Healing Requests

Hi are there any morphic fields for acid reflux?


Hi @Sigewinne!

Welcome KY Tree

You can do a search using the magnifying glass in the top right corner of any page.

Here is what came up for your topic: Search results for ‘acid reflux’ - Sapien Medicine

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Hey guy could you please send healing to my mom as she has pain in the kidney area.

Thank you :pray::sparkles:


Do you still want healing sent @Andromeda?

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Yes :+1: thank you

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These help:


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Already did. All The Best to Your Mom! :heart::pray:

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Sending healing to you and your mom. May she feel better soon!

Healing Heart KY and Empress
Healing KY Nuwa


Thank you guys you are best ! :sparkles::heartpulse::hibiscus:


I would be grateful to receive some healing energy. Thank you :slight_smile:

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Sending @rigel

Healing KY Nuwa

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Please send me some healing. I feel really sick. Thank You.

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Please rest. Sending healing

Healing and Love Angel 2
Healing and Love to You

Healing KY Light and Love
Healing KY Nuwa

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I am sorry, but my temperature is rising like crazy.
I might need to go to the hospital.

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Yes you should asap

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I had Hemorrhoids trouble, nausea and then my temperature started ris9ng.

Please send healing energy.
I’m going to the hospital immediately (waiting for someone to take me there).

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Healing and Love to You
Healing Green Tara

Healing Love KY

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Would appreciate any gentle healing sent. I think I ate something bad (and I think I’m done with it…as in there is nothing left to throw out). I’ll be looping Raphael and Cosmo-Volt and Stomach regeneration later. Anything else that could help?


Maybe Reiki (Smart one or the free Reiki Field)?

It is a gentle field.

Also, there’s Cell Rejuvenation (if I remember the name correctly), always helped me when I felt sick.

Detox fields… But Idk if they won’t have strong effects though.

I Wish You The Fastest Healing, Brother. :pray:

Also, The Advanced Healer would be Great, if you got it.

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