Animal Trauma Release 2

This is designed for our animal friends, to provide amygdala healing, emotional release an a bit of vibrational rising. They will also be surrounded by unconditional love. (For the Amygdala healing, this description taken from the other amygdala video is applicable) What this does is work on the amygdala by healing lesions, damage degeneration by inducing stem cell production and removal of scar tissue. Stored fear memories will be released and also negative mind and body associations. Finally, the field repairs the serotonin receptors in the amygdalae. Stuck emotional and energies are also depatterned and removed then filled back with unconditional love and acceptance. Animals no doubt have also had a lot of traumatic experiences that affect them throughout their life. This is a gentle approach to help give them the ability to enjoy their life with unnecessary worry and stress due to past experiences. Use as much as you need, or rather as much as they need. Also added elements of ‘depths of you to this’

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