Maha Ganapati Yagna

It’s gan the way I explained
U may check with sm Sanskrit scholar.
It ends with the gutteral n…and it’s like a half n.
I am from India. And know Sanskrit. Not sharing something incorrect.


Well thanks for your clarification!


You are welcome.
Actually I love mantras…and am therefore a bit of a sticker for correct pronunciation.

Am glad I could help.
Ganesh ji is a very helpful deity…may he be by your side removing all obstacles from your endeavours ensuring success!



Me too. I loved Dream’s Mantra Meditation channel!


Same here! :grinning:


Not really…

Southerners recite Gam which seems more accurate and ancient based on Paninian Sanskrit.

One is गं (gam) and the other is गङ्‌ (gan) - a work named Varnabijakosha specifically says to utter the mmmmm sound - so I would go with Gam. The Bindu here is not (ardhabindu) or nasal but Purnabindu (anusvara), which is crucial for Bija-mantras (seed sounds). The mmmmmm sound should radiate from the third-eye chakra all the way to a place is Shodashanta, which is astrally located a little above the Crown chakra.

The elaboration of the seed sound of Ganesha is split into G - a - M - where Ganeshopanishad explains it as Brahma - Vishnu and Shiva - with Shiva represented by “panchama” - which here means the fifth letter of the “pa” category which is “m” - with ardhabindu or half sound gan - the “m” or the shiva aspect does not come forth.

The mistake a lot of folks make is applying rules of vocal language to Bijas (where one would apply the rules of following Om with Gam, which would even make Om as Oan) - which is not accurate as these need to be understood from the perspective of the Tantras where combinational sandhis (compounds) do not apply to Bija sounds as these are not meaningful words that are guarded by normal grammar.

That said, this is one of the cases which are still acceptable either way (probably) considering the other horrendous forms out there on YT.


Thanks bro. That’s the way I’ve been chanting it and it seems to work fine.


Ganesha too has various forms.

Ganapati - the Lord of ‘Ganas’ which means attendants. These attendants are:

(a) In the Macrocosm - the elements, elemental beings, demi-semi-gods of various categories, etc. Ganesha gives mastery over these beings as well, if his energy is accessed. A lot of times, these beings also cause mischief, and he prevents such occurrences.
(b) In the Microcosm - these represent the senses (eyes, ears, nose, skin, taste) and he has complete mastery over them so that one can turn inward. Without these obstacles, one can jump deep into meditation and contemplation.

This form of Ganesha propitiated at the very beginning of every activity, is generally a four-handed depiction:

Mahaganapati (Great Ganapati or Ganesha) is a higher-form in which he is present with a consort - named Siddhilakshmi. This is the form we invoke in the Tantra practice because Yin-Yang always go hand in hand. We call that Yab-yum in Tibetan, with the male representing Compassion and the Female, Insight/Wisdom. In Hindu parlance, the female is Power (shakti) and the male is the holder of this Power (Shaktimaan) - neither is complete without the other.

Siddhilakshmi is the personification of perfection, or goals already accomplished, as also the bestower of property and fulfillment. His ten hands signify ten forms of blessings while his consort represents the fulfillment of what one seeks.

The Yagna covers both these aspects of the deity.





He was my first “mentor” :blush: when I was 16 and lost in a world i didn’t understand, and no where to find the answers my soul was yearning for.
I had just graduated from High School and at such young age with a rebel feisty heart my parents tried as much as they could to take decisions for me since i didnt know what i wanted.

I asked them for a year of not studying so i could see what career i wanted to choose and instead they signed me up for music classes… i had to walk like 3 blocks to get to the place and on the way there was a “yoga school” and it had this huge statue of Ganesh, in the window, it was so beautifully decorated (on top of already loving Elephants) i felt his energy calling me in with so much love and joy… i felt so relaxed every time i walked by, id stayed standing there staring at him for good 15 minutes or so.

Until one day the Yoga /meditation instructor invited me in when he got there and said “i always see you out here looking at Ganesh - at who?.. him Ganesh” come on in and Ill tell you all about him.

That was the beginning of a journey I am still walking, still with him by my side, and for ever thankful for opening the path ahead for Me. I have a little sanctuary ive built for him and its always the most precious sacred corner at home. (Needless to say i took Yoga classes instead and hide it for years from family :partying_face::partying_face::grin::two_hearts:)

I became devoted to him, learned to appreciate him more over the years, and learnt so much of what he can bring forward if one’s life is in tuned to his minimal expectations of us and directly proportional to how open we are to take the sweet with the sour or to break and build all at once.

You know… like the God he is *wink wink

Let me share with you in simple words what he can bring to you:

His big belly represents the whole Universe. The creation of it. Bringing you a sense of wholeness.

Elephants are known to be the path openers in the thick forests, when they pass through they open the path to other animals and thats why he can be the new path opener for you, breaking through the thick obstacles and showing you the way.

His big head symbolizes wisdom, intelligence and discernment to know when where and how you are to do this and that.

His wide open mouth symbolizes the human desire to enjoy life (which is ok, walk in joy and awe with big desires)

His big ears are one so he can listen to our needs and prayers but also so we can be good listeners to others and to the voice of the Universe whispering answers to us.

That big trunk is able to contain anything and everything in the whole Universe, telling us we should also be able to “hold” hold = embrace, whatever comes our way (the good the bad the beauty and the ugly) giving us the ability to adapt with efficiency all through life.

The two tusks represent the two aspects of the human personality : wisdom and emotion. The right tusk represents wisdom and the left one represents emotion, the left one being broke teach us that we must conquer our emotions with wisdom to achieve perfection.

The eyes are big reminding us that eyes are deceptive allowing us to see everything bigger than it is… and thus asking us to surrender our pride to gain humility.

The 4 arms represent the 4 inner subtle body : mind, intellect, ego and conditioned conscience; Ganesh represents pure consciousness by which he can help us use these attributes in a harmonious way.

The weaving axe help us remove pain and suffering

The axe gives him the power to strike and break obstacles… but also to (said in a very mundane way) cut off the bullshit in us… in other words, he helps us break obstacles but we cant be bs’ing him with doing our part therefore pushing us to walk a correct and honest path. Pure truth.

The 2nd hand holds a whip, representing the strong ties the person devoted to him to the blessings of God would eternally have. The whip represents the worldly attachments and desires one must get rid of.

The third hand is pointing at the devotee, in a sign or reassurance of protection and blessings.

The 4th hand holds a lotus flower representing the highest goal in human evolution the beauty of the one selfs conscious realization.

The mouse represents 2 things, that no matter how small something is, it is still important, but also it represents the ego and temptations, showing us that with some conscious work we can “tame” it. And not be controlled by them.

The right foot over the left foot (like the tusks…) remind us that in order to have a successful life one most conquer wisdom over emotions.

So… needless to say that all these benefits and attributes are conveyed in this audio… just remember, walk in truth, be resilient (do not give up) and be aware of your ego… and you can rest assured Ganesh will guide your path and keep it clear for you :heart::heart::heart:


Anyone who uses it daily, updates?


Yes, I love this field and I’m often starting my night meditation with it, as recommended by Mao.

It always fills me with power and joy, and it focuses my adhd brain.

I’ve seen quite some progress regarding:

  • My new job: things are manifesting faster within the team, and I was expecting to get some resistance from my new boss but so far this is smooth (trying to transform it smoothly in a Teal Organization)
  • Meditation: more able to let go, deeper breathwork, and I am feeling that my energy system is awakening faster.
  • Some important stuff that I was reluctant about (cough cough See system) but hugely beneficial coming forcefully" in my way (the Navigator of Awe helped a lot here as well, with clear signs manifesting in my reality, but also redirecting me towards other powerful field, such as the Light of Savitur).

Hope it helps


I bought (almost) all the audios from the series yesterday. To begin with, I’m using one per day to get familiar with them.

Today it was this one, so far my favourite.
I meditated once, and then as I put it on again I quickly checked the forum (smart phone generation… :confounded:), and immediately I felt a nudge -
“We are here for you, show us respect!” (Disclaimer - it was my personal experience 🤷)

So I put the phone down and closed my eyes again.
I felt like I was just “I” in a sphere of void, and I saw a lot of pairs of small eyes :eye::eye: stare at me from around.


Damn haha I felt this with Vaastu on trying it out for the first time yesterday! With the deities I always connect for the first couple moments either by chanting their mantra three times or by just connecting to the deities/being present

With Vaastu, they demanded it :D


Meditated with this yesterday.

I could sense/ see some deities or other figures in my mind’s eye. Not very clear, I could see/sense mostly silhouettes.

Ganesha was definitely there. Along with several other figures/deities who I am not familiar with


That sounds right. Ganesha’s presence is often accompanied by various other associated deities (we call then Parivara Devatas (family) or Anga-Pratyanga-Upanga deities (various forms of powers or Siddhis from the deity personified as deities).


I just listened to this one for the first time yesterday and i saw a lot of people hahah

It was like a fest dancing and like showing me all the abundance in all forms, with him in the middle but also being of course happy and festive plus other details ill leave out.

Im surprised no one has mentioned the music :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: or ive missed the comments about it.

It was impossible not to fall asleep deeply as if thats what he wanted, i felt hypnotized by the … whatever instruments those are.

I absolutely love it.

Ive worked with Ganesh for half or more than half my life i gotta say also ive stopped a year or some months here and there.

But today i felt something i had never felt before chanting and worshipping him.

But i will wait a few more days before commenting on that.



Ok so confirmed lol a couple of things ive been feeling.

In my experience so far im having an urge every day to wake up earlier and organize my day, as soon as i get to the office i want to do the same and i dont even get a cup of coffee or tea until i finish whatever im doing, but the cool part is that sometimes theres nothing pending i need to do, however i think of new ideas or things i could do that day. Which its normal i guess usually i would do that, but you know… throughout the morning, not in a rush but now its a similar feeling like Capital Governance, the difference is that it gives me new ideas, completely new things to improve or try.

And thats how it makes sense that this is the boost that propels beginnings whether you have them in mind or not, so pretty much what im trying to say its that it first clears your mind and destroys mental blockages you might have but you didnt even know then gives you new info to better your day.

And the second thing is that i have this joy to do my work, to look forward to my day as if i was going to a playground, even if i know ill have meetings that would be tough Im like joyful ready for them lol

Constant happiness and reassurance that i could enjoy the bliss of hope (of having a good day) no matter what it might happen… because no obstacle would be big enough for Me. And I FEEL it so.

In fact. The past 2 days i havent worn SLR, Enhanced Glory, Fae, Schumann tags/pendants.

I feel like when you are learning to ride a bicycle and you need the small wheels and when you take them off you still manage de ride but then put the wheels back on for a longer time, like you dont ride the bicycle with full confidence, thats how i felt every time i take them off, like confident testing myself but with the idea that its just a break.

Not now. I wore the SLR tag today because i just like the pendant (where that tag was embedded in) not because i felt i needed it. I would never sleep without that one. Before, At all.

I know Heart Coherence has been a total game changer when it comes to confidence for an Empath like Me, but i still see clear the difference specially because it hooked to my energy the very moment i started with this audio.

And what amazes me the most is that ive worked with Ganesh for soooo many years and felt and witnessed a lot through him and yet these 2 things are like what exactly is: the pure perfect original essence of him, it is with Me now; To the point that ive been wondering, "did i ever really felt him in the past 18 years??? " - i know yes i have :blush: - but not never to this level.

I shed some tears earlier while doing the line at the supermarket haha as usual me getting emotional.

Because I was thinking like how sooo many different energies, Gods/Goddesses, Intercessions and they all play a role… and I realized that is like gathering and building your energetically heavenly Universal family, The Mother, The Father, The Oldest brother and its when i got emotional because i only have sisters and i always felt that i needed a Big brother and that it would have been so important in my life and i realized thats what Ganesh has been for Me, all along. and now that my Dad passed, I feel the Masculine energy, The Divine Male energy with Me, guiding Me and to stay… with Me. Through him. :purple_heart:


A hug to you. For that part and the rest of the post. It moved me.

Isn’t it… I always liked the idea of a large family. Clan-wise. I got quite lucky with my nuclear family of 4 (apart from the natural conflicts here and there) but my actual larger family? Can’t say the same.

Hopefully my sister got married with a teddy guy (as in :teddy_bear:) and his family (which we knew even before those 2 were born) is even teddier. They are from another country, so there’s mostly a physical distance but whenever we get together, my dream of large family is fulfilled. The same goes for when I use the intercessory fields.

About Ganesh: I don’t have the field yet but as already discussed months ago on the forum, he has a quite central place in my life.

I grew up with a total inner disrespect for all religions (not something related to my family. It was my own positioning). To be more exact, I only believed in one Universal non-discriminatory force but still, my approach was quite schematic and superficial. Mixing apples and pears.

Then a therapy trainer (who was a Buddhist) just suggested that I should stop being so shut down spiritually, if I wanted to do my job properly. I was about to write a master’s thesis and misinterpreted her words. Like “ok lady, you want me to pick up a religion like Woody Allen in Hannah and Her Sisters? Then eat this!”

I picked up Sanatan Dharma and started working on a thesis about its psychoanalytic aspects ;))) The process was hilariously forced. I couldn’t go to India while doing my research but started ingesting all kinds of materials, from Patanjali to mantra learning and whatnot. Mechanically.

Then Ganesh started popping up in the most unlikely places. Constantly. I already wrote this partly in another thread but not the whole story: when I was about to defend my thesis, I was also kind of sequestrated. By a wannabe guy because eventually I could escape :joy: Gee yes, thinking back… I’ve had some “good“ rocky moments in my life, he! :))) And for example, Ganesh also appeared at one of those moments in an unlikely city, on a bath towel hanging on the neighbor balcony. Stuff like that.

Long story short, the thesis went fine also because over time, some sincerity started infiltrating it. I also started better appreciating the deeper meaning behind deities and symbols. My approach towards religions has changed in some regards.

As for Ganesh, a statue of him is smiling on my living room 24/7. He’s there as a representation of my gratitude towards him. And also (a little like what Maoshan said the other night), showing that helpful forces do choose and assist us at the right times, even for those of us who initially refuse such helping hands.


Haha i love your story.

If something ive felt and known about Ganesh is that its one that is persistent in straightening us, and supporting us, like how cool is that? A God chasing you to be better :smirk:

Its like “look at Me, remember Me, hellooo Im here, come to me for this and that” and shows up eveeeeery where until you go to him.

I love him so much.