Anti inflammation stack


I was sick recently and there is a light but stubborn cough that doesn’t seem to want to go away :neutral_face:

I figured I would make a general stack for inflammation - I remember once when I had a similar issue it was the anti cancer field that solved it :sweat_smile:

These fields are in the stack now:

Plasma light
Antioxidant formula
Lung antioxidant
Auto immune
DNA repair
Anti cancer V2

Would you have some suggestions?
I do use the bacteria&fungi apocalypse as well as loop the sinus field but at this point it doesn’t seem to do much anymore.



Vitamin c and water charged from dreamseeds


I hope you’ll feel better soon! :heart:

That looks very good! Definitely would have suggested Plasma Light, Lung Antioxidant and DNA Repair as well :smiley: How about adding Induced Hepatocyte Growth Factor?


Are you still using this one for the inflammatory aspect?


Yes, it’s a different stack with virus disruption and the bacteria field :sweat_smile:

I’ll check this, thanks!


You guys (the two of you: @MonkeyOwl @Devansh) are using Air Revitalizer on a regular basis? How about Holy Basil and Honey? Some relevant info in that thread.


Good point, not so much - I didn’t notice anything with holy basil, I use air revitaliser a bit more.


Been having the same problem after I was sick a week ago. Covid type symptoms

But now only the dry cough has remained.

Was going to ask you but then you made this thread

I’ve tried most of the fields above but it doesn’t seem to be healing

I’ll let you know if something works


This field actually works in mysterious ways! Sometimes I loop it for a longer while and it relieves the most hidden of stuff. Did you try looping it for longer? Also do you use Senescent Cell Removal?

The Kidney Regeneration field also works wonders for detox and inflammation, I’d focus a bit more on organs (Pancreas and Liver too).

Feel better soon!


hey @MonkeyOwl tonic n°31 might help you !

decrease in NAD+ levels leads to more chronic inflammation


Yeah also the autophagy aspect in it would lead to better flow and will help detox everything letting the cough a bit persistent.

Also btw, the old regeneration fields work differently so the old lungs restoration can be notably helpful. I use it for a persistent pleurisy from covid, but only the original covid field is what really kicks it out. Maybe try it out too?


(don’t forget virus disruptor)


:open_mouth: :thinking: Thank you, this is going on my list now! But yes, I found myself sometimes randomly listening to fields whose title may not sound like I need it, but I felt drawn to it; then find out, it relieves some symptoms. So cool you are having that too! :smiley:

Yes I heard that too. Listening to / trying out both versions is a great suggestion.

@Eli :open_mouth: I didn’t know that, amazing!

@MonkeyOwl this was such a great thread idea! Thank you. Will certainly get referenced a lot.


Absolutely! One thing I have learnt is to always listen to all fields no matter what! :D haha but for real, the description always has a lot more to say so always experience the field for yourself and notice your bodily reactions and always stay in tune with your body. :)

Also research definitely helps for the science-y parts.

Reminds me, Enhanced Alcohol Processor is a mitochondrial detox + re-energizing + a whole bunch of anti oxidants field.

So fields like that always helps to tap in and read up really.

It comes across beautifully how each field is designed differently, and each field is interacting with you and your body in its way, and how together they come into a beautifully more efficient integration, or have a total different effect like the layering in Shamanic Medicine Blend. A myriad of experiences:)


Maybe ivermectin from patreon?


You might want to also consider
Stem Cells Targeted to Heart, Liver, Lungs and Pancreas?


Thank you! Looping it now :sweat_smile:

Actually, although I didn’t have covid (I had several tests, all negative), I found that the Corona field helped a lot as well. I don’t know what virus I had, it may have been another type of Corona virus 🤷

Even in the beginning when I didn’t have sinusitis yet, after looping that field overnight, some things cleared from my sinuses 2 nights in a row - so much so that I ended up on Google looking at pictures of nose polips :laughing: I couldn’t believe it was not tissue lol… sorry for the grosssnes :laughing:

And thanks everyone, I’ll be adding some more fields to the list :)





@MonkeyOwl , @ActionGuy

Wishing you guys a speedy recovery! I am on the same boat as you, as I mentioned some days ago on another thread, ended up needing antibiotics but at this moment I feel I am a lot better. I use virus disruption as well and many fields mentioned here on a daily. One that I feel help a lot in expelling the stuck mucus in my lungs is The Breathe of the belly.


@ActionGuy @Star @Devansh
it’s interesting to see many of us are having similar issues.
The bacteria field is also really useful but i guess youre using that already :sweat_smile:

I hope everyone will feel better soon :muscle: