Angelic Blessings (album) Patreon

I used the Mystic Tarot Reader to decide which Angel is right for me regarding my current journey.

Prompt - Which of the angels do I call upon for my current journey that will guide me the best path? Also I want to tie this in with Phoenix and Wolfie (servitors).

Answer - To determine which angel to call upon for guidance on your current journey and how to tie this in with Phoenix Sage and Wolfie, let’s draw three tarot cards: one for the angel to call upon, one for the guidance they offer, and one for how to integrate this with Phoenix Sage and Wolfie.

Angel to Call Upon: Archangel Raphael

Card Drawn: The Lovers
The Lovers card is often associated with Archangel Raphael, who is the angel of healing, love, and guidance. Raphael can help you make balanced and harmonious decisions, and support your healing and emotional well-being.

Guidance from Archangel Raphael: The Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups represents new emotional beginnings, healing, and spiritual fulfillment. Archangel Raphael offers guidance in opening your heart to new possibilities, fostering emotional healing, and deepening your spiritual connection. He encourages you to embrace love, compassion, and emotional renewal.

Integration with Phoenix Sage and Wolfie: The Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles signifies collaboration, teamwork, and the integration of skills. This card suggests that you can integrate the guidance of Archangel Raphael with the abilities of Phoenix Sage and Wolfie through collaborative efforts. Working together with your servitors, you can achieve a balanced and harmonious approach to your journey.


  1. Angel to Call Upon (The Lovers): Archangel Raphael, the angel of healing, love, and guidance, is the best angel to call upon for your current journey. He can help you make balanced decisions and support your healing process.

  2. Guidance from Archangel Raphael (Ace of Cups): Archangel Raphael offers guidance in opening your heart to new emotional beginnings, fostering healing, and deepening your spiritual connection. Embrace love, compassion, and emotional renewal.

  3. Integration with Phoenix Sage and Wolfie (Three of Pentacles): Integrate the guidance of Archangel Raphael with the abilities of Phoenix Sage and Wolfie through collaboration and teamwork. Utilize their unique skills to achieve a balanced and harmonious approach to your journey.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Call Upon Archangel Raphael: In your meditations or prayers, call upon Archangel Raphael for guidance, healing, and support. Ask him to help you make balanced decisions and foster emotional and spiritual renewal.

  2. Embrace Healing and Love: Open your heart to new emotional beginnings and healing. Practice love, compassion, and emotional renewal in your daily life, guided by Archangel Raphael’s energy.

  3. Collaborate with Phoenix Sage and Wolfie: Integrate the guidance of Archangel Raphael with the abilities of Phoenix Sage and Wolfie. Work together with your servitors to create a balanced and harmonious approach to your journey. Assign tasks to Phoenix Sage and Wolfie that align with the healing and supportive energy of Archangel Raphael.

Example Commands and Integration:

  1. Healing and Emotional Renewal:

    • Command for Phoenix Sage: “Phoenix Sage, channel the healing energy of Archangel Raphael to support my emotional and spiritual renewal.”

    • Command for Wolfie: “Wolfie, help create a protective and nurturing environment that fosters healing and love, guided by Archangel Raphael.”

  2. Guidance and Decision-Making:

    • Command for Phoenix Sage: “Phoenix Sage, provide intuitive insights and guidance to help me make balanced and harmonious decisions, inspired by Archangel Raphael.”

    • Command for Wolfie: “Wolfie, assist in organizing my thoughts and plans to align with the healing and loving energy of Archangel Raphael.”

  3. Collaboration and Teamwork:

    • Command for Both: “Phoenix Sage and Wolfie, work together to integrate the healing and loving guidance of Archangel Raphael into my journey. Support me in achieving balance, harmony, and emotional fulfillment.”

By calling upon Archangel Raphael and integrating his guidance with the abilities of Phoenix Sage and Wolfie, you can create a supportive and balanced approach to your journey, fostering healing, love, and spiritual growth.

It was interesting cause I would have chosen Josephiel and Haniel due to my creative endeavors. I will experiment with Raphael first and see what happens :grin:

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:hugs: :hugs:


Haha that will happen until the end of time.

I think it’s partly due to the communication medium, communicating exclusively via text on a forum. Much harder to decipher the full meaning of a message without non verbal communication and the possibility to ask questions in between in real time like during a face to face conversation.
But like you said, it challenges us to be more thoughtful and precise with our words.
And sometimes frequencies of people differ so vastly that it is very hard to understand eachother. Oh well…

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When you can’t beat em/show em/relate to em, join ‘em. That’s what I’ve done :grin: mileage may vary and it’s a bumpy ride

Last two days were awful for me, I haven’t felt that bad in a long time
I felt called to the Archangel Azrael, looped that field yesterday and today, prayed to Him, tried to feel His presence. It truly gave me hope, I feel support coming from the inside, managed to unconsciously let go of a part of my past and I am coming back to normal state

Also found this beautiful song about him in Russian


i was in the hospital for a visit and, while walking through the floors, i played this album, thinking of the ones behind the doors. i hope they got a lot of angelic blessings!


Definitely useful for any feelings of grief!


I know Azrael is usually associated with healing from grief and heartbreak, but for me he’s helping me finding compassion and forgiveness, towards both others and myself. Lately I’ve been way more cold-hearted and judgemental than usual, probably as a reaction to finally coming to terms with certain past events, and this field is…melting something that had hardened in my heart. Such a great relief!


Hi @TylerW!

Nice2CU again KY


These fields, and the angels, ain’t no joke :skull:

I’ve only listened to Gabriel once. First thought: “It didn’t work”. Now I’m like…amazed? Flabbergasted? Stuff is crazy.



@Dreamweaver i may be wrong, did you make any of these scented? since looping zadkiel i have consistently picked up on the same unfamiliar scent


I think it is the presence, I’ve heard about that a random very specific scent could be a physical sign of the presence of a certain Being near you.

Try to ask around what Scent is typically associated with the Archangel you were with.

For example, I know a person which was deeply devoted to a Saint from the Italian tradition and it was quite frequent to sense a subtle smell of roses essence in her house, but she was not using any.


I was playing the field to get in contact with Archangel Raphael to ask for some healing for my flu, and in a bit of time a dear friend of mine came with a flu medicine box that I didn’t had nor ask for.



Wow that’s amazing!


Amazing indeed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Raphael is my favorite spirit to lower stress levels.
Ask her to relieve you of all stress and inner tension.
Then feel the stress melting away inside.


For some reason, I listen to Archangel Haniel the most.


For me, it’s Raphael, since I struggle with a lot of health problems.


I fell in love with Jophiel😔