Wildflowers Album (YT/Patreon)

7 tracks featuring the energy and essence of wildflowers


Didn´t expected that amount of hype for wildflowers.


Red Clover feels warm and soothing


Yeeees I was waiting for something like this :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

🪻 :sunflower: :blossom::hibiscus::tulip::cherry_blossom:🪷

Thank you :blue_heart::green_heart::purple_heart:


Check out lavender from The Tower Album too if you haven´t already.


sooo beautiful :blossom: :hibiscus: :blossom:

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Herb Medicinal Benefits Elaboration
Agrimony Anti-inflammatory, digestive aid, wound healing, diuretic, mild sedative, potential immune support, respiratory health, calming effects. Agrimony has anti-inflammatory properties and is known for its digestive aid qualities. It may help in wound healing, act as a diuretic, and has mild sedative effects. Additionally, agrimony is traditionally used for respiratory health and potential immune support. It is also known for its calming effects.
Blue Vervain Nervine, diaphoretic, digestive tonic, potential immune support, support for respiratory conditions, calming effects. Blue Vervain acts as a nervine and diaphoretic, providing support for the nervous system and promoting sweating. It serves as a digestive tonic, potentially boosting the immune system and offering relief for respiratory conditions. Blue Vervain is also valued for its calming effects, making it useful in stress and anxiety management.
Mugwort Digestive aid, menstrual support, mild sedative, potential immune support, respiratory health, wound healing, dreamwork. Mugwort is known for its digestive aid properties and its traditional use in supporting menstrual health. It acts as a mild sedative and may provide immune support. Mugwort is also associated with respiratory health and wound healing. Its unique role in dreamwork and potential benefits for skin conditions contribute to its diverse uses.
Red Clover Phytoestrogens for menopausal symptoms, bone health, anti-inflammatory, support for skin conditions, respiratory health. Red Clover contains phytoestrogens that may help alleviate menopausal symptoms and support bone health. It has anti-inflammatory properties and may benefit skin conditions. Additionally, Red Clover is known for its potential respiratory health benefits and its use in traditional medicine for various ailments.
Rosemary Culinary uses, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, aromatherapy, hair and skin care, potential cognitive benefits, digestive aid. Rosemary is a versatile herb with culinary uses, providing a savory flavor to dishes. It possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to overall health. Rosemary is used in aromatherapy for its invigorating scent and potential cognitive benefits. It’s also valued in hair and skincare for its stimulating effects.
St. John’s Wort Mood support, potential antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, neuropathic pain management, phototoxicity. St. John’s Wort is known for its mood-supporting properties and potential antidepressant effects. It exhibits anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, and its use in managing neuropathic pain has been explored. However, caution is advised due to potential photosensitivity and interactions with medications.
Wild Marjoram Culinary uses, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, digestive aid, aromatherapy, respiratory health, potential skin benefits. Wild Marjoram, also known as oregano, is widely used in cooking for its aromatic flavor. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Beyond its culinary uses, Wild Marjoram is employed in aromatherapy for relaxation. It is traditionally associated with respiratory health, digestive aid, and potential skincare benefits.

-From Chatgpt :four_leaf_clover:


I requested this :heart_eyes_cat:



So so cool!!!

Thank you :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

I have purchased many of these for different purposes and I’m so excited to have them in this form.

Mugwort I am sooo excited about it is in the Artemisia family, the same family as Wormwood and Sweet Annie. The Artemisias are considered bitters and they’ve been all but lost to history in terms of their routine use but Mugwort has traditionally been used to flavor beers and soups for hundreds of years. I don’t know why it fell out of favor. I tried to grow it many times but ironically it only likes dry, sunny, garbage type land (think sides of highways and parking lots) whereas in Vermont you’ll find rich and moist land pretty much everywhere.

Can’t live without Rosemary. I put it in almost everything and Rosemary is a natural enemy of streptococcus bacteria. Rosemary contains thymol which exists also in herbs like oregano and thyme, this is a natural antimicrobial.

Just learned that oregano and wild marjoram are the same thing!! We have oregano that’s soooo amazing. Oregano has carvacrol-

Carvacrol has high antioxidant activity and has been successfully used as dietary phytoadditive to improve animal antioxidant status. The anticancer properties of CV have been reported in preclinical models of breast, liver, and lung carcinomas, acting on proapoptotic processes.

Thank you so much for these, I will continue my research on the rest.

Love the music in these very mellow and whimsical


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If anyone has ever used Bach flower essences will know how powerful these can be.
Have used St.John’s wort essence in the past for depression and it worked so well. Now we have the energetic versions of all these. :heart_eyes:

Thank you, Dream!!


In addition to what Lucky shared, If you want to learn more about Bach Flower Essences or in general about the flowers properties - Bach® Original Flower Remedies | OFFICIAL Bach Remedy Website

edit - just checked their site and they actually don’t have as many essences as they used to.


Amazing. I’ve been using different combinations of flower essences with my naturopath for about a decade, with great results through so many categories. Breaking through health plateaus, career blocks, emotional blockages, grief, trauma… Always such a subtle, beautiful process to work with them. I’d be on a formula for a month, and by week 2 or 3 I’d start looking around for the emotional issue i was treating only to find it had suddenly — silently — receded.

Flowers are not to be underestimated.


my suggestion based on the knowledge of Zen Master Karuna, because I like ordering things, here is a coherent order of those audios:

  1. Agrimony: For protection and to banish negative energies.
  2. Mugwort: To enhance dreams and psychic abilities, and for purification.
  3. Rosemary: For protection, memory, and clarity.
  4. Blue Vervain: For tranquility, peace, and calming nerves.
  5. St John’s Wort: For emotional well-being and to ward off negative spirits.
  6. Red Clover: For purification and cleansing.
  7. Wild Marjoram: For happiness, protection, and to seal the practice with a sense of well-being.

thank you @Dreamweaver!


Streaming and buying options:

Wildflowers by Sapien Medicine (songwhip.com)


A while ago a person told me about some remedies called Bach flowers and said that they could cure almost everything, especially mental problems such as depression and OCD among many others. I didn’t give it much importance and I had forgotten about it until now and apparently according to what I have researched and what has been commented on in this post, those flowers or their extract have many properties even beyond the physical body.
Thanks Dream for this.:pray:t3:


Yes they’re incredible. The Bach series is good and there are other groupings as well (Australian Bush Essences, FES) — all with unique healing attributes. I think it’s helpful to have a practitioner who can muscle test you for them and put you on a targeted combo, but even just seeking one out online and trying it can have benefits. They only work to balance you — they can’t ever really throw you off (according to my naturopath). The ultimate do-no-harm treatment.

Maybe there’s a project we can start that has the entire index of flower essences within itself and is constantly making new formulas for what you need… :bulb:


The Black Orchid NFT

uh-ohh :D


i always have the Bach Rescue Remedy with me :ambulance: !

Thank you @Dreamweaver