Angelic Blessings (album) Patreon

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Each track invites a personal blessing and guidance. Great to have with your daily playlists to keep the vibes and blessings up

Archangel Azrael As the Angel of Death, Azrael comforts souls transitioning between life and the afterlife, providing a sense of peace and guidance. Azrael assists those grieving the loss of loved ones, helping them find acceptance, healing, and meaning in their journey. He oversees the process of life reviews from higher dimensions, offering insights and understanding. Additionally, Azrael helps the dying experience a smoother, more serene transition and supports hospice workers and others who care for the terminally ill.

Archangel Chamuel Chamuel focuses closely on relationships, overseeing bonds between people and humanity’s connection to God. He beams unconditional love to strengthen relationship ties and foster harmony. Chamuel assists those working to build healthy relationships and restore damaged bonds. He helps partners better understand one another, resolve conflicts, and foster mutual appreciation. Chamuel also facilitates alignment between your soul’s purposes and God’s will, promoting inner peace and spiritual growth. He guides individuals in finding self-love and compassion, enhancing their ability to form deeper connections with others.

Archangel Gabriel Gabriel is the archangel of communication, often appearing in Scripture as God’s spokesperson. As God’s top envoy, Gabriel carries and configures divine messages crucial to God’s plans. He works behind the scenes, organizing communication networks between angels, departed souls, and people on Earth. Gabriel helps individuals find their true voice, express their thoughts and feelings clearly, and develop effective communication skills. He also inspires creativity and assists writers, speakers, and artists in conveying their messages with impact.

Archangel Haniel Haniel rules over joy and pleasure, connecting to the moon’s cycles and feminine energy. For those lost in stress, Haniel gently shifts awareness to life’s wonders and blessings. Haniel brings out hidden talents, develops skills, and arranges opportunities for happiness and celebration. Her presence often evokes rose hues, reminding us that self-care prevents burnout and enhances well-being. Haniel also supports those pursuing artistic and creative endeavors, encouraging them to embrace and express their unique gifts.

Archangel Jeremiel Jeremiel inspires prophetic visions and mystical experiences to convey urgent divine messages. He imparts clairvoyance and clairaudience, granting visions that shape pivotal personal choices and world events toward spiritual advancement. Jeremiel helps individuals understand their life path, offering insights into past actions and future possibilities. He assists in the interpretation of dreams and symbols, providing guidance and clarity for those seeking deeper spiritual understanding.

Archangel Jophiel Jophiel, considered the Beauty of God, oversees beautiful thoughts and creative arts. Jophiel channels divine inspiration for artists, elevating works of art and entertainment to uplift humanity’s consciousness. He helps souls see their own innate beauty and self-worth, regardless of appearances or others’ opinions. Jophiel supports self-care regimens, boosts confidence, and encourages embracing life’s pleasures amidst responsibilities. He also aids in creating harmonious and aesthetically pleasing environments, promoting a sense of peace and tranquility.

Archangel Metatron Metatron, considered the scribe of God, records everything that happens in the universe upon the Akashic Records. He grants access to divine wisdom and Ascended Master teachings from the heavenly realms through sacred geometry. Metatron assists individuals in understanding complex spiritual concepts and applying them to their lives. He supports those on their spiritual journey, helping them align with their higher purpose and achieve greater self-awareness and enlightenment.

Archangel Michael Michael, the leader of all archangels, is viewed as the warrior angel and field commander of the Army of God. He is the top defender against dark forces like Satan and demons, specializing in protection and combat. Michael is often depicted wearing battle armor and carrying a sword or shield. He protects lightworkers who battle negative energies, invoking strength, courage, and clarity in the face of adversity. Michael also helps individuals overcome fears, doubts, and obstacles, empowering them to achieve their goals.

Archangel Raphael Raphael is known as the main healing angel, using therapeutic methods to support recovery from illness, injury, and mental distress. He is associated with healing doctors, nurses, therapists, and anyone involved in healing work. Raphael guides healers to make accurate diagnoses, choose effective treatments, and provide spiritual support. He aids those suffering to embrace a positive, healing mindset, dispelling negativity, fears, and doubts that hinder recovery. Raphael’s healing powers extend to healing rifts between people and providing spiritual healing for psychological issues.

Archangel Sandalphon Sandalphon, considered the Twin Soul or Twin Flame of Metatron, channels cosmic energy to support unification between heaven and Earth. Through meditation, prayer, and visualizations, Sandalphon helps individuals achieve higher states of consciousness and integrate them with grounded, awakened mindsets. He assists in manifesting spiritual goals and aspirations, providing guidance and support for those seeking to connect with the divine. Sandalphon also facilitates the reception of divine messages and insights during meditation and spiritual practices.

Archangel Uriel Uriel oversees wisdom and insight, often referred to as the Heavenly Father’s light. Uriel illuminates situations by heightening truth, knowledge, and comprehension. He is associated with intellectual enlightenment, the expansion of consciousness, and the ability to perceive hidden truths. Uriel helps individuals see through illusions, fantasies, and faulty beliefs, gaining higher vantage points and clarity. He warns of impending dangers and disasters if they align with spiritual growth and life lessons, empowering better choices and actions.

Archangel Zadkiel Zadkiel focuses on mercy, freedom, and forgiveness. As the Angel of Mercy, Zadkiel helps those struggling with guilt, shame, regret, or feeling judged, lifting these heavy burdens through mercy and forgiveness. He assists spiritual teachers and lightworkers handling severe negativity or dark forces during their work. Zadkiel cleanses heavy toxic energies, healing spiritual fatigue, bitterness, or despair. He also helps individuals develop a compassionate and forgiving mindset, promoting inner peace and emotional healing.


Patreon Shop :blush:

Amazing archangel blessings :angel: :sparkling_heart:
Thank you!


Wow, this is game changer.


Nice, so excited to hear but will have to wait till it is up on Apple Music.


Captain, I’ve had, in the true sense of the word, the shittiest day of the year and seeing this uplifted me a lot.

Thank you from the bottom of the heart.

I’ll have a talk now with Archangel Raphael himself!

Metatron and Conceptual Conglomerate feels great too


Love it, love it, love it, love it. :revolving_hearts: I was meaning to start working with archangels a bit more, and here’s a full package!



Thanks for this very precious angelic album :blush::pray::heart::sunny:!!!




Thank you 🪽


Ahhh and again today I decided to loop angelic intercession for the first time in a longggg time…


Interesting this comes out as I decided to get the subscription again yesterday.


Nice, I have been lately trying to connect with Archangels.
This will help me a lot.


Amazing surprise. Thank you!


Love it :green_heart::purple_heart::green_heart::purple_heart::green_heart::purple_heart::green_heart: beautiful release thank you so much


Sapien Medicine Channel Release:

:angel: YouTube Music
:angel: Buy on Amazon
:angel: Apple Music
:angel: Deezer
:angel: Qobuz
:angel: Spotify
:angel: Tidal


Yo. The timing is starting to get scary on how in sync this came out :0 . So grateful.


It’s a big one


Oh My.!!

thank you so much :purple_heart:


Hey folks, so I am a bit unsure on how do Patreon fields work. Let’s say I purchase the audio but I am not an active subscriber, will it work forever since it was purchased, or would it only work when I am subscribed on Patreon, besides the purchase of the field?


If it’s an outright purchase it will work for you
Forever like let’s say you purchased the advanced healer for $55

But if you have the premium subscription for $22 and you download a field for free on that tier specifically, it will only work for you
So long as you subscribe to that tier. These fields also work for you and you alone unless otherwise specified.

If you are on the 4.50 tier, I believe the fields there work for you whether you are subscribed or not (as long as you originally subscribed) as most of those fields are on YouTube and other streaming media anyway as well-

But correct me if I have anything wrong there