Supreme Grounding +

Grounding is a process of direct contact with the earth, bringing balance and harmony to your physical and subtle bodies. This practice helps you to be more fulfilled in life, feeling more comfortable and peaceful. Grounding is your path to wholeness and sustainability.

Why is grounding important?

Energies from the cosmos and Earth flow through us, and we serve as channels for their movement. If we are not grounded, the energy flowing through our body can become unmanageable and create discomfort. Proper grounding helps to:

:deciduous_tree: Balance energy flows: Upward and downward energy flows run along our central column, parallel to the spine. Grounding improves the quality of these flows, making them free and efficient;
:deciduous_tree: Avoid energy overload: With grounding, you receive exactly as much energy as you need without overloading your system;
:deciduous_tree: Deal with energy overload: After practices or sessions, when a strong flow of energy opens up, grounding helps you to maintain concentration and harmonize your state;
:deciduous_tree: Gain emotional and spiritual stability: Grounding harmonizes your emotional and spiritual state, making you more stable in social interactions.

Design of this field


This field offers an automated Tree Qigong exercise that promotes mind centering and structural alignment of the skeleton. This allows you to remove any blockages and open the Yongquan point to the free flow of energy. Imagine putting down roots, connecting to the earth and gaining stability. The power of the mind directs energy into the feet, creating a strong connection to the earth and allowing the free flow of energy through your body.

The Power of the Planet

Connect with mother Earth and tap into the collective consciousness of all trees to gain knowledge and wisdom. Schumann Resonance, whose frequency matches the alpha rhythm of the brain, helps you achieve harmony and activate restorative processes. Tuning into thunderstorms :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:and negative ions helps maintain healthy levels of cellular tension, improving your well-being and cognitive abilities.

Enhanced Healing

The automatic grounding function includes walking barefoot and hugging trees, enriching your body with oxygen and nutrients. The power of the Earth element focuses on healing the nervous system, and Flower of Life helps to restore and balance it.

Energy System

“Earthing” strengthens the root chakra, integrating all polarities, and directs energy from the feet up through the lower chakras into the lower dantian. Also includes intelligent and balanced distribution and integration of energies in the user’s system using the Acu-Automaton.




Thanks to the whole group for the ideas :slight_smile:


fantastic idea @Ugninis


The Tao is strong with this one


most likely this is a modernization of the idea, a combination :slight_smile:

I’ll tell a little bit about the framework we’ve been using.
some details, some logic:

For many energy practices, it is very important to be “rooted”, that is, to have a stable position in close contact with the earth. At first, the practitioner “puts down roots” in the earth, and then draws out the earth’s energy with the help of their feet - the roots. The physical process of “rooting” involves the alignment of the skeletal structure with gravity. The resulting connection to the earth makes possible the free exchange of energy flows up and down through the skeletal structure.

Imagine an electrician who has never heard of equipment grounding! Sooner or later he is doomed to have an accident. If one wants to move an automobile, it needs to be rooted so that the force exerted by the person on the automobile is balanced by the force directed into the ground. Otherwise, by pushing the car, the person is only pushing away from the car himself. The root is made up of the root, the center, and the balance of your body.

The power of the mind (unified mind) must be able to direct qi into the feet and communicate with the ground. Only when the “unified mind” is able to communicate with the earth can qi go beyond the feet and enter the earth, forming the root. The Yong-quan points are the gates through which qi can communicate with the earth.

Once one has a “root”, one learns to “steady one’s center”. A stable center allows qi to develop evenly and uniformly. If one loses one’s center, the qi ceases to be distributed evenly. In order to center the body, the mind (mind) must first be centered - only then is it possible to bring the body into alignment with it (mind, mind). Only then will energetically powerful practices have a root. Our spiritual and physical center is the key that allows us to direct energy beyond the body.

Equilibrium is a product of rooting and centering. Equilibrium involves balancing qi and the physical body. Regardless of which aspect of balance we are dealing with, we must first balance our unified mind (mind, consciousness), and only then can we balance qi and the physical body. When the mind is balanced, it allows for accurate judgments and objective decisions (it also allows us to adjust the distribution of qi).

This project introduces physical and mental rooting into the very way we move through life (into the life path itself). Physical and energetic rooting is developed as support for the mental and emotional changes that occur as a result of these practices. One displays the other. Grounding manifests as stability in movement. Emotionally it manifests as a stable personality with clear intentions and great willpower.

Strength and stability comes from structural alignment with the earth. It is very difficult to knock a person down when they are aligned and strongly grounded; the opponent feels as if they have run into a solid tree with mighty roots. Also, when you attack, you have the support of the ground behind your movements. This force of alignment is then channeled in the desired direction, with all parts of the skeletal framework working as one.

In the logic of the energy practices themselves, the tendon channels (meridians) are also joined together during rooting, which ensures the whole monolithic integrity of the whole body or certain parts of it, directing the summarized force and energy to them. Energy support of the Earth itself is brought to the necessary organ or part of the body (an energy connection is established between the point of the feet and the organ of interest) from the centers of the feet.


Also, some info:

:white_small_square: SCHUMANN RESONANCE

Schumann frequency (or resonance) is the constant electromagnetic waves with low to extremely low frequencies between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Simply put, these are the natural electromagnetic frequencies of planet Earth. One of them, the fundamental, corresponds to an average of 7.83 Hz.(currently higher). This is the basic frequency of the Earth’s vibrations - a kind of heartbeat. The basic Schumann resonance frequency corresponds to the frequency of the alpha rhythm of the human brain. This field tunes a person to resonance with the basic Schumann frequency, which has many effects:

  • a state of harmony, connection of the conscious with the unconscious;
  • self-healing, activation of restorative processes, healing abilities;
  • being in the flow, good luck;
  • improving attention, memory, cognitive abilities, operating with large amounts of information;
  • insights, creativity, new ideas;
  • discovery of vision, clairvoyance, telekinesis and other superpowers;
  • much more.

:white_small_square: Tuning in to Thunderstorms and supplying the user with negative ions and electrons in a negentropic mode to maintain the tension in the biological cells of the body at a healthy level

Thunderstorms, and more specifically the lightning discharges they cause between clouds and the earth’s surface, are a natural source of excitation of Schumann resonance. Each lightning strike is like striking a bell for the ionosphere. Lightning strikes lead to the formation of isotopes, unstable atoms that, when ingested by breathing, decay and give a pulse of electrical energy discharge. To put it simply, it is lightning (or rather, the source of its appearance) that is the impulse that makes our planet live and sound, and man, as a part of it, among others.

Lightning is a manifestation of another dimension - 5-dimensional space, the main source of production of electromagnetism, and the light we see when lightning appears is a kind of “bridge” to the higher space. Lightning is a kind of “brain activity” of our planet, similar to the passage of electrical discharge between neurons during brain activity. According to the observations of scientists, lightning does not behave chaotically, but in a regular way, their behavior resembles to some extent the behavior of living beings.

The physics of lightning activity and neural activity are similar. It is the internal micro lightning in the gray matter that is recorded on the encephalogram. It is through this electrical activity (“clean energy”) that we live and get the primary electrical activity for the first breath and the first heartbeat. Therefore, there are 4 types of lightning, to which correspond the 4 rhythms of the human brain (Alpha, Betta, Gamma, Delta).

This field enables a person to tune into thunderstorm phenomena, and through this tuning to connect to the source of thunderstorm activity, which can produce a variety of effects, including:

  • energy for superconscious endeavors;
  • access to the unified consciousness;
  • access to the realm of ideas;
  • increased operating skills, management of self, life and processes;
  • increased activity, clarity of thought and perception;
  • increased energy potential and connection to a source of “clean energy”;
  • improving attention, memory, cognitive abilities, operating with large amounts of information;
  • much more.

no way this came quiker than excpeted :DD
thank you Dream and everyone who contributed to this project :heart: :heart:


come with mandala ?


A Supreme Thank You to Our Dear Captain for offering this amazing field at such an awesome price.

And thank you very much to Ugninis, Mouldytea and all group members as well for your super valuable suggestions and inputs all of which have culminated into this beautiful and powerful field :muscle::handshake::pray:

I wonder what will happen if I combine this field with some Standing Qigong Exercises :sunglasses:, time to find out :wink:


use this image as a mandala
but your designated goal was determined at the beginning, to be grounded constantly :slight_smile:
“Supreme Grounding” (thank you @RobbyHa )


@veh help :grin:


how do i download pictures from gumroad? thx




Restore your strength, Robby :slight_smile: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: :deciduous_tree:


The Captain also has fields on this topic, and they are free
you can also use them, for example




Feels wonderful, thank you Captain! Used all the free ones and PUs, this one definitely has some extra special combos in it!


This one is a amazing, it feels like a warm blanket.
Im playing it on my other device , and my brain fields on the other . So mellow and calming , like my own bubble 🫧