Kundalini Shakti management?

I had a full blown accidental kundalini awakening 2 years ago and life hasn’t been the same since then.
Mostly it’s this energy that causes OBE and detachment from reality and it’s uncomfortable and disorienting especially while I need to focus on my daily works.
Guys can you suggest me something that will help me stay in reality and rooted?

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plasma brain of youth (as bonus from smart cells)
hakuins healing egg
automated grounding / supreme grounding
root and sacral chakra (mandelbrot)
smart reiki (or do new one but i do not have it)
the tree experience


Was your awakened as well??


in case you do not move your body and workout i suggest to do that as it helps to ground you in reality


Can you please share me your experiences and also the symptoms? As it’s lonely at times for people don’t get what you’ve been through.

ah and schumann resonance - also a good choice
forgot that one

Just be present in your day-to-day life. Don’t think too much about it. Focusing on what’s most important in the present moment can help a lot with being grounded. Long walk can help too.


if i’m honest i do not recommend my view to others and my problem is or was a bit different then yours

in general i suggest to do certain feeling / visualization practices in which you draw the excess energy from the head or crown down into your body towards the root or feet (mostly automated with hakuins healing egg)

spending a lot time in nature and sitting behind a tree helps (i’ve heard atleast)
and always make sure your lower chakras are aligned with higher otherwise it’s quite easy to drift away

In my cases it happened due to higher self mandala and the intense practice of Brahmacharya combined with meditation.

do you still meditate a lot?


if your body cannot keep up with the new frequencies you have to do more pauses and grounding practices to integrate…things need time to adapt

Are you comfortable and stable with it now???

For me the only issue is the unwanted drifting and obe which hinders me from focusing on my life and general goals. As, I also need to look after my career and my family.


that’s a good question, but yea i like it so far

autism field also might help in case your neurons are overexcited due the strong stimulation

i think if you follow the instructions you will feel soon better :)

good luck!

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Where are you from??

sorry i’m not really anymore active except for small tasks