Utter Relaxation and Muscle Massage

This is programmed to do exactly as the name says, to induce a deep state of relaxation while giving your muscles a ‘massage’ to melt the stresses of life. It uses far infrared as well to help with blood flow throughout your body.
Use as often as you need on loop even to sleep with.


These thread-less fields are some gems man…it was time we treated them properly.

Well…this is the field I sleep to. I listen to others but when I wake up or if I haven’t fell asleep yet, I put this one on loop.

Can be used outside of sleep for relaxing and de-stressing too. When I don’t know what to listen to and I’m feeling bad and really want to change that, I end up listening to this.

So even if you guys think this is a minor or secondary or skippable field or something…don’t forget about it. Sometimes we are stuck and build resistance to other fields and this one will get you unstuck.


Yeah I alternate between this and Negenlingual.

Sometimes Facelift.

Ambience is my go to for sleep.

Plasma Glass is now there too.

But nothing beats relaxation like this one and Bone Organ breathing.

I usually have one of the two playing alongside an NFT like Negenlingual persay.

1 Like

bro if u have active mind this field is good

1 Like



Stephanie Roberts23 days ago

did a fly get caught in the recording?🪰


cherry fawn2 months ago

are there audios that can help with getting your mind awake while your body is asleep?


Chelsea Jackman2 months ago

This made my tinnitus exponentially worse. :cry:


u7862 months ago (edited)

It even worked in period pain girls


neelu pareek3 months ago

I don’t know how but it’s clearing my sinuses slowly in one listen only, :sweat_smile: even sinus videos helping me but not that quick I m surprised :pray:
What a relaxation in all body muscles thanks dear Sapien you are always beyond words :pray::pray::clap::clap::heart:


random videos3 months ago

I have so much tension in my legs and my left calf relaxed instantly


Suzan Akyuz4 months ago

I was in a stressful car incident and I haven’t been able to pee without a catheter . The clenching and tension is all from my anxiety I hope this works


Sarah Fara5 months ago

Please, the terrible fly was unnecessary :joy: Otherwise good stuff.


patricia bareiro5 months ago

Gracias Sapien :sunflower:


Arcadia Lasar6 months ago

Idea - womb hara massage, to help with aaaalllll kinds of female issues including fast recovery and correct organ placement after giving birth. :blush::heart: love your work sapien.


Jessica Mari8 months ago

This gave me anxiety with that fly noise :sweat_smile:


MR THANKYOU9 months ago

:dizzy:Everyday In Every Way I Am Getting Better And Better Now :heart::sparkles::pray:t2::star2:


Anisha Sood9 months ago (edited)

I always fall asleep within seconds of listening to this. With the worst of pains or stress, this has always worked for me.

No, nightmares, cramps etc are still here but I am relaxed as soon as it plays for few seconds.


Kiaraaa9 months ago

I was feeling anxious. This helped me calm down instantly. Thank you I will use this for a week before sleeping and will update.


winxclubstellamusaa year ago

Can this work for vaginismus?


Michael Tomya year ago

Is this work for pelvic floor?


Mea year ago

Listening for my first time ,thank you for this field !!


Playboi Minnaa year ago



Playboi Minnaa year ago



Design Ninja2 years ago

This work wonders. After a sleepless night, I was very irritated. Thought of listening to it for sometime for some relaxation. Played it on loop and dozed off. I slept for 3 hours only, but it was deep sleep. Feeling so refreshed. My whole day is saved now. Thank you so much :heart:


Teresa Lee2 years ago

Would this help with IBS?


Aidana Ty2 years ago

Sapien please can you make short video for anxiety disorder/social anxiety


Pigeoneer Toy2 years ago

I woke up with a lot of pain in my back, realizing it’s not the back itself but the kidneys. I’ve been playing all-day everything kidney-related from Sapien Medicine, including the “Internal Organ Massage” but it says nothing in the description box. Just found this one linked at the end of “Bone and Organ Breathing” and this does say you can loop it for the night, that’s what I’ll do and report back for reference. Thank you, Dr. Sapien.


Infinite2 years ago

Does anyone know if sapien has anything for meralgia paresthetica ? Sitting up, walking is just horribly painful​:disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved: please anyone tell me if there is a video for this :pray::pray:


Ronald King2 years ago

THANKS AGAIN Dreamseeds peace and prosperity and light.


Ellen Rogers-Prig2 years ago



OhKetoDae2 years ago

This works soooooo well! Thank you! :relaxed:


M A2 years ago

Is it ok to use while pregnant efter w. 12?


baedaa falah2 years ago

Thank you :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:


Caroline Star2 years ago

Thank you !:pray::revolving_hearts::relaxed:


Shumi Shetty2 years ago

Will dis help to get a deep sleep


Lina A2 years ago

passed out a while back from doing a heart opening back bend and fell and hit my head. Had to get stitches and have had a very stiff neck since. This is really helping relaxing my neck muscles. Thanks Dream!


Shumi Shetty2 years ago

I am a recent patreon member and needed some clarification.
Are d MP3 available for downloading on patreon of the same quality.
Can I transfer d downloaded MP3 from patreon to a pendrive and listen using speakers?


Boundless Being2 years ago

Does energeticaly programed audio also work if i download and play or is it intended to listen through online source. Thanks in advance for replies


Chicn guuz Ihmekookl3 years ago

Y r the chakra colors bacwards in the pic?


Mike Mill3 years ago

For those mentioning mosquitos and flies, it’s actually cicadas. I find their sound calming and reminiscent of summer


deephouse_ down_under3 years ago

Bzzzzz bzzzzzz Mr Sapien :laughing::laughing:


Mary Pat3 years ago

This helps me sleep more than anything else. Thank you very much.


Mama Bear3 years ago

Does anyone who watch these videos cross their feet during? My boyfriend believes that you must cross your feet while listening to have the greatest impact? I follow his lead of course. But just wondering if anyone else does this? And what the affects are with those who do not.


Teresa Lee3 years ago

Will this help release diaphragm tension?


Spiritual Shield Maiden Divine Wisdom3 years ago

Listening to this because of hip pain. Second chance time listening and I feel a cool sensation in my hips


Hans van Ditmarsch3 years ago

Strong against STRESS


n kirch3 years ago (edited)

Why this works only on my legs only, they feel like they melt away ?


sigma kodiak3 years ago

Thank you so much for this!
I have PTSD and don’t like to be touched in general, but especially not a stranger.
I get a free, hands-free massage now everyday and I am so very, very thankful.
Happy Holidays!


Kumar1233 years ago (edited)

Penetrative and melting indeed!) Thank you SMed!) You deserve all the goodness…


TMONEY official3 years ago

I’m lost for words.


sigma kodiak3 years ago

Very good, like the Reiki video, but my ears are not assaulted.


Umar Ak3 years ago

This helped me feel better for sure.

And that random mosquito made me laugh.


Erika Csizmadia3 years ago

I listened to this 3 times and don’t feel any more relaxed. what’s wrong with me.


King Jesus Christ3 years ago

@ 1:54 tho


Lisa McCue3 years ago

Okay, the sudden fly buzzing is NOT relaxing. I panicked and looked around wildly for the source.


Martin Luther King3 years ago

Please make one for chiropractic adjustments. Thank you


ZALILA123 years ago

Thanks darling co Creator. Been on sapien for years but hadnt tried it yet.yummy :purple_heart::pray::rainbow::pray::purple_heart:


Bashayer Bebita3 years ago

Can you do one for back pain especially lower back pain? :cry:


Bashayer Bebita3 years ago

1:54 the fly voice got me :rofl:


Martin Luther King3 years ago

This is 24 carrot gold


MR ENTERPRISE3 years ago

Life = permanently changed.


Shishir Jathar3 years ago

101 :ok_hand:


Tanner Sauers3 years ago



Samrakchan Chettri3 years ago

Is it effective when downloaded???


Plano B Life4 years ago

This is incredible. Thanks so much


Priyanka D’sa4 years ago

Makes me drowsy


everythingiswondrous4 years ago

Thank you, this was amazing :pray: recently quit smoking weed and as a result have been finding it hard to relax my body and have been quite stiff and sore. This is the best thing I’ve found and has helped me feel tremendously relaxed


Mechanic k k4 years ago

I press play and sink into relaxation


Bart Everaert4 years ago

It very nice. Better background music plz ;) I would like to fall asleep to this but the sounds keep me awake.
Nevertheless thank you for this wonderful creation


Icarus Wings4 years ago

Wow ! This really relaxed my whole body! I felt like I was “floating” when I was laying down. A feeling of being as light as air.


Yoda the Force4 years ago

This is such a amazing audio. I didn’t realise how much tension I had. Also with the infrared light therapy that goes with it’s a real gem :)


Snuggly Potatoes ASMR4 years ago

Other than this, I Love you Sapien and will obviously constinue to support you on Patreon. But I think its high time you listened to your viewers more on the music issue and some of the background sounds you choose to add. I understand that many people dont mind certain sounds and certain music types…but if there obviously are enough people who get disturbed by some sounds and background music, then why not actually remove any music and sounds and just keep the frequencies pure, like white noise in the background ? I have read enough comments saying the same thing. It would allow better use for your creations. Some very loud music sometimes comes OUT OF NOWHERE , scaring the f out of you, and that is frankly very disruptive and disturbing eg when you are relaxing or even watching other Youtube videos simoultaneously, which I do a lot. The frequency music PLUS trying to listen to another video where people are speaking is somewhat nervewracking. Why dont you finally listen to us, your supporters, that love you very much ?


Snuggly Potatoes ASMR4 years ago

So, HOW are you suposed to relax, when there is the sound of a horribly disturbing fly in the background ? You know, that sound that is highly irritating and gets on ones nerves ?.. This is psychologically speaking the most INCOMPATIBLE background noise for ANY frequency video. I´m really pissed, because I would have LOved to listen to this (as I feel tense) and could really use some deep muscle relaxation. I find this and think: Oh Wow, the perfect frequency for me right now…I feel relief and look forward to listening, and then, out of nowhere comes one of the most annoying sounds existant on this planet…on a frequency for REALAXATION ??? Honestly, Wtf ?


Nathan Filippini4 years ago

Thank you


ThirtyThree4 years ago (edited)

why chakras inverted? is no good


Brandy Bradford4 years ago

Second listen. 2:18am.


Yung Nova4 years ago

Does anybody or can anybody please tell me if this increases blood flow to the brain?


Sab Black4 years ago

It worked!!! :drooling_face::relaxed::purple_heart:


Leo Rantanen4 years ago



cwcwx5 years ago

For me, this has done wonders… not only did it give me an amzing kind of relaxation, but it helped me “stay inside” and feel my body… Very often, when I feel overwhelmed or even just physically tired, I “detach” from my body and have trouble really hearing and feeling myself - it’s a trained mechanism from childhood and I’m having hard times to get rid of it now. This helped greatly. I could feel all of my body parts consciously and could go into relaxation mode. Thank you so much! :heart:


cwcwx5 years ago

For me, this has done wonders… not only did it give me an amzing kind of relaxation, but it helped me “stay inside” and feel my body… Very often, when I feel overwhelmed or even just physically tired, I “detach” from my body and have trouble really hearing and feeling myself - it’s a trained mechanism from childhood and I’m having hard times to get rid of it now. This helped greatly. I could feel all of my body parts consciously and could go into relaxation mode. Thank you so much! :heart:


SummerSumShine5 years ago

This is amazing. The stress and tension that I’ve been holding forever is just melting away. Thank you so much for all your beautiful and hard work!


Yung Nova5 years ago

This one before or after the oxygen therapy is a heavenly experience :relaxed:


Ronan Sheridan5 years ago

Sir can you to one to eliminate all fears? Fearless


Isla Miln5 years ago

we all need this one!!:blush::purple_heart:


Magnetism5 years ago

HAHAHA this worked on my dog :rofl:


thelamb5 years ago

Will this be safe to be listened by children?


N G5 years ago

I will surely try this, DW. Can you also do for

  1. inflammation?
  2. destroying common parasites, bad bacteria, etc. if possible?


Lucas Lago5 years ago

Just right after a Judo class, this is good, thanks!


:wind_face:EmpressOnTheThrone5 years ago

Can you create something to cut etheric chords aka chord cutting


thelamb5 years ago

Thanks Dream Seeds for this! Can feel the love you have for humanity! :kiss::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:!


christopher b5 years ago

I strained my espinae erecti along my neck two days ago and now feeling the worst of it. this is relaxing the muscle nicely, exactly what I need! Amazing! Your good luck video is working again :wink:


Fghmail Fghgmail5 years ago

How do you learn doing this?


Brandy Bradford5 years ago

1:37 in and I feel it working. Going back to sleep. What’s up with the mosquito? thanks. I was thinking about the micro cosmic orbit video. Is this a better version of that video plus the far infared light therapy?


Réjeanne Dubé5 years ago

Thank you very much Sapien. Have a nice day.:wave:


Ronan Sheridan5 years ago

Headphones sir?


Clo-tii5 years ago

You are a Phenomenal Soul and Human, Dream Seeds. Thank you!


Drayzee5 years ago

I was going to ask you to make this, feels like you read my mind. Thank you :)


d655 years ago

I just think about your videos thanks for this


:wind_face:EmpressOnTheThrone5 years ago

Thank you! Looking forward to listening to this in the sauna.


Brandy Bradford5 years ago

Any updates?


Jeanne d’ Art5 years ago

First like, first comment! All my love to you!