Maha Ganapati Yagna

I thought it was fitting that this was the first ever purchase for the month as soon as I got my salary. :partying_face: I don’t have any personal experience with Lord Ganesh but I liked what @anon46520955 mentioned in passing about wanting a big brother. My dad wasn’t the best role model, and as I grew up and got into relationships, both healthy and unhealthy, I realized by comparing and contrasting how toxic a lot of his behavior was towards my mom. Anyway what I’m saying is that I’m now raising boys in a world that needs males to Be Better, and I hope somehow through these fields I can develop a better understanding and relationship with the Divine Masculine so I can teach by example.

Also I know that the worst block to my own progress is myself, so I also like what @Bronyraur said about this helping removing inner obstacles.


Acquired. Welcome Shri Ganesha!


lol it started playing when I clicked on this thread


Im using this field at least one time every day for a little more than two months.
I believe I was either guided to buy this field, or my subconscious really wanted to do it, because I had 2 or 3 dreams where I was chanting/hearing Ganesha Mantra when I was wondering which field should I buy next.
The first thing noticeable for me from the very first listen was feeling of my root chakra activated, and my mind eye seeing Ganesha doing a simple dance, like going left-right-left-right etc. It was so simple and repetitive it feelt like Im watching a gif.
Now the part about removing obstacles was very real for me too.
Even the unseen ones or especially the unseen ones. For example I used to hang out with people I know since a long time, even if we didnt really had a much in common as of now. Initially I was kind of sad and confused after those realationships of mine ended, but then I not only felt more ‘‘free’’ and started to have more time for and more successes with what is most important to me, I had also more time and energy to nourish deeper and more important realationships.
This may seem strange at first because, in theory the more “friends” you have, the better, right?
Well it all clicked to me after I started getting more successful and happier.
I was also unsure about where should I post this testimonal, because I believe my benefits are the result of many fields working synergistically. Those effects I descirbed could as well be because Im using the Contentment and Best Path in Life fields, but I thought I will share what I experienced from ''removing obstacles" perspective, and I feel this field doesn’t get the attention it deserves :stuck_out_tongue:
On a side note, I feel that stacks are separate fields in a sense. Like when Capitan creates a field with/composed of many different subfields, we can kinda do the same using the fields already created to make a well thought out, synergistic stack.


Happy Ganesh Chaturthi everyone!!
Tip: Playing this audio today is going to be extra powerful.


Ah so cool! It’s just after midnight here and I usually play it in the morning but I will play it now and in the morning light too. Thanks for telling us and Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!



What a reminder!!

Thank you Cathroulette!


Very funny :joy:

What’s so funny about?

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Thank you for the reminder. I seem to miss it each year because it moves around a bit, in a way that’s not usually noticed in my part of the world.

Thanks to your kind reminder, I won’t miss it this year!


Is this an environmental field ?

Welcome to the forum!

I find that this fields works on me and my life more than it works on my environment. Sure, there might be some small environmental effect but that’s not the main event with this field. You would probably want our more directly environmental fields like Vaastu Homam. (You can find other environmental fields with our helpful forum search engine, that little magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of every page of this forum.)



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I had a beautiful experience with this yesterday.

I don’t know how many times I listened, my plan was 2 but it was probably rather 4-5, I was just stuck in one place, unmoving.

First, the rush of heat. During the first listen, it was like my body was on fire and I started sweating physically.
I have been struggling with something that I keep thinking about when I give some space to it (like I find it difficult to keep such thoughts away when I sit to meditate, falling asleep etc).
During the session, when as soon as the foreshadow of the thought(s) came, it is like they were aired out/burnt away before they could even properly form. Certainly before I would have any emotional response/reaction to them.
I didn’t have a specific goal, I didn’t ask for anything, my aim was just to connect with the energy.

The heat subsided after the first round was finished, but of course many sensations remained. The last bit felt like a scalp massage lol. :massage_woman:

Finally i stopped when I started to feel overwhelmed by the energy - it was difficult but i managed to moved my arm to stop the music.:D


Last night at the very end of my dream I dreamt about Lord Ganesha reviving my almost dead body and saying “You always have me, I will never leave you” and then I heard my voice chanting His mantra.
So I guess Its time for me to use this field regularly again and a sign to pay more attention to Him in general


what if the unforeseen obstacles are already here. Does it help?



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I have used this field for the last two weeks, not every day though.

It is a gem. It makes my life easier. It assists on whatever i need assistance. If its a problem I have it brings me a solution. If its a challenge, makes way for me to face it with strength and courage, if its an obstacle, it makes ways around it.

Sometimes I think its alive. Because when I listen to it and focus on or think of what I need help with it assists me with exactly that. I highly recommend it and for that price is a steal.


He def comes around to “check” who you are and what you are asking assistance for when listening this with intent. no doubt.