Random thoughts thread

Growth is happening at super speed lol

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I know Bud is a big Eminem fan but why the fuck heā€™s doing a concert in a boxing match :sob:. I mean, I like Em too but the show is delayed because of this random asf Em concert

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I wonder if some of the Olympic athletes listened to Super Human Mutant field to perform better in competition, I would do it lol :rofl:

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Maybe, but theyā€™re all on designer drugs thatā€™s for sure and thatā€™s more hardcore.

Caaaap, Caaap, Capā€¦ I was wondering, within these maps, where do you consider you are?

The second map makes more senseā€¦ multiverse-spiritually speaking. The maximum level is supposed to include everything, even the fact that there are infinite energies and consciousnesses or realities where nothing exists anymore? Right?

Actually, I expect you to answer that you always stay between level 600 and 1000. But it wouldnā€™t make sense to tell you thatā€¦ because, at some point, even if it is very small, you may feel fear or worryā€¦ Or maybe not thatā€¦ but neutrality, for example. Even if you then balance and climb back up to higher levels in an instant.

By this I mean, arenā€™t you living a human experience? I donā€™t want you to take this as an ā€œattackā€. Believe me, I donā€™t like to say Iā€™m part of humanity 99% of the time eitherā€¦ and I used to say I wasnā€™t human, even as a kid. But it was just my penchant for misanthropy. Although we could also say that we are all consciousness, period. Thatā€™s another way of looking at it.

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Oh it was just a statement,
doesnt mean i feel better than or lesser than if that makes sense?

I rationalize a little different maybe lol.
ways of thinking maybe.

I do not consider it.

Thank you for considering me.

Thank you for the advice maā€™am

Sure :slight_smile:

lol, why would I ?
Thank you for having a conversation with me :wink:

Say it when you feel like,
I have, :laughing:



Sooooooooā€¦ what is your rationalization on it? :dragon_face:

I love this answer. You are so adorable sometimesā€¦ Although other times it feels like youā€™re saying ā€œoh, you little munchkinā€¦ā€ (which is also adorable but at the same time itā€™s not). Unless youā€™re Gandalf, then all well and good. But itā€™s probably just my imaginationā€¦ although it could happen that it shares a route from time to time.

Anyway, it would be nice if you could make us a sketch like children doā€¦ a sketch. With Paint and little people made with roundels and stripes, and marking the levels with felt-tip pens. :upside_down_face:


Predictive Programming. A crack in the universe xD

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Heā€™s a fucking madman, that dude was on warm up mode until 6mā€¦ And the silver only completed 5.95 :sob:.

Dude is literally only competing with himself, total fucking domination. Heā€™s on Usain Bolt territoryā€¦and heā€™s only 24.


When you specifically demand disconnection from the named company egregore
and the next day the HR manager inquires if youā€™re planning to leave


@zea Interesting


Donā€™t report. This is just how I describe my thoughts.

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Mr fraud


What a game


Anyone else awake at blank:33?

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Iā€™m utterly blissed out with Blueprint of Life + Unified God and some DDR music


Musicians are magicians