Anger Management (YouTube)

Anger Management

The energetic programming in this audio calms you down when you are angry and helps you develop more control over it.

Often, people or events in life get the best of us and we react on pure emotional impulse. Some events trigger us to react angrily and anger is surely a strong negative emotion. It causes us to act irrationally and project a very displeasing energy to other others and our environment. It can also lead to use hurting others and even ourselves. We all get angry sometimes. It is part of being human.

But anger is a destructive force and can snowball into a state of negativity that lasts for hours and even days at times. This field calms you down and gets you out of this state of anger.

It also helps you develop control over this force of energy. Anger is a very powerful negative force that makes you feel like you WANT to feel that way. It makes you feel like the most ‘rational’ feeling to have is this feeling you have right now. You’re in the right and the world is in the wrong. It truly blinds the senses and logic. And unfortunately some of us habitually react to many situations in life with anger. Such people have little to no control as to how to emotionally react in life. This field will help people with anger issues also gain more emotional control.

(There was no thread for this audio yet)


i never knew how much i needed this field, in just a few days of listening it drastically helped me become more composed and in control of my emotions in general, but anger mostly of course. I realized how i wasn’t getting angry or mad at stuff i usually react negatively to. i hope everyone checks it out since you don’t know how much you might actually need it even if you consider yourself to be calm most times.
I’m really thankful for this field and appreciate Dream for making it :heart:


Crazy to see how Anger can blind you so much.
Positive field.