Anxiety listening to audio


I just started listening to these fields about two weeks ago, actually multiple ones. (Endocrine glands, ego dissolution, hair growth, stem cell). The other night I couldn’t sleep I felt like I was vibrating and I was getting very hot like a fever and it gave me severe panic attack. This is not the morphic fields fault, I have been like this since a child, things like this will set me off.
My questions are is it best to just do one field at a time ? Did too many cause this feeling? Should I stop using them for a while?



Hello & Welcome!

Supreme Grounding +
This one will be perfect for you :pray:


Thank you so much :blush:


Can be various reasons but most probably is your usage. Maybe too many or too much listening time. When I started listening like 7-8 times to anything would make me sick.

Grounding will help:

And if your desire is to have better, faster results search the forum for that and you will find a lot of information. You will need to work and have patience.


@Bearclare welcome :tada:

You can try the free version on patreon or Sapien’s YouTube first. “Grounding”

Let us know if it helped you

Edit: replied too slowly, you got the link above


Thanks everyone for your help, I will try the grounding and let you know what happens and I won’t use so many in one day.



Welcome to the forum ;)

Not knowing what it is that happened in your childhood, it is definitely possible that your ego is trying to resist the ego dissolution field (by returning your attention back to your childhood), hence reversing these feelings. Normally if you push through this, you’ll feel better eventually. The persistence of listening pays off over time.

Take it easy, try to accept these feelings and simply letting them be. Don’t feel like you need to reject them, don’t fight them, simply let them be (and usually they’ll dissolve naturally).

An ego dissolution can be scary because temporarily the ego relinquishes identification (with anything). This is a state though from which change can emerge. In the nothingness you can find everything.


@Bearclare Apologies for the late welcome!

Welcome fusion Tara KY

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I feel much better now .The grounding and having a break from the audios did the trick. I listened to one today and I feel fine.
I will give you a little bit of a back story,
Since as early as I can remember I have had anxiety and then panic attacks when I was a teenager.They were so bad I would think I was dying and I would tremble for hours. I was born with weak parathyroid, thyroid and adrenal glands too. I was a victim of parental alienation as a child which did effect me badly. Do you think the ego dissolution is a good audio for me ?

Thanks for everyone being so helpful !