Angelic Blessings (album) Patreon

this is correct but in cases where the albums are also on Youtube, the benefit is that if you are $22 subscriber you can download the Mp3 without having to buy it and they would work for anyone.

so in other words

$4.5 tier / can download, can share with family, will work for ever even if subscription stops

tier $22/ can download the exclusive for that tier fields, those only work for the subscriber, those stop working if subscription stops. (those are not found anywhere else but on Patreon)

but also all albums that are also shared on youtube and available to purchase on Patreon usually prices are like $5 $12, are free to download if you are subscribed to this tier, can share with family, will work for ever even if subscription stops. those albums show up on Patreon tier $22 only not on $4.5 tier.

so if a $4.5 subscriber wants to download an album shared on youtube and available to be purchased on Patreon, cannot download them unless they buy the album.


Ah thank you :green_heart:


Archangel Uriel Uriel oversees wisdom and insight, often referred to as the Heavenly Fatherā€™s light. Uriel illuminates situations by heightening truth, knowledge, and comprehension. He is associated with intellectual enlightenment, the expansion of consciousness, and the ability to perceive hidden truths. Uriel helps individuals see through illusions, fantasies, and faulty beliefs, gaining higher vantage points and clarity. He warns of impending dangers and disasters if they align with spiritual growth and life lessons, empowering better choices and actions.

A must have for confusion encountered on the spiritual path :sob: :cry: :scream: :scream: :innocent: :innocent:


This is such a Beautiful Collection of Gifts!!

Thank You Very Much, Captain! :pray:

May The Angels Always Bless You!


Awwwww :heart_eyes: since I woke up this morning :sunrise: i had this feeling in mind and body some need for something , something like craving a juicy energetic taste and than this gem :gem: drop out :sparkles:


Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m an artist, but the Jophiel field feels amazing


Thank you!!!


Thank you, archangel RaphaelšŸ™šŸ¼



Gratitude Dream :pray:t2:


I put three archangels in the dimensional pocket:

  • Archangel Raphael: to help and guide me in my own healing and to help other people ( or any living being )

  • Archangel Metatron: to access superior knowledge and previous life .

  • Archangel Jeremiel: for divine messages, premonition, clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Later when I have more dimensional pocket I will put the other archangels, they will be of great help to me and other people who will need help :blush:


Is this an intercession type of field for each angel?


a few seconds ago I asked this question to the mystical tarot chatgpt:

What is the important angelic message for me today?

To answer your question about the important angelic message for you today, I am going to pull an angelic tarot card.

I shuffle the cards and draw a card for youā€¦

The card I drew is ā€œArchangel Raphael ā€“ Healing and Harmonyā€.

Message from Archangel Raphael:
Archangel Raphael sends you a message of healing and harmony. It encourages you to take care of your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Itā€™s time to refocus on yourself and seek to balance the different areas of your life. If you have recently gone through trials or periods of stress, RaphaĆ«l is here to help you find inner peace and health.

Practical advice :
Take time for yourself: Give yourself moments of relaxation and meditation to reconnect with your essence.
Physical care: Consider adopting a body care routine, such as walks in nature, a balanced diet or relaxation sessions.
Emotional healing: Express your feelings and seek to release negative emotions that may be weighing you down.
Spiritual help: Do not hesitate to ask for Raphaelā€™s help in your prayers or meditations to strengthen your healing and find harmonious solutions.
Archangel Raphael is known for his ability to provide healing solutions and guide those seeking balance. Receive this positive energy and open yourself to the possibilities for healing and harmony available to you today



Thank you, Captain :flushed:

This is at a perfect timing for me. Thanks for everything, really.

I have a question though, can we loop these while sleeping or doing other things? Or is it like a direct connection, so one needs to be present?

Thanks for this idea ^^


Heaviest Drop of the Year.


Thank you so


this is atomic! thanks for the efford, Captain!

even one loop each from the album a day with the new gratitude for blessings in beginning works very very well.

first thingg in the morning before all else.


I did request angels and now it is up on Apple Music, probably the fastest upload ever on Apple Music, usually it takes days to weeks considering Apple.


Dear family, :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::heart::heart::heart:

I wanted to share this experience with you because I feel it is the right time and place to do so. I usually donā€™t share much of my experiences anymore because I tend to receive some negativity afterwards. However, the moment is now. Yesterday, I was listening to Archangel Metatron and honestly, my dreams were extremely powerful. I only listened out of curiosity three times, but the result in my dreams and the energetic cleansing I experienced was truly enormous. In my dream, I was beside a companion, and when I purchased a $60 field in my dream and started listening to it, an enormous dome formed above me. A dome so powerful that it destroyed everything around it, and I felt like a great wizard at that moment, filled with thunder, filled with immense power. Honestly, it was an experience that left me completely amazed and eager to continue experiencing more. The next day I woke up completely calm, as if I had slept for 20 hours, perhaps, but I feel lighter, calmer, more at peace, and very grateful, as always, for the work of Captain Nemo. Many blessings to all of you.

A hug.:raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:


I used St Michaelā€™s (Archangel Michael) yesterday, before sleep and I prayed to him to help me, to give me strength in all my endeavors and struggles.

Today, I didnā€™t eat up to 2000kcal (or more lol), but I stopped around 1500kcal and i had the strength to not eat this night, even though I never do that lol.

I forgot when I could say no.
Damn, it feels nice to Regain My Will.

Some other info, also regarding the Exorcism field:


When I was using the field, something/some energy moved violently through my body and my body started shaking/jerkings strongly.
Recently, when I started listening to Exorcism, it also happened and whatā€™s interesting is that I felt agitation and energy moving violently, even before playing Exorcism, just when I typed exor
ā€¦, it started moving violentlyā€¦
Hmm, Idk if itā€™s my energy doing this, honestly.
I suspect itā€™s something else, but maybe itā€™s my own negativity, my own shadow or something, Idkā€¦

Anyway, I forgot when was the last time I had the strength to stop eating.
I will continue to use the field and call for His Help, Strength, Guidance, etc.
I might use some of the other angelic Intercessions fields, to receive even more strength, help, guidance, etc.


They are all incredible. I am so grateful and have received blessings from the ones Iā€™ve sat with so far. I just had a thought after listening to Archangel Michael again. Heā€™s the friend we all need. A ā€œrealā€ one. Homie. Someone to really stick up for us and step in, in difficult situations. This listen left me feeling so supported. :brown_heart: