Unlock Your Elemental Beauty: Tailored Skincare & Relaxation Routines for All the Signs

Unlock Your Elemental Beauty: Tailored Skincare & Relaxation Routines for All the Signs

We are born at a given moment, in a given place,
and like vintage years of wine, we have the
qualities of the year and of the season
in which we are born.
-Carl Gustav Jung

The twelve signs are divided into four groups containing three signs each. Each three-sign is called a triplicity, and each of these triplicities denotes an element. The four elements are Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. In astrology, an element symbolises a fundamental characterisation of the sign.

  • Fire Signs - are active and enthusiastic.
  • Earth Signs - are practical and stable.
  • Air Signs - are intellectual and communicative.
  • Water Signs - are emotional and intuitive.

*Some excerpts from:
The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need

Discover routines that sync with your cosmic vibe! From calming rituals to revitalizing routines, embrace a tailored experience that amplifies your elemental essence and lets your inner glow shine bright!

:pushpin: Tips are general and suitable for everyone, regardless of gender.

:fire: Fire Signs :fire:

For the dynamic Fire signs:

Your skincare and relaxation routines as bold and energizing as your personality;

:lotion_bottle: Indulge in a luxurious face mask once a week—whether it’s a hydrating sheet mask or a cooling gel mask—to keep your skin at its best. End your day with a soothing facial massage using a jade roller or a cooling face mask to relax and recharge. You’re covered by the Automated Face Yoga for that holistic approach!

:person_in_lotus_position:t3: For relaxation, unwind with aromatherapy or a power yoga session to burn off that fiery energy.
Don’t forget we have these:
Surya Namaskar - Automated Sun Salutation!
Automated Tibetan Rites
HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training with Contrast Hydrotherapy
Embrace rituals that combine luxury with efficiency, keeping your spirit and skin glowing as brightly as your fire sign energy.

:deciduous_tree: Earth Signs :deciduous_tree:

For the grounded Earth signs:

Your skincare and relaxation routines as practical and nourishing as your nature;

:lotion_bottle: A gentle, nourishing cleanser that respects your skin’s natural balance, as well as a weekly exfoliation to keep your skin smooth and rejuvenated. Finish with a rich, soothing moisturizer that locks in hydration and gives your skin the care it deserves.
These will surely help:
GHK-Cu Peptide
A Symphony of Peptides (Unisex)
Your New Improved Skin

:person_in_lotus_position:t3: For relaxation, unwind with a warm bath or a calming herbal tea. Get the earthing you need with the Supreme Grounding or Automated Grounding. Unlock the power of nature through these Wildflowers. Experiment with rituals that combine simplicity with effectiveness, keeping you grounded, relaxed, and glowing from the inside out.

:wind_face: Air Signs :wind_face:

For the adaptable Air signs:

Your skincare and relaxation routines as light, refreshing, and versatile as your essence;

:lotion_bottle: Incorporate a brightening mask or exfoliator once a week to maintain a radiant complexion. Finish with a breathable moisturizer that hydrates without feeling heavy. Lighten up your skin with the Hyperpigmentation Reduction, or bask in the safest tanning Monoi de Thaiti (The Sunkissed) Beauty Elixir.

:person_in_lotus_position:t3: For relaxation, unwind with creative activities like bullet journaling or enjoy a Tibetan Sound Healing session to clear your mind and rejuvenate your spirit. Check out the Spirit of the Dragonfly to take you on a transformative experience from its flows, breath, stillness and perspective. Or melt the stresses of life with Utter Relaxation and Muscle Massage. Complementing your identity, explore routines that are flexible yet effective, keeping you energized and glowing.

:sweat_drops: Water Signs :sweat_drops:

For the intuitive Water signs:

Your skincare and relaxation routines as soothing and deeply nourishing as your core;

:lotion_bottle: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
And as you do, don’t forget to charge your water and your body’s fluid with these gems:
Infrared and Plasma Light Drink Charger, Zen Nourish The Blessing of Energized Nourishment, and the fab Water Chargers. Use a gentle, hydrating cleanser that respects your sensitive skin. Rejuvenate and nurture your body, spirit and skin through the essence of nature’s finest marine botanicals with La Mer (Beautifying Ritual).

:person_in_lotus_position:t3: For relaxation, find space for stillness, floatation therapy, or a peaceful evening by the water.
Reach that relaxed, calm state while harnessing the power of natural flow with Wu-Wei 無為 - Effortless Action. Take a sip of The Major Elixir of Alchemical Effect to enhance health, mental and mystical protection in one. Reflecting your spirit, try a brew of rituals that nurtures, enriches your soul, helping savour your experiences.

:hearts: Tap and harmonise all the elements in one go with these:
Formula of Balance
Five Elements Balanced (Mongolian Medicine)

You deserve skincare and relaxation routines as extraordinary as your unique personality. :sparkles:


This is superbly written :heart: @ecaiii


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :white_heart: @Hauru



This is such a good read @ecaiii :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thank you for all the effort 🩷🩵🩷



Glad you like it, @Allurre! :hugs: :white_heart:
I should update it with the guild’s fantastic releases!

Oh, @Hauru that’s cuuuutee :heart_eyes: