A random thought I had today is that a soul of a human being if we saw it like a human body is a pretty disharmonius things like a picasso painting. For example if someone sees that if you are dumb you are not going nowhere in life and you must be smart or a genius instead of a head in a soul painting they will have their feet in the head in a symbolism like “for someone to move forward in life you must be brilliant” because of that belief they would be walking with their head. Maybe sometimes we try to solve things that don’t even exist because we are already disharmonius and that’s what gives us a higher harmony
Another random thought I had now is that what if the only real number is the infinity, if everything started from a single hydrogen then the universe is is getting bigger in reverse. Where is the number zero or the one or the two if we don’t know yet how far the division of cells atoms and so forth goes?
And another random thought I have now is
why do penguins exist?
I have explained with cats in another thread
About penguins
I guess this gif explains everything. Well, also so that they were used as an idea for the cartoon The Penguins of Madagascar. That’s enough for them to exist I believe
Penguins are part of the Arctic biocenosis and part of the food chain. They feed on small fish, crustaceans and other animals, while being food for seals and killer whales.
well we do not need that, we need more chickens so we can eat more kfc
but it’s ok everyone can have an opinion
the madagascar things stands alone on it’s own I will let them be this time
Penguins are kfc for the sharks
It’s not my kfc so sharks can protect them when I go kamikazi on them
also I heard that they make fun of sea lions which is the only kind of lion I like so -1 points for dem penguins
i had a random thought
I just noticed that water has really no colour lol
I had a random thought
why do spiders exist?
Spiders are a really good clean up crew they perform a valuable service…
They control the population of other bugs
Also they’re great artists have you seen those webs?
Yes I seen, nothing special these things I made better when I was 6 years old, also the only spider that I like is spiderman but not before Iron man’s contribution to
and another special exception the spider in my backyard hanging from the roof eating a fly now, pretty useful. That’s why I thought about the thought, not so random afterall.
couldn’t find a place to dump this;
The letter D is interesting because it gives us certain words which are of utmost importance to the esotericist. There’s a couple of Words that begin with the letter D which are of much importance.
for the physical etheric nature
For the emotional nature.
For the mental nature.
For the personal nature.
For the soul nature.
Detachment is the means by which we disinvolve our consciousness from its habitual preoccupations.
Detachment restores us to our self. We become conscious of that which is conscious, detachment which the buddha taught frees us from our preoccupation with matter and with lower form and restores to us higher perceptions in which we are more truly at home. Detachment is the necessity for every true disciple every true student of the ageless wisdom teaching when we overcome desire detachment has done its major work.
Fruits are solid water with flavour.
Why thoughts exist?
because I let them of course. Anyway why do owls exist?
They eat mice
One more reason to get them out of this universe
Somebody gotta eat them mice