kid reciting the mantra of Ganesha - he would appear as a little kid (probably because I love kids) and at times sit on my lap for a while and leave. He seems to be the reason for my drastically reduced need for sleep and food.

Several of my teachers barely ate. One of them ate a banana and drank a milk every other day to keep his astral presence grounded to the body.


So you basically eat to keep up appearances and to make sure you don’t just pop out of your body during the workday?

That sounds pretty cool to be honest, but how do you stay functional on a day to day basis? You don’t find yourself drifting off into bliss during meetings or whatever?


I´m not remotely on that level, but I´ve experienced the same when I´ve removed sugar and pmo from my life + trained daily. Less sleep, less need for food, feeling extremely light in my body :smiley:


Where did his physical body continue to get is minerals and vitamins from? I mean the process of old cells being replaced by new cells still continues either way…


Used to happen initially, when I was in my first year of college - but my teacher taught me to anchor to the body using the breath, so that really helped stay grounded.


He did not care for his body at all - it was just a cover, one of his many across lifetimes. The less he focused on his body, the less he depended on it. He was no Hercules, but had no health issues. His faith was immense, “if the Lord wants my body sustained, it will happen, why should I bother”… It was pretty scary for the less spiritually evolved or theoretical spiritualists who had not tasted the ambrosia of Grace the way he did (my mother thought he was a dangerous influence haha). He also did not take many students as most were interested in these physical feats/acrobatics rather than spiritual progress. He always said, “this is just one of the side effects of Divine Grace, the minute you lose sight of your goal and begin to focus on powers such as these, boom, you lose them”…

He relied on his mantra to derive prana which sustained him. I rely on my Neigong. Although, I am far from his level - so I still need to regulate my body mechanisms now and then, especially to remain grounded in my body and not flee astrally (I’ve talked before of how Dream rescued me on one such occasion).

I mean, I don’t think we can approach the Siddhas and their functioning via biology, the law of attraction, alien theories, or even most spiritual philosophies, etc. The word Siddha is interpreted to mean - “not following the rules of nature” :slight_smile:


It’s interesting, ever since I have been raising my vibrations little by little, my need for food also lessened. For the past few days I haven’t eaten all day except night time (9pm), so once a day to make sure my body is getting the essential nutrients.

No hunger, not feeling thirsty… mom thinks something is wrong with me lol.



I notice it more on times where i am working with high vibrational fields.

But regardless ive been feeling less and less desire to eat for good 3 years now.

Ive been transitioning from vegetarian to vegan and now i am really going to start a raw vegan diet, my body has been pushing me for over a year for that. There are days that i literally push myself to eat because i have to, there are days i just want to drink fluis and eat fruit and i feel soo good after or fresh nice salads with organic or live ingredients.

People say raw veganism is too extreme and comes with negative side effects, but its all about balance, raw veganism also includes food cooked at low temperatures so ill def eat lots of steam veggies which i love, fresh salads and smoothies and ill be good. Plus some supplements and my eternal bestie nutritional yeast :sweat_smile:

Im finally ready lol

one day ill just become one with air :sweat_smile:

The transition:

I think ill stay on raw veganism until Mr Powerful Dreamweaver finds a way to nurture us from thin air :star_struck:

I dont feel hungry at all when i loop Minor Blue Print and i guess we are kinda getting nurtured from earth itself, but yeah unfortunately we still needs lost of food specially to sustain the big strong fields.

I literally going to sit to write down menus etc to start next week.

Plus sungazing and photosynthesis ones :relieved:


Sounds pretty cool.

I eat a lot of nuts for protein and fats. Dropping meat shouldn´t be a problem but can´t imagine to fully abstain from fish…

I assume it would be hard to bulk up/increase strength on a purely raw vegan diet? :thinking:


Nah but i dont want to turn this post into a diet one, i think there is one for suplements? Maybe we can continue the discussion there.

Also you can google posts like this one

Im pretty sure Venus or Serena Williams is a raw vegan.


Not too difficult. I have been a vegetarian all my life - I am not Vegan though - as weekends sometimes I consume a little diary/cheese every now and then…



Yes. :)

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and me who thought that I was playing too many audios

Since cheese comes from suffering (usually), and others won’t eat moldy cheese (shame on them, it’s healthy and delicious), I just love those moments when I find homemade bleu cheese in the fridge, and I can briefly break my dietary rules.


For breakfast I had vegan veggie soup. Homemade (not by me) and relatively healthy, pretty cheap.

For lunch I had a bag of salad discounted at Kroger that was $1.60. I added some Aldi Organic (in-house brand) Balsamic Vinaigrette that was $2.50 a bottle. I then ate two farm fresh cruelty-free eggs, for which I pay my neighbor $2.50 a dozen.

For dinner I plan on having potatoes, onions, discounted Kroger mushrooms, eggs, and discounted Kroger guac, or organic ketchup and mustard.

Maybe $5 worth of food for the whole day, including spices and healthy cooking oils.

To be fair it could have cost slightly more if everything were eaten raw - but not by much.

Every time I go shopping I ask the spirits of the store to discount things that are healthy and delicious. It works very well.


biological red meat from cows is the best



Have you ever killed a cow by yourself?
Or have you paid others to kill it for you?

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