Angelic Blessings (album) Patreon

Also Available On Youtube :heart:


When you have twisted days and you think that the human species is the worst but then you see that this exists and that it is free because a human really wanted to be generous… and you get over the bitterness.


Or you also have super wonderful days and you think the human species is the best but then you see that this exists and it’s free because a human really wanted to be generous… and you feel on cloud nine.


One last thing: Another time to worship Angelic Intercession. Always and forever the best morphic field :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:


When kindness, integrity, and giving without nefarious strings attached feels out of style, I often think of Captain and the integrity woven into everything he’s done. I am grateful there are still Good people making big waves in this world.


I know, right? But you know what the best thing is? Seeing that he’s human too. That he can also have twisted days, but still, he can come up with something like this. That’s why hope is always available.


By the way, new users… the key here is to have Angelic Intercession (especially the paid one, but since you can’t access it anymore, unless they sell it to you through the Official NFT Buy/Sell Thread), I advise you to embrace this as much as possible (on Youtube or Patreon) and the free Angelic Intercession. I thought that the best morphic field… The One… would be The Solidifier, but Angelic Intercession has something that exceeds all possible limits. Sublime. It helps morphic fields be more effective… and even, if you ask the angels, they can actually do what some specific fields are programmed to do. And they never fail. NEVER. And they are faster. Even than the Solidifier, which is supposed to have the strength of a black hole. So… you know. Everything angels, no hesitation.


I like to talk with them, ask them, vent at them when I need to, and also have fun and jokes with them


It makes extraordinary feel relatable :blush: :wink:

Sorry to say,
I don’t really feel connected or a part of humanity.



How did you see that 🫠


@Dreamweaver can you please speak about one of your experiences with the angels if possible :innocent:

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I think few feel connected. Maybe it’s a virus and we can treat it ;D

Sometimes you show signs of human, Cap. I hug you from a distance to let you know that when you are not pure consciousness and go down for a walk in the human worlds, I see you. Don’t worry… I know it’s just a disguise. But you’re still like Kal-El. Being around humans so much, he looks more Clark than El. Take off your glasses and that’s it.


And I always receive a moral speech from someone when I say that I don’t feel connected to Gaia, to most humans etc.

Then all of a sudden I am being called “unspiritual” or “lacking compassion” or “lacking self love” etc… :roll_eyes:


I feel similar - more like I’ve always felt I don’t belong here; since early childhood. I don’t mention it to anyone because few would understand. I understand, but cannot explain it well enough to satisfy the ego, nor do I care to.


Doesn’t surprise me at all since you are doing Superhuman things :laughing:

Well being connected to and having unconditional love for someone/something are two different things. You can love someone unconditionally but from a distance and at the same time not feel connected to them. (in the end we are all connected to some degree but that’s not the point haha). We are not all on the same frequency but that is what makes this life so interesting.
Same thing with forgiveness, people think that forgiving is the same as accepting toxic behaviour. One thing doesn’t have to always come with the other.

a part of me was triggered when reading this. 10 percent of me? other 90 percent agreed that i have nothing to do with humanity except recieving my salary from my hard job.

so…hear, hear, dear Captain!

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First, I want to express my deep appreciation for the incredible work that Captain has done. This album is truly transformative and inspiring.

I understand that creating these fields involves careful consideration and that there are many factors at play, but would it be possible to eventually create a field with Archangel Ariel’s blessings and guidance? Ariel oversees the protection and healing of animals and plants, as well as the care of the Earth’s elements (such as water, wind, and fire). Having a field dedicated to her could be incredibly beneficial for those of us who seek to support and care for animals, given the challenges of diagnosing and treating them since they can’t communicate their symptoms as humans do (and finding a vet who truly cares can sometimes be a challenge).

Either way, thank you again for all your wonderful work!


I am aware of all of this. No need to explain to me :slight_smile:

There are quite some people on the forum who project all types of their own opinions and perceptions onto me…

Some people do not understand my messages because they do not have the same experience reference points that I do, so they align the message with the next best experience reference point that they already have collected inside their consciousness.
Then they project their opinion based on their own reference point onto me. Which then often leads to people not getting my message right.
But I also recognize that I simply need to become better at communicating.