Schumann Resonance

Schumann Resonance

This combination of frequencies and energetic programming works towards vibrating every part of your body and being with the Schumann Resonance, it can help remove toxic energies embedded deep inside of you as well as creating a whole body harmony while providing EMF protection.
Other than that, it just feels damn good.


-Stronger immune system and accelerated healing
-Connection between the left and right hemispheres of brain
-Reduce stress and induce feelings of happiness/unconditional love
-EMF protection and removal of toxic energies
-Overall balanced state of being

I didn’t notice any thread for this old gem.
Few days ago I looped it for about an hour, and apart from relaxation and nice feeling in my thyroid, I experienced first astral projection since years.
We are talking about 4$ field guys with a variety of benefits, that had years to grow guys.
If you dont have it, go get it, its a steal :smiley:


Do you think older 10 minute version os “stronger” than the new one 2:52 minute one (which might be better in other ways)?

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In my personal experience, yes

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Good to know. I’ll report back later.

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It’s worth mentioning that there is also a newer version of this. On youtube:


do you’d listened with headphone ?

disconnection from schumann resonance is likely the cause of many of the problems that emerged in modern society.

In my personal opinion the energetic and mental disconnection from Earth happened for a reason.

And that reason is that humans had to invent technology in order to survive.

Because without technology most humans have no chance with survival just by relying on “mother nature” and “what Earth naturally offers”.

Before the industrial revolution, every 2nd human died as a child:

It was the invention of technology that changed this.

It may not be the best technology but when you want to survive you will use everything your currently have.

Of course, there will be better tech in the future, and it will also be more aligned with “Earth”. For now, this is the best humans have.

I don’t like this whole “look at how many problems humans have caused to the planet” thing, because it is a guilt-tripping for trying to survive and not knowing any better.
I don’t want to be guilt-tripped for trying to make sure that my physical body survives.
My levels of self-love forbid me from being guilt-tripped into this.
I choose to live and to survive.

Nothing bad in my opinion when humanity itself obtains an egoistic point of view here.
Egoistic meaning a “my survival first” perspective.
Because from the perspective of humanity itself, is the planet worth saving if we as humans go extinct?
Or does saving the planet only makes sense, from the perspective of humans, if we humans also get to live on?

Another thing is, that humans were not made for this planet.

Various alien fractions genetically modified the local apes and other stuff, and now this has become a planet for the evolution of a new species (humans).

So in a way, we humans are not supposed to be here as per “Earth’s natural development”, hence the disconnect between our how Earth naturally is and humanity’s attempt to survive at all costs.

Which also means, in my opinion, Earth is not “our mother”, and never was.
A mother is nurturing.
Earth is not.
We are really just here on this planet for temporary personal soul evolution.
While Earth is doing its own evolution thing.

This planet, on its physical side, is not a lovey-dovey “let’s all connect with mother nature” type of thing. It is a harsh learning and survival environment and we are here for growth only.

All my personal understanding and experience :v:

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i’m not sure i like the idea that we were genetically modified. Is it not possible for humans to spiritually evolve on our own? there is the stoned ape theory which sounds good.

i do agree we are not as connected with nature. we are like a cancer to earth in a way

If the local earth apes would not have been modified, they would have continued to evolve at the natural pace of mammal life on Earth. The alien modification has speeded it all up and brought in new features.

Without those modifications, souls who want to grow through the human experience would not have come to this planet for development and would have gone elsewhere.

By “coming to the planet to play the local growth game”, I mean coming to Earth astrally first. As most souls who come here stay on the Astral planes and only a part actually incarnates into the physical at all. The physical earth is the hardcore server version of the astral earth game. However, both are interconnected and development of “humanity” on the astral influences humanity in the physical and wise versa. It is a soul growth on multiple levels of this planet at once.

As you may have noticed, there aren’t so many planets in the physical universe that have physical life on them. So Earth being a planet that offers growth through an astral evironment AND a physical environment, offers special unique opportunities for soul growth.

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